Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Education Report

Although times are discouraging in the financial and moral fiber of our great nation, take heart. Obamanation should be over in three more years. By then the half of America that brought this plague onto us will have come to their senses and vote this pathetic “empty (intellectually and morally) shirt” out of office, along with the criminals, fanatic-America-hating bigots, and terrorists he has installed without Senate or public vetting. Look to gain many seats in next year’s Congressional and Senatorial elections. In the meantime, talk common sense to everyone you encounter and stay strong.

Cleaning up the White House has come to be the Republicans’ job. This next time, the mess will be so widespread and entrenched it will make cleaning up the Clinton White House look like a one-day job for Merry Maids. When Obama leaves, we will need heavy equipment and some highly skilled people to unravel the mess of legislation imposed upon us. There will suffer casualties in the meantime if their ‘healthcare’ bill makes it through the Senate. Rationing will be the treatment of choice and anyone outside the 18-40 year-old age range will suffer and some will die prematurely. One study said if Obamacare becomes law, 40% of today’s physicians will retire rather than see their profession be demoted to a lowlevel civil servant job. Can you say rationing with a capital R?

Take heart! There are a few things we can all do to make the need for medical attention less likely… (1) get back to a healthy weight. Not fun, but very effective. Cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes would nosedive to at least 50% of current estimates, (2) get off the coach and exercise, walking being the easiest and most cost-effective, but do whatever catches your fancy! Exercise is a proven boast to emotional health as well, (3) turn off the TV and reconnect with family and friends (don’t forget our furry friends who always accept us with a big slurpy greeting), (4) read a book for fun, listen to your favorite genre of music, cook up something fun and healthy, take your camera on your next walk and snap that new masterpiece… just use your imagination and do something each day that brings you pure, unadulterated joy!

We all need to “man-up”, yes ladies, we as well, and develop a thick skin to survive this ideous plague brought to us by the media-anointed one! The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years. Surely we can endure three more years! by Sheryl Fearrie