PROBLEM: We have learned recently, Congressman Mike Thompson with the support of Senators Boxer and Feinstein, has introduced House Resolution 233, the so-called “Northern California Wildneress Act”. This would restrict public access to thousands of acres of public lands in Northern California. It would increase wilderness acreage in Del Norte and Siskiyou Counties by 39,000 acres.
This area already has 152,000 acres of public land under lock and key. Opposing this extraordinarily harmful measure is Republican State Senator Aanestad. Mr. Aanestad represents this area. The Senator has forwarded a letter of opposition to Republican Congressman Richard Pombo, Chairman of the House Resource Committee. Mr. Pombo is Republican State Senator Aanestad, who represents this area.
SUGGESTED ACTION: Express your opposition by contacting Congressman Thompson and Senators Boxer and Feinstein. Also express your concerns to Congressman Pombo at
RESIGNATION: John Danforth, US Ambassador to the United Nations, is resigning and there is an organization pushing for the selection of magazine editor and conservative icon, Steve Forbes. The organization “Move America Forward”, wants someone to represent the US at the UN who is smart, tough, and not afraid to fight the Anti-American zealots at the UN. I personally spent time with and was on the payroll of Mr. Forbes during his Presidential bid and cannot think of a better choice. He is a brilliant man who loves America and would be an outstanding person reresenting us at the UN. To get an idea of how M r. Forb es feels about the UN, read “Steve Forbes: Expel Murderous UN From New York.” http:/
SUGGESTED ACTION: E-mail President Bush and Vice President Cheney and let them know you want
someone of the caliber of Mr. Forbes to be fighting for American interests at the UN. and VEE SORENSON