Thursday, February 18, 2016

The headline on the February cover of “wSieci” reads “ISLAMIC RAPE ON EUROPE,” with the sub headline: “Our report: what media and elites in Brussels hides from European Union citizens.”

“Economically, the situation is very serious,” Antoine Ravisse, a member of the Shipping Federation of the Port of Calais told Nord Littoral ”Calais is heading in the opposite direction to the wider world – businesses are closing, property prices are plummeting. We must stop the bleeding.”

Jean-Louis Foissey, also a member of the Shipping Federation said: “An exceptional situation calls for exceptional measures. The President hasn’t instigated a state of emergency – but the emergency exists!”

Comparing the situation to that of a natural disaster, another group member added: “We cannot wait, this is happening now.”


Definition: (SJW = Social Justice Warrior)