3rd email shows CNN's Donna Brazile rigging Clinton v Sanders debate by leaking more questions to Clinton in advance https://t.co/v9ScXfB1zb pic.twitter.com/d1SpNQgl3n
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 31, 2016
Wikileaks Email: Donna Brazile Gave Hillary Camp. Debate Question Ahead of Time https://t.co/f1ePzAZ5qf #Trending via @pjmedia_com
— Nice Deb (@NiceDeb) October 31, 2016
“I never had access to questions & would never have shared them with the candidates if I did,” — Donna Brazile, October 9, 2016. pic.twitter.com/hrI4TNajWX
— Avi Asher-Schapiro (@AASchapiro) October 31, 2016
Sermons from the network of FAKE TOWN HALLS #CrookedMedia @BrianStelter pic.twitter.com/q4ap0WwEd5
— Tim Graham (@TimJGraham) October 31, 2016
Why isn't Hillary debate cheating a bigger deal? Ever a prior proven case of presidential debate cheating? https://t.co/JrQO6WtAZw pic.twitter.com/JxkRbjk6Ah
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) October 31, 2016
Donna Brazile's message to the world: "Be proud of cheating and lying! Laugh about it! Never apologize!"
— Deplorable AJ (@asamjulian) October 31, 2016
Disgusting person she is. pic.twitter.com/oWavAUocua
#tcot #news #variety CNN Drops Donna Brazile As Commentator After WikiLeaks Releases Email https://t.co/FF3avmICNN
— Patty (@littlebytesnews) November 1, 2016
White House defends Brazile after debate leak revelations https://t.co/OhTKBDRBT7 pic.twitter.com/An7uOcFd7A
— The Hill (@thehill) November 1, 2016