January 17 Northern Division Leadership Seminar Courtyard by Marriot in Fairfield
January 22 ERWF Luncheon, Elks Lodge, Eureka
Feb. 6-8 CFRW Winter Conference, San Luis Obispo
Reservations are still being accepted: Courtyard Marriott at 805-786-4200 Conference package is $150, due by January 23rd. Please call Colleen Hedrick 268-0101 or email at Colleen1516@sbcglobal.net if you want additional information.
Feb. 17 CFRW Northern Leadership Workshop, Fairfield
Feb. 17 Humboldt County Republican of the Year Dinner, honoring Joy Finley - River Lodge, Fortuna
Mar. 13-14 Northern Division Spring Conference, Redding
May 3-5 CFRW 34th Advocacy Workshop and Spring 2009 Board Meeting Hyatt Regency at Capitol Park, Sacramento