We are currently facing the loss of pulp mills, 50-year old infrastructure, challenges to water rights, operating cost increases and customer rate increases.
In order to address these issues, we developed our “Water Resource Planning,” an innovative process in which an Advisory Committee was formed, individuals were selected from various segments of the community to learn about the issues, help educate the public, develop options and make recommendations to the HBMWD Board.
The District is looking for input to help answer how our community wants us to protect and use our water resource while addressing the issues of our water rights and water rates.
We have held several public workshops and there will be more in the coming months. The district’s Web page covers these workshops and goes into detail about the issues. If you would like more information, go to www.hbmwd.com and click on the blue Water Resource Planning box at the bottom of the page and go with the FLOW. by Barbara Hecathorn