Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year!
I trust all of you had a joyous holiday season. The Humboldt County Republican Party is starting fast and furious. As Chairman, I have laid out the following four building blocks for 2009:

◼ Voter Registration, voter registration, voter registration: Voter registration amongst both political parties has been declining. We must reach out to those voters who may have switched party affiliations or who have yet to register and effectively communicate our message of less government and no new taxes.

◼ Fundraising within Humboldt County: a strategy that is aggressive at providing the necessary donations to our party to sustain our programs and goal of achieving a majority.

◼ Committee organization: this includes the establishment of bylaws and other regulations that will govern the central committee and its effectiveness within Humboldt County.

◼ Candidate Recruitment: We have several events on the horizon; the most important is our
Republican of the Year Dinner which will be held on Tuesday, February 17. This year, Joy Finley will be our honoree. Joy has worked tirelessly for Republicans for many years, serving most recently as president of Eureka Republican Women, and also Chairman of the Humboldt County Republican Party. Please plan to join us as we celebrate Joy’s enthusiastic volunteerism! This event will be held at the Fortuna River Lodge and the catering will be provided by Avalon; lease watch your mailbox and your inbox for more information.

We are also working on a special event in April- Peter Foy; Chairman of Americans for Prosperity will be our guest. Americans for Prosperity is the premier tax fighting organization in the state. Mr. Foy has been traveling the state holding press conferences with a giant ATM—
“already taxed to the max.” Learn more at by Patricia Welch, Chairman