Thursday, January 1, 2009

President’s Message - January 2009

Typically we think of election years as most significant periods for Eureka Republican Women Federated as we work in support of Republican campaigns. Starting this month with the installation of President Obama who presented his candidacy as the very essence of change we are looking at a real need for change in our thinking. Contrasts between his administration’s purposes and our convictions indicates that this needs to be a hard working year for us. There is need to be vigilant in watching legislation and to react as best serves our conservative principles. There’s a bill introduced to recycle The Fairness Doctrine (which is anything but fair) and Obama comes to office with a huge commitment to Planned Parenthood. Watch for pandering to ACORN, a supposed community action organization that functions on the taxpayers’ dime mostly as a radical extension of the Democrat party. We will need to write, fax, telephone, and be as visible as possible if we are to best represent and defend our core beliefs.

More immediately we have a change in time and place for our January meeting. Meeting date is Thurs. January 22 at the Elk Lodge at noon . Members, guests and the public are encouraged to bring cans or plastic containers of food to contribute to Food for People. BY COLLEEN HEDRICK