Saturday, December 3, 2016

By the numbers Clinton v Trump

Putting aside Jill Stein’s quixotic effort to force a recount, the left has been loudest with its demands to dismantle the Electoral College.

After all it’s unfair: Hillary Clinton won the “popular vote” so she should win, right?


Our Founders in their infinite wisdom created the Electoral College to ensure the STATES were fairly represented. Why should one or two densely populated areas speak for the whole of the nation?

The following list of statistics has been making the rounds on the Internet and it should finally put an end to the argument as to why the Electoral College makes sense.

Share this with as many whiners as you can.

There are 3,141 counties in the United States.

Trump won 3,084 of them.
Clinton won 57.

There are 62 counties in New York State.

Trump won 46 of them.
Clinton won 16.

Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.

In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond)

Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.

The United States is comprised of 3, 797,000 square miles.

When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.

Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc) don’t and shouldn’t speak for the rest of our country.

Friday, December 2, 2016


Trump Picks Retired General ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis for Secretary of Defense

Obama’s giant student-loan con: The huge taxpayer bill for buying millennial votes is coming due

Democrats devised the government takeover of student loans as an entitlement that might never be repaid, though they sold it as a money saver. New evidence of this giant con arrives courtesy of a report this week by the Government Accountability Office that estimates the taxpayer losses at $108 billion and counting....

Thursday, December 1, 2016

1,000 U.S. jobs saved by Pres-Elect Trump – Carrier Stays

3 Reasons It Will Be Easy For Trump To Be President

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

California just passed a law regulating cow farts

Newsweek didn’t even read the contents of its ‘Madam President’ edition

It’s Time for Honest Talk about Muslim Immigration

Clinton spokesman scoffs at millionaires and billionaires in Trump's cabinet selections, but...

Trump says he's leaving his company "in total" to fully focus on presidency

"The shale revolution has undoubtedly put America on a path to becoming a global gas powerhouse."

OMG LOL! WATCH hilariously AWESOME video of man sobbing because TRUMP IS HORRIBLE

The House Is Working Extra Days in 2017 to Push Through Trump's Agenda

This was so so so obviously one of #TrumpsTraps and I can't believe the media walked right into it

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Pres-elect Trump launches "Thank You Tour" of rallies this week

Trump picks Elaine Chao for Secretary of Transportation

Trump makes deal with air conditioning manufacturer Carrier to keep jobs in US

"Why is this phenomenon of cutting off contact with friends and relatives so one-sided?"

...5. People on the right think that most people on the left are wrong; people on the left think that most people on the right are evil. Decades of labeling conservative positions as “hateful” and labeling conservative individuals as “sexist,” “intolerant,” “xenophobic,” “homophobic,” “racist,” and “bigoted” have had their desired effect....

Trump could bring real relief to America's coal communities

Washington Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New, Hidden, and Very Shady Group

THE WASHINGTON POST on Thursday night promoted the claims of a new, shadowy organization that smears dozens of U.S. news sites that are critical of U.S. foreign policy as being “routine peddlers of Russian propaganda.” The article by reporter Craig Timberg — headlined “Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say” — cites a report by an anonymous website calling itself PropOrNot, which claims that millions of Americans have been deceived this year in a massive Russian “misinformation campaign.”

The group’s list of Russian disinformation outlets includes WikiLeaks and the Drudge Report, as well as Clinton-critical left-wing websites such as Truthout, Black Agenda Report, Truthdig, and Naked Capitalism, as well as libertarian venues such as and the Ron Paul Institute....

In casting the group behind this website as “experts,” the Post described PropOrNot simply as “a nonpartisan collection of researchers with foreign policy, military and technology backgrounds.” Not one individual at the organization is named. The executive director is quoted, but only on the condition of anonymity, which the Post said it was providing the group “to avoid being targeted by Russia’s legions of skilled hackers.”

In other words, the individuals behind this newly created group are publicly branding journalists and news outlets as tools of Russian propaganda — even calling on the FBI to investigate them for espionage — while cowardly hiding their own identities. The group promoted by the Post thus embodies the toxic essence of Joseph McCarthy, but without the courage to attach individual names to the blacklist. Echoing the Wisconsin senator, the group refers to its lengthy collection of sites spouting Russian propaganda as “The List.”


Trump picks ObamaCare critic Tom Price to head the Department of Health and Human Services

Monday, November 28, 2016

Indonesian woman flogged for close proximity with a man...

An Indonesian woman screamed in agony Monday as she was caned in Aceh, the latest in a growing number of women to be publicly flogged for breaking the province's strict Islamic laws.

Aceh is the only province in the world's most populous Muslim-majority country that imposes sharia law. People can face floggings for a range of offences -- from gambling, to drinking alcohol, to gay sex.

In the latest caning, five people -- two women and three men -- were flogged in front of a cheering crowd at a mosque in the provincial capital Banda Aceh.

The 34-year-old woman who yelled in pain had been found guilty of spending time in close proximity with a man who was not her husband in contravention of Aceh's Islamic regulations.

She was lashed seven times with a rattan cane by a man wearing long robes and a hood, with just slits for the eyes.


Soros is a bad, bad guy. He is also committed to undermining nations, including this one and the democrats, the far left ones like Ellison and Pelosi, are more than willing to help. They all met and planned ways to continue the chaos- with the funding by Soros as the source.

George Soros spends millions on “small ball” - Truth and Common Sense

George Soros spends millions on “small ball”

WIKILEAKS Releases More Than Half A Million US Diplomatic Cables

"While others fawn, Trump buries Castro with the truth"

If this were a just world, 13 facts would be etched on Castro’s tombstone and highlighted in every obituary, as bullet points — a fitting metaphor for someone who used firing squads to murder thousands of his own people.

●He turned Cuba into a colony of the Soviet Union and nearly caused a nuclear holocaust.

●He sponsored terrorism wherever he could and allied himself with many of the worst dictators on earth.

●He was responsible for so many thousands of executions and disappearances in Cuba that a precise number is hard to reckon.

●He brooked no dissent and built concentration camps and prisons at an unprecedented rate, filling them to capacity, incarcerating a higher percentage of his own people than most other modern dictators, including Stalin.

●He condoned and encouraged torture and extrajudicial killings.

●He forced nearly 20 percent of his people into exile, and prompted thousands to meet their deaths at sea, unseen and uncounted, while fleeing from him in crude vessels.

●He claimed all property for himself and his henchmen, strangled food production and impoverished the vast majority of his people.

●He outlawed private enterprise and labor unions, wiped out Cuba’s large middle class and turned Cubans into slaves of the state.

●He persecuted gay people and tried to eradicate religion.

●He censored all means of expression and communication.

●He established a fraudulent school system that provided indoctrination rather than education, and created a two-tier health-care system, with inferior medical care for the majority of Cubans and superior care for himself and his oligarchy, and then claimed that all his repressive measures were absolutely necessary to ensure the survival of these two ostensibly “free” social welfare projects.

●He turned Cuba into a labyrinth of ruins and established an apartheid society in which millions of foreign visitors enjoyed rights and privileges forbidden to his people.

●He never apologized for any of his crimes and never stood trial for them.

In sum, Fidel Castro was the spitting image of Big Brother in George Orwell’s novel “1984.” So, adiós, Big Brother, king of all Cuban nightmares. And may your successor, Little Brother, soon slide off the bloody throne bequeathed to him.

Steepest drop in global temperature on record

Donald Trump to inherit ‘weak’ Army, military too small to win major wars, report finds

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday Funnies