Saturday, February 4, 2017

Not just a war on women but a crime against humanity: the #Islamist treatment of Middle Eastern women.

A bitter truth, often glossed over in the name of "tradition," is the religious teachings and the responsibilities of a Muslim woman. Most glossed over is the violence that men are still allowed to inflict on their women in the name of their religion and culture on such a massive part of the planet.

This brutality not only takes place in ISIS-held territory but across most Muslim societies. All around you, you see women killed, molested, imprisoned, maimed and incarcerated while their men sugar-coat the abuse as "modesty", "honour", "divine law" or even "justice"....

Turkey last year presented a bill for tackling its widespread child-marriage issue: the Turkish government introduced a bill that pardons a rapist if he marries his victim. The victim is not consulted.

All forms of exploiting women are presented as divine law, sharia, in which women have no say, which they are unable to use in their own defence, and which they are forced to accept as their fate.

These are countries where men are not only permitted, but invited, to consider woman a pet -- to be killed, burned with acid, benzene or a weapon of choice supposedly to preserve a family's "honour".

These laws, put in place by the governments and the clergy, provide a safe escape for criminals, such as those who kill their women and claim it is in the name of "honour".

The deeper horror is that all these abuses -- child marriage, confinement, FGM, rape, torture, and legal discrimination -- have accomplices. These enablers are often well-meaning people from the West, "multiculturalists" who are reluctant to pass judgement on other people's customs no matter how brutal they might be....