How can we best utilize our natural energy resources?
Did you know that Japan has 29 liquefied gas receiving stations - we have 4?
Listen to a scientist, who will give us a world wide picture of THE HYDROCARBON AGE: Oil, Natural Gas and other Energy Sources. Don’t miss our next meeting on Friday, March 11th, when Dr. Alistair McCrone will address us on the above issues. Let us stay informed on a subject which is of vital concern to the world populations!
Dr. McCrone is the immediate past President and Professor of Geology at Humboldt State University (1974 to 2002), and has been widely recognized for his research and contributions in the field of geology.
He started his career as a well site geologist with the British American Oil company, and then became field geologist and Field Party Chief with Shell Oil Company in northwestern Canada. His
numerous awards and recognitions have included presiding over the New York University Chapter of Sigma Xi, the science honorary association; the 2000 Erasmus Haworth Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Kansas, and the Golden Dozen Award from Humboldt State University.
In his retirement Dr. McCrone continues as an active member of science-related and civic organizations. He reads avidly especially matters relating to his field of expertise, and history. He enjoys playing golf. Dr McCrone’s wife, Judith, is a member of ERWF. Their three adult children, two sons and a daughter, and their four grandchildren all reside in Seattle.