◼ The words “climate” and “global warming” do not appear in the State of the Union Address - wattsupwiththat.com
◼ SOTU Speech In One Sentence - legalinsurrection
◼ SOTU Response: Ryan Knocks It Out Of The Park - strata-sphere
◼ Barack Obama's State of the Union speech in 90 seconds [Biff Spackle] - directorblue
◼ Rep Paul Ryan responds to Obama’s healing speech of moderation and fiscal responsibility, previewed in one word. - proteinwisdom
◼ The Most Offensive Line in the State of the Union - patterico
◼ Obama’s SOTU Address – One Of The Worst - floppingaces
◼ Bloomberg - FACT CHECK: Obama and his imbalanced ledger - bloomberg
Day After:
◼ Mike Thompson's take: North Coast congressman responds to State of the Union speech
◼ Chief Medicare Actuary Rips Obamacare In House Budget Committee Testimony - yidwithlid
◼ OMG!… Obama Uses Another Bogus Case Study to Defend Obamacare at SOTU - gatewaypundit
◼ Reid not happy about Obama’s earmark ban pledge. - redstate
◼ Obama's Plan Would Cost Another $20 Billion - Group says his proposals would lead to higher taxes - USNews
◼ Obama address viewership falls from last year - insidetv
◼ EDITORIAL: Obama’s spaced out speech - washingtontimes
◼ Obama's Spending Freeze Just 'Spare Change': Roubini - cnbc
◼ Obama's Praise of China 'Low Point' in Speech: Trump - cnbc
◼ The State of Confusion Address. - Blogmocracy