Democrats fear Russia probe blowback
— POLITICO (@politico) August 5, 2017
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Democrats fear Russia probe blowback
Mattress Girl "has dined out on dubious victimhood for years, and it's high time she was discredited."
Yes, really => NPR Refers to False Rape Accuser as a 'Survivor'
— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) August 5, 2017
Mattress Girl "has dined out on dubious victimhood for years, and it's high time she was discredited." #tcot
— IBDeditorials (@IBDeditorials) August 5, 2017
Government spends $2 million to build a tiny bathroom ... WATCH:
Only government spends $2 million on a tiny bathroom in a park. I investigate for my newest Stossel-on-Reason video:
— John Stossel (@JohnStossel) August 4, 2017
Republicans Are So Unpopular That They Control More Politically Today Than They Ever Have in American History
Election 2016: County-Level Results, Mapped in 3D
— Kate (@KateIsla2) August 5, 2017
This 2016 visualization is incredible
— Liam Donovan (@LPDonovan) August 5, 2017
Republicans Are So Unpopular That They Control More Politically Today Than They Ever Have in American History
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) August 4, 2017
To make it easier to understand: #SinglePayer health insurance is letting a clerk at the #DMV decide whether you get heart surgery or not.
To make it easier to understand: #SinglePayer health insurance is letting a clerk at the #DMV decide whether you get heart surgery or not.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 5, 2017
Gore’s new movie: an ‘inconvenient bomb’ at the box office
Al Gore's climate change sequel bombs at the box office
— The Hill (@thehill) August 7, 2017
Gore’s new movie: an ‘inconvenient bomb’ at the box office
— Watts Up With That (@wattsupwiththat) August 1, 2017
Who’s really lying on climate change? Hint: Their first names are Jerry and Arnold
Who’s really lying on climate change? Hint: Their first names are Jerry and Arnold
— Watts Up With That (@wattsupwiththat) August 4, 2017
Arnold Schwarzenegger really should be careful about calling people liars. Especially when he’s trying to pass off faith as scientific fact.
Maybe you saw the former governor and erstwhile action star berating conservatives the other day for refusing to accept his view that the answer to climate change is the heavy hand of government....
Friday, August 4, 2017
Republican donor sues GOP for fraud over broken promise to repeal ObamaCare
Republican donor sues GOP for fraud over broken promise to repeal ObamaCare
— The Hill (@thehill) August 4, 2017
GREAT AGAIN: U.S. Created 209,000 Jobs in July, Crushing Expectations...1 Million Total in Trump’s First Six Months
W I N N I N G ! U.S. Created 209,000 Jobs in July, Crushing Expectations
— Johnny Graham (@JohnnyFr8trane) August 4, 2017
...1 Million Total in Trump’s First Six Months
— Bridget Bosch (@murphycat2012) August 4, 2017
Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins reveal cuts to Planned Parenthood is why they sunk Obamacare's repeal
Collins, Murkowski: We Sunk Skinny Repeal to Protect Planned Parenthood
— (@townhallcom) August 7, 2017
Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins reveal cuts to Planned Parenthood is why they sunk Obamacare's repeal
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) August 4, 2017
Treasury Inspector General Outlines A Brand New (Obama) IRS Scandal
Treasury Inspector General Outlines A Brand New (Obama) IRS Scandal
— Jeff Dunetz (@yidwithlid) August 4, 2017
Thank you to the fearless men and women of the Coast Guard for your service. Happy birthday, @USCG!
Thank you to the fearless men and women of the Coast Guard for your service. Happy birthday, @USCG!
— GOP (@GOP) August 4, 2017
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Senate confirms 65 Trump nominees on last day before August break
Senate confirms 65 Trump nominees on last day before August break
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) August 4, 2017
Court Rules That Medical Marijuana Card Holders Can’t Buy Firearms
Court Rules that Medical Marijuana Card Holders Can’t Buy Firearms #USA #firearms #MMJ
— Cannabis Culture (@CannabisCulture) September 3, 2016
At Trump rally, the Governor of West Virginia just announced he's switching his party registration to Republican tomorrow.
As expected, the Governor of West Virginia, at a Trump rally, just announced he's switching his party registration to Republican tomorrow.
— Yashar Ali (@yashar) August 3, 2017
West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice is switching parties and here's why by @MichaelBarone
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) August 4, 2017
There are thousands of people, a MASSIVE crowd here to see President Trump in Huntington, WV tonight! We are LIVE:
— RSBN TV (@RSBNetwork) August 3, 2017
Not an empty seat in Huntington for the #TrumpRally. @POTUS can still fill it up. WATCH LIVE:
— RSBN TV (@RSBNetwork) August 3, 2017
West Virginia's Governor became a Republican and @ABCWorldNews and @NBCNightlyNews couldn't care less #TTT
— NewsBusters (@newsbusters) August 4, 2017
Trump: Dems making Russia collusion accusations are "trying to cheat you out of the future you want"
— The Hill (@thehill) August 4, 2017
Media Ignores Fed Lawsuit by Dems Accusing DNC, Wasserman Schultz of Fraud - Judicial Watch
RT @chasrmartin: Media Ignores Fed Lawsuit by Dems Accusing DNC, Wasserman Schultz of Fraud - Judicial Watch
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) August 4, 2017
The mainstream media is conspicuously ignoring a newsworthy class-action lawsuit accusing the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Florida congresswoman—Debbie Wasserman Schultz—who chaired it of fraud for skewing the party’s primaries to benefit Hillary Clinton. The drama is playing out in a south Florida federal court where 150 Democratic voters and donors are also accusing their party and Wasserman Schultz of breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, unjust enrichment, and negligent misrepresentation for secretly helping Clinton get the presidential nomination over Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.
“Despite the requirements in the Charter, and in spite of the multiple public declarations of neutrality and impartiality with respect to the Democratic primary process, the DNC was not neutral,” a 35-page complaint states. “To the contrary, the DNC was biased in favor of one candidate – Hillary Clinton (“Clinton”) – from the beginning and throughout the process. The DNC devoted its considerable resources to supporting Clinton above any of the other Democratic candidates. Through its public claims to being neutral and impartial, the DNC actively concealed its bias from its own donors as well as donors to the campaigns of Clinton’s rivals, including Bernie Sanders (“Sanders”).
The scandal broke when leaked DNC electronic mail showed that the committee favored and backed Clinton instead of Sanders during the primary. Wasserman Schultz resigned in disgrace as DNC chair, was publicly blasted by Sanders supporters and didn’t gavel in the party convention last summer in Philadelphia....
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Fixing immigration could save the nation $300B per year
"This is what President Trump campaigned push forward merit based immigration reform," Stephen Miller opens @WhiteHouse briefing
— Elizabeth Landers (@ElizLanders) August 2, 2017
Stephen Miller: Fixing immigration could save the nation $300B per year
— FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) August 2, 2017
Miller: "To whom is our duty? Our duty is to U.S. citizens and U.S. workers to promote rising wages for them."
— Fox News (@FoxNews) August 2, 2017
Stephen Miller: "Australia has a points-based system. Canada has a points-based system."
— Fox News (@FoxNews) August 2, 2017
Stephen Miller: "If low-skilled immigration was an unalloyed good for the economy, then why have we been growing at 1.5%?"
— FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) August 2, 2017
White House adviser tussles with NYT reporter: Maybe we'll make a carve out so the NYT can hire all the low-skill workers they want
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) August 2, 2017
REACTIONARY WATCH> @GlennThrush may be the worst @nytimes reporter since Walter Duranty. #sayingalot
— Roger Simon (@rogerlsimon) August 2, 2017
We need to clone Stephen Miller and appoint him to every cabinet position.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) August 2, 2017
Trump Signs Bill Sanctioning Russia
Trump Signs Bill Sanctioning Russia via @xan_desanctis
— National Review (@NRO) August 2, 2017
President Trump: Sanctions bill remains "seriously flawed"; @RichardGrenell discusses.
— Fox News (@FoxNews) August 2, 2017
Trump Announces Immigration Reform With Merit-Based System for Green Cards
Trump Announces Immigration Reform With Merit-Based System for Green Cards
— IJR Politics (@TheIJRPolitics) August 2, 2017
JUST IN: Democrats fume at Trump's sanctions statement
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) August 2, 2017
Australia Weather Bureau Caught Tampering With Climate Numbers
Australia’s BoM faces storm over weather data inaccuracies
— Watts Up With That (@wattsupwiththat) August 2, 2017
Australia Weather Bureau Caught Tampering With Climate Numbers
— Watts Up With That (@wattsupwiththat) August 2, 2017
Calexit leader to Tucker: It's good that the middle class is leaving California, so we can replace them with new immigrants
Calexit leader to Tucker: It's good that the mid class is leaving Cali., so we can replace them with new immigrants
— Herman Cain (@THEHermanCain) August 2, 2017
Lee, who said he talks to the president "very regularly," recalled being "stirred" by Trump's insistence in his inaugural address that his election represented a moment where power would be transfered "from Washington D.C. back to the American people."
Mike Lee admits what he got wrong about Trump by @emilyjashinsky
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) August 2, 2017
DOW 22,000!
Under Trump, the market closed at all-time highs on 7 days in June, 8 days in July and 2 days already in August.
— Ryan Struyk (@ryanstruyk) August 2, 2017
Monday, July 31, 2017
Mr. McCain Goes to Washington
Mr. McCain Goes to Washington He Acted Like the Politicians Who Tell Voters One Thing, Do Another
— John Fund (@johnfund) July 30, 2017
Scaramucci out as White House Communications Director
.@jonathanvswan reports that Kelly broke the news to Scaramucci almost immediately after being sworn in.
— Axios (@axios) July 31, 2017
To summarize: Spicer quit because of Scaramucci, who took down Priebus, who was replaced by Kelly, who took down Scaramucci.
— Paul Farhi (@farhip) July 31, 2017
The White House delivers a statement on Scaramucci
— Axios (@axios) July 31, 2017
Under the US sanctions, all of Maduro's assets in the US are frozen, and Americans are barred from financial transactions with him.
Mnuchin is announcing sanctions against Maduro himself, who McMaster just called a dictator
— Rosie Gray (@RosieGray) July 31, 2017
Fast & bold move by @realDonaldTrump on the chaos in Venezuela. Kudos.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) July 31, 2017
McMaster: @POTUS is calling on Maduro to hold free and fair elections.
— Fox News (@FoxNews) July 31, 2017
"What we're seeing in Venezuela is not a coup, it's an oppression of the Venezuelan people" -H.R. McMaster
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) July 31, 2017
I do not think the Obama administration would have acted this quickly (or ever).
— Drew McCoy (@_Drew_McCoy_) July 31, 2017
Um...this is actually what a normal presidency would be like
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) July 31, 2017
Under the US sanctions, all of Maduro's assets in the US are frozen, and Americans are barred from financial transactions with him.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) July 31, 2017
“Clarity,” the prime minister says, and the hope for a more decisive approach is the reason why he and other Arab leaders prefer Trump,
Why the Middle East hated Obama but loves Trump
— POLITICO 45 (@politico_45) July 31, 2017
Russia won in Syria thanks to President Barack Obama’s inaction. The Middle East unraveling of the past decade is due in no small part to America not listening to her allies in the region. Never mind President Donald Trump’s Muslim-bashing rhetoric, he may just be a better partner.
For months, leaders of America's Arab allies in the Mideast have telegraphed this view of the world, and it helps explain why the gilded palaces of the troubled, war-torn region are the few places on the planet — outside Russia — where Trump has been more popular than the president he succeeded....
“Clarity,” the prime minister says, and the hope for a more decisive approach is the reason why he and other Arab leaders prefer Trump, despite the bombast and uncertainty the first six months of his presidency have unleashed. Unstated, but by all accounts just as significant, is the expectation that Trump will take a more hawkish approach toward Syria’s backers in Iran, and Hariri repeatedly brought up concessions Obama made toward Tehran to get his nuclear deal as an example of how the U.S. lost its way in the region....
#DNC collusion with #MuslimBrotherhood and #ObamaGate are the two most important stories in America today
Dems don’t want you to find out who paid for the political hit job, writes @KimStrassel
— WSJ Editorial Page (@WSJopinion) July 28, 2017
Republicans call for second special counsel to probe @HillaryClinton, @AGLynch and more
— Fox News (@FoxNews) July 30, 2017
#DNC collusion with #MuslimBrotherhood and #ObamaGate are the two most important stories in America today
— Days Of Trump (@DaysOfTrump) July 31, 2017
ICYMI: Trump Dossier Firm Worked With Media Outlets Now Giving The Firm A Pass
— Peter J. Hasson (@peterjhasson) July 31, 2017
Now atop @PJMedia_com: Time for conservatives to push back, hard. Our nation is at stake:
— Mícheál Breathnach (@dkahanerules) July 30, 2017
— Patriot26 (@Patriot261) July 30, 2017
Report: Debbie Wasserman Schultz might have paid staffer outside U.S.
— Fox News (@FoxNews) July 30, 2017
U.S. Stock Market up almost 20% since Election!
U.S. Stock Market up almost 20% since Election!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2017
.@POTUS has been rolling back the heavy hand of government & has been signing laws to cut through federal red tape and we're seeing results.
— Vice President Pence (@VP) July 29, 2017
61% of Americans say the Democratic Party “too often sees government as the only way to solve problems”
61% of Americans say the Democratic Party “too often sees government as the only way to solve problems”
— Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) July 31, 2017
With OPEC Weakening, World Energy Now Pits Russia Versus U.S.
With OPEC Weakening, World Energy Now Pits Russia Versus U.S.
— Watts Up With That (@wattsupwiththat) July 31, 2017
Sunday, July 30, 2017
#politicon dispatch:
— Saba Hamedy (@saba_h) July 31, 2017
The third annual event, held in Pasadena, California, drew in thousands of political commentators, journalists, celebrities and politics nerds from across the US.
During a panel entitled "Censorship on Campus," leftist protestors (2 dressed in Nazi garb) tried to shout down @AnnCoulter. #Politicon2017
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 29, 2017
The @benshapiro vs @cenkuygur debate has been moved to Civic Auditorium due to the sheer size of the crowd. #Politicon2017
— Politicon (@Politicon) July 31, 2017
Happening now: @realDailyWire's @benshapiro debates @TheYoungTurks' @cenkuygur before an audience of approximately 3,000. #Politicon2017
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 31, 2017
Citing roads (small part of fed budget) to justify massive tax hikes = intellectual dishonesty, @benshapiro tells @cenkuygur. #Politicon2017
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 31, 2017
.@cenkuygur: Medicare for all. All Americans pay for it. @benshapiro: Medicare is a redistributive program. #Politicon2017
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 31, 2017
Socialism takes resources and redistributes them. It doesn't allow for growth and innovation, says @benshapiro. #Politicon2017
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 30, 2017
.@Johnnydontlike leads a "Now What, Republicans?" discussion with @DennisPrager @davidfrum @MichaelSteele and @TomiLahren. #Politicon2017
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 30, 2017
Conservatives need to do a better job of making the case for limited government, says @TomiLahren. #Politicon2017
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 30, 2017
Obamacare is a road to single-payer healthcare, says @DennisPrager, adding that Europe is the liberals' model. #Politicon2017
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 30, 2017
Another one from @DennisPrager: "The fascists in America are all on the left." #Politicon2017
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 30, 2017
Audience member just confronted @BradSherman with the @DWStweets IT story. #Politicon2017
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 30, 2017
Happening now at #Politicon2017: "@realDonaldTrump and the Giant Impeachment" with @PaulBegala and @BradSherman.
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 30, 2017
.@charliekirk11 notes @realDonaldTrump is the first GOP president to openly support gay marriage. #Politicon2017 #millennials
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 30, 2017
.@guypbenson on the GOP's failed promise to repeal #Obamacare: "pathetic." #Politicon2017
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 30, 2017
We're back for Day 2 of #Politicon2017!
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 30, 2017
Here's @TPUSA's panel "Bringing Conservatism Back to Millennials."
.@AnnCoulter and @AnaKasparian ended their discussion trading views on marijuana policy. #Politicon2017
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 30, 2017
.@AnnCoulter counters @AnaKasparian's point that illegal immigrants don't get government assistance. #Politicon2017
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 30, 2017
.@AnnCoulter is now debating @AnaKasparian from @TheYoungTurks. #Politicon2017
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 30, 2017
Republicans let the American people down on #Obamacare, says @TomiLahren. #Politicon2017
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 29, 2017
CNN hosted a panel at Politicon. Here is who showed up.
— Mike Cernovich 🇺🇸 (@Cernovich) July 29, 2017
#Politicon2017 starts today! For more about @Politicon, the unconventional political convention, head to
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) July 29, 2017
Venezuela: 'The election was fake - but the violence was real' - 17 murdered by #Maduro mercenaries
"The beginning of the end for Maduro's Venezuela?"
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) July 31, 2017
Report: Military took 14 people out of apartment building, lined them up at wall, shot and killed them. #Venezuela
— The Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) July 30, 2017
Candidate for Assembly, Three Others Killed in Venezuela on Election Day #trending
— #PJMedia (@PJMedia_com) July 30, 2017
Horrifying scenes out of #Venezuela . Prayers for all stuck in the midst of the murderous regime. #SOSVenezuela
— Teri Peters (@hipEchik) July 31, 2017
#StopMaduro and his criminal communist regime protest in #Hollywood, #California
— RalphGM (@RalphGMWorks) July 30, 2017
As he brings economic cataclysm to his country, Venezuela's Maduro seems to be modeling himself on Zimbabwe's Mugabe
— Kenneth Roth (@KenRoth) July 31, 2017
'The election was fake - but the violence was real' - 17 murdered by #Maduro mercenaries- #Venezuela's #BloodySunday
— Alexblx (@Alexblx) July 31, 2017
Que bueno! Ya ni que coño como vainas de OEA UNASUR CELAC!
— daniel duquenal (@danielduquenal) July 31, 2017
Se reunen los que cuentan y deciden lo que van a hacer y como ejecutarlo.
Deadly election day in #Venezuela as protesters clash with troops via @CNN #SOSVenezuela
— Teri Peters (@hipEchik) July 31, 2017
US Condemns Elections in Venezuela - Promises Strong and Swift Action Against Authoritarian Regime
— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) July 31, 2017
Republicans didn’t have to vote for cap and trade
#Capandtrade support gives #CAGOP losing argument that it supported fuel cost hikes to save us from even worse taxes
— (@HJTA) July 31, 2017
Republican refusal to give in to the type of extortion reflected in the cap-and-trade bill may very well have forced the Democrats into approving a CARB-style bureaucracy with a simple majority vote — which, by the way, might still happen. The far-left of the Democratic Party may have cheered but, for Republicans, it would open up vast new demographics — working Hispanics, other ethnic groups and recent immigrants — for whom just a few more cents in a gallon of gas is a big deal.
Unfailing opposition to the deal by Republicans would have provided something else almost always absent from California politics — clarity and accountability. When gas prices go through the roof — which they surely will — there would be no doubt which party to blame.
But we’ll never know as it will be difficult, if not impossible, to repair the damage and restore the Republican brand. Thus the odds of Republicans gaining seats in any of the next four election cycles (thanks to redistricting in 2022) are now in doubt. And for what? So Republicans can now adopt the losing argument that they voted for increased fuel costs to save taxpayers from even higher prices? What ordinary voting taxpayer is going to buy that argument?
Can a president without a party govern?
Can a president without a party govern?
...From the start of his unconventional campaign two years ago, Trump has been more of a populist than a Republican, from his combative style to his protectionist stance on trade. His ability to reach voters drawn by his personal appeal rather than his party affiliation has been a source of his political strength and possibility in a nation where allegiance to both Republicans and Democrats has eroded.
But the most disruptive week of a disruptive presidency is testing whether other elected Republicans will continue to back him up, and whether he can govern if they don't.
Trump, whose tenure already has worn out use of the word "unprecedented," is ignoring some lessons of history about what presidents need to do to get things done....