...Long perpetuated by the ‘anti-war’ left and libertarian groups using such aspersions to incriminate the US government for 9/11 – the fable of the CIA-Bin Laden link is often accepted as an inconvenient truth. I personally cannot count on both hands the number of times, within political and non-political circles, I’ve heard, “Yeah but we made him, right?” Wrong.
The real inconvenience is foisted upon us rationalists in seemingly having to spend half our time listening to crack-pot conspiracy theorists and the other half debunking them. I wouldn’t usually waste my breath but since such spurious allegations have penetrated even the mainstream media – it’s essential that we put paid to these unsubstantiated claims.
The most overt proponent of this view is Michael Moore, the man behind ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ and ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’. He proclaimed on September 12th 2001, “WE created the monster known as Osama bin Laden!” Moore also stated that Bin Laden ‘went to school at the CIA’. In no uncertain terms, this statement is a preposterous, intentional lie....
ARGH. I cannot stand when people say "we funded the Taliban". NO WE DID NOT. >> bit.ly/io2mLf #bbcqt
— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemJKassam) June 13, 2013