Tuesday, September 1, 2009

California Legislation

AB 32 is a job killer. This is not new in Sacramento. Those we send to represent us have been killing jobs in the State since 2001. There have been at least 100 bills and thousands of regulations that stifle businesses and they are the reason so many businesses have left California.

Our state is losing 8 to 10 manufacturing jobs a year. A Fremont manufacturing company is following GM’s path and will vacate their facility. It is clear that State policy makers don’t produce a comfortable environment for business. Uncertainty, regulatory costs and taxes are simply too high in California.

If the legislators get their way, the cost of Workers Compensation will skyrocket causing more jobs to be lost and businesses to leave the State. The cost of Workman’s Comp in Nevada is capped and is, at a minimum, 30% less than our state.

New taxes are being proposed because the State Unemployment Fund is broke. It will need over $17 billion by the end of next year. In plain English, this means an automatic $17 billion tax increase to businesses. There is currently a $2 billion tax hike being proposed, including taxes on everything from gas, internet purchases and vehicle license fees. This would have devastating impact on small business retailers. Another proposal targets oil and energy companies. According to the state’s nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s office, this will eliminate up to 10,000 well-paying jobs.

And Democrats are supposed to be for the working man. Who do they think work in businesses? A real mess, wouldn’t you say? It will continue until voters wake up and smell the stench coming out of Sacramento. by Vee Sorenso