Do you have an hour or an afternoon??? New and seasoned members have so much talent and imagination and are invited to help with a variety of great projects, large and small. When we offer time, we get to help with the goals of supporting our values and principles, plus we have fun. The “Diamond Award” is the result of many members participating. We are starting a list of people to call when things come along and we would love to hear the types of things you may choose to help with. May we include you????
Some ideas: Greeting guests at meetings and events, rides for members, putting on parties or organizing them, finding fun locations for events, baking, decorations, posters, registering voters, hostess ideas, helping with fair booths, the Spring Tea, or on various committees, writing, reading, calls to members, extra help at our tables such as membership, cookbooks, selling tickets, “Ways and Means” prize donations or ticket sale (this is our monthly fundraiser), helping with a “big ticket” event, newsletter mailings (once a month for about 2 hours), or your ideas for the club—let us know! Get excited and take part! Fun is contagious!
Please call or email questions and information.
Debbie Walker – 441-1126 – ◼ E-MAIL or
Chris Wennerholm - 725-2020 – ◼ E-MAIL