Gallup: NRA nears record approval rating at 58%
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 24, 2015
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Gallup: NRA nears record approval rating at 58%
California begins to reward residents who cut water use with rate increase to make up for lower water use
California begins to reward residents who cut water use with rate increase to make up for lower water use
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) October 22, 2015
After marathon Benghazi hearing, Sharyl Attkisson still has plenty of unanswered questions
After marathon Benghazi hearing, Sharyl Attkisson still has plenty of unanswered questions
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) October 23, 2015
Anybody else find it strange that it was alleged State Dept. met w/Islamic extremist terrorists before attacks ..then it was just dropped?
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) October 22, 2015
Here's 1 where military claims they were waiting for State Dept. to ask for help but nobody did: (series follows) @brithume @magicbravosolo
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) October 23, 2015
When Clinton says no assets could get there "in time"-- in time for what? It went on for more than 7 hrs and nobody knew when it would end.
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) October 23, 2015
Right. Because a lie isn't a lie if a Republican points it out. And Benghazi wasn't a scandal if GOP says it was
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) October 24, 2015
Oh history. You so crazy!
Oh history. You so crazy! #BenghaziCommittee #Hillary
— Caleb Howe (@CalebHowe) October 23, 2015
ICYMI ==> ‘Oh history. You so crazy!’ Something’s AWFUL familiar about Hillary’s #BenghaziHearing pose [photo]
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) October 23, 2015
'Picture tells a thousand words': NYTs page 1 take on Hillary's Benghazi hearing performance speaks volumes
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) October 23, 2015
'God help us': Cackling Hillary puts a 'truly evil' touch on Benghazi hearing [video]
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) October 23, 2015
Is it better to claim Social Security retirement benefits at 62, or to delay claiming benefits until later at 70?
Is it better to claim Social Security retirement benefits at 62, or to delay claiming benefits until later at 70?
— Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) October 24, 2015
The Ryan Revolution: Paul Ryan’s impact on the GOP is only beginning
The Ryan Revolution: Paul Ryan’s impact on the GOP is only beginning
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) October 24, 2015
Friday, October 23, 2015
'The most dangerous storm in history': Threatening up to TEN MILLION people
'The most dangerous storm in history': Threatening up to TEN MILLION people
— slone (@slone) October 24, 2015
The strongest hurricane to ever hit the Pacific coast has slammed into western Mexico this evening as thousands of tourists desperately tried to flee.
Hurricane Patricia made landfall with wind speeds of 165mph as it tore through the town of Emiliano Zapato in Jalisco state, according to officials.
It is now expected to slowly move north west, laying waste to towns and villages in its path. Forecasters said the hurricane's wind speed would slow once it reached land but there were still 160mph gusts as of 9pm.
Holidaymakers evacuated earlier today as forecasters said the storm would bring 200mph winds, 40ft waves, deadly mudslides and dump up to 20 inches of rain on parts of Mexico.
Category 5 storm Patricia is the strongest recorded hurricane in history, with the US National Hurricane Center measuring 201mph sustained winds before it hit land and the lowest recorded atmospheric pressure of 880mb.
Is that a meat cleaver? There’s a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood based on the show ‘CHOPPED’ [screenshot]
Apparently the disgusting ad for the @PPact fundraiser is real...
— Alleycat (@alleygirl2409) October 23, 2015
Is that a meat cleaver? There's a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood based on the show 'CHOPPED' [screenshot]
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) October 23, 2015
House votes to repeal key pieces Obamacare
House votes to repeal key pieces Obamacare
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 23, 2015
Lawmakers approved the Restoring Americans' Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act in a 240-189 vote that saw all but one Democrat vote against the measure, along with seven Republicans.
The bill would eliminate the individual and employer health insurance mandates, the 2.3 percent medical device tax, and the tax on "Cadillac" health care plans. It would kill off a public health fund under Obamacare that the GOP has said is a "slush fund" for the Obama administration.
And, importantly for many Republicans, it would also impose a one-year moratorium on federal funding for Planned Parenthood. That group is being investigated after a series of videos suggesting that the group may be profiting from the sale of fetal remains.
"When Dems are in power they use it, when Republicans are in power they use it for Dem policy"
.@KatrinaPierson "When Dems are in power they use it, when Republicans are in power they use it for Dem policy"
— Neil Cavuto (@TeamCavuto) October 23, 2015
Jeb Bush Is Toast, And other insights from third-quarter fundraising reports
Jeb Orders Across-the-Board Pay Cuts for Struggling Campaign...
Removing senior staff, canceling fundraisers...
Family financial network disengaged, splintered...
Who should just cut their losses & get out now? These fundraising #'s say it all:
— National Review (@NRO) October 23, 2015
...Jeb Bush has almost no chance of being the GOP nominee, owing to a near-complete lack of support from the GOP’s rank-and-file donors.
John Kasich, Chris Christie, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, Lindsey Graham, and George Pataki also have almost no chance of being the GOP nominee, much less of winning the general election. That doesn’t mean it is impossible that one could do well in Iowa or New Hampshire. Nor does it mean that they should drop out, or that they are bad candidates, or that they might not have a significant effect through their presence on the nominating process. But from their early fundraising, it is clear that they will not have the grassroots support, money, or organization to win the general election, especially against what is still a very deep field....
Contrary to media narratives, Ted Cruz looks to be in the strongest position to win the nomination, given the fundraising data. The one major wild card in that analysis is Donald Trump, currently by far the leader in GOP polling. His support base overlaps in some ways with Cruz’s. He hasn’t fundraised actively, so it is difficult to draw firm conclusions, but it seems likely that he would be a very strong in both major-donor and grassroots fundraising. He looks like the favorite, but the party establishment, as well as a significant number of conservative activists, are set against him. He’s a unique candidate with unique positioning, and therefore he is uniquely challenging to quantify using traditional measurements.
Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio could still win the nomination. But compared with past successful nominees, they have substantial fundraising and strategic weaknesses right now....
Jeb Bush Is Toast
— National Review (@NRO) October 23, 2015
63% of IA Republicans in DMR poll say Bush's support for letting undocumented immigrants stay in US is a negative
— Benjy Sarlin (@BenjySarlin) October 23, 2015
Trump Change: More GOP Voters Than Ever Say He’s The Man... #DonaldTrump #TheDonald
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) October 23, 2015
@Rasmussen_Poll Trump's to lose: 74% of GOP says 'The Donald' will be the nominee via @DCExaminer
— Paul Bedard (@SecretsBedard) October 23, 2015
Trump moving in on Bush, Rubio turf in FL...
It’s human nature to “judge a book by its cover,” even when it comes to such hot-topic issues as political affiliation. But how accurate are our snap judgments about others?
Can You Tell If Someone Is Liberal or Conservative Just By Looking at Them?
— Independent Journal (@IJDOTCOM) October 23, 2015
Lincoln Chafee drops out of 2016 Dem race
Polling at 0.0%, Lincoln Chafee drops out of 2016 presidential race
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) October 23, 2015
Lincoln Chafee drops out of 2016 Dem race with one last plea for peace:
— The Hill (@thehill) October 23, 2015
LINCOLN CHAFEE IS OUT!!! Makes weird statement about women withholding sex at concession speech?!
— Right Scoop (@trscoop) October 23, 2015
New poll has Ben Carson up by 9% over Donald Trump in Iowa
New poll has Ben Carson up by 9% over Donald Trump in Iowa
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) October 23, 2015
BREAKING: Des Moines Register poll has @RandPaul in 5th, tied with Jeb and ahead of Fiorina and others. This is the 4th good poll this week
— Chip Englander (@ChipEnglander) October 23, 2015
Clinton high fives Rep Hastings after Benghazi hearing, while the families of the murdered men watch helplessly...
BARONE: Byron & Barone: Biden's out and Hillary testifies
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 23, 2015
Clinton high fives Rep Hastings after Benghazi hearing, while the families of the murdered men watch helplessly...
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) October 23, 2015
Clinton frames her email release as a magnanimous gesture of transparency. It is not. They are public records ordered released by a judge.
— Byron Tau (@ByronTau) October 22, 2015
Clinton says: asked Defense Dept to deploy all assets. But military testified they were waiting for State to ask for help & State didn't.
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) October 23, 2015
South Carolina Obamacare co-op ninth to shut down
South Carolina Obamacare co-op ninth to shut down
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 23, 2015
ICYMI: 39 Percent of Co-Ops Formed Under Obamacare Are Now Closing Doors via @DJAliMeyer
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) October 23, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Massachusetts Poll – Donald Trump Laps Entire Field With 48%…
Massachusetts Poll – Donald Trump Laps Entire Field With 48%…
— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) October 22, 2015
The 11 top moments from Clinton's Benghazi testimony
CONGRESSMAN: 'False Narrative Started With You'...
Gowdy Grills Over Blumenthal Influence on Libya...
MUST SEE VIDEO: Here’s the KEY MOMENT in Benghazi hearings – Rep. Jordan nails Hillary on LIES: It’s been pain...
— Pamela Geller (@PamelaGeller) October 22, 2015
Just an observation: when Gowdy zoned in on a sensitive topic, Democrats intervened with filibuster attempt. Interesting. Makes me curious.
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) October 22, 2015
At this point, there's only one angle on Benghazi: Americans were in danger, security deteriorating, and Clinton/State did little/nothing.
— Byron York (@ByronYork) October 22, 2015
The many faces of Hillary Clinton at the Benghazi committee hearing.
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) October 22, 2015
@hale_razor @SharylAttkisson @instapundit
— David (@Seattle_D) October 22, 2015
The 11 top moments from Clinton's Benghazi testimony | Getty
— POLITICO (@politico) October 22, 2015
@politico Here's the top moment and Hillary could care less.
— watsit2u (@thumbug) October 22, 2015
Imagine: Lying about #Benghazi while standing in front of the victims’ caskets, after sending an email w/ the truth
— Cameron Gray (@Cameron_Gray) October 22, 2015
Hillary telling a harrowing tale that somehow slipped her mind when she stood in front of their coffins & blamed YouTube
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) October 22, 2015
How do the families of these murdered men restrain themselves? Listening to her blame Stevens for his own death is evil. #BenghaziHearing
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) October 22, 2015
It seems the press thinks the Sidney Blumenthal line of questioning is GOP myopia. Here's why it's deadly serious.
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) October 22, 2015
Gowdy: If you think you heard a lot about Blumenthal so far ... wait until the next round of questioning.
Does anyone want to argue this isn't definitive proof Clinton lied about a terrorist attack?
— John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) October 22, 2015
Sid Blumenthal was just some guy sending emails
— Andrew Stiles (@AndrewStilesUSA) October 22, 2015
Gowdy: If you think you heard a lot about Blumenthal so far ... wait until the next round of questioning.
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) October 22, 2015
Fortunately for Hillary, President Gutsy Call doesn't care when his direct instructions not to involve Blumenthal at State were ignored.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) October 22, 2015
Many Americans wd be bothered that the likes of Blumenthal/MediaMatters/CorrecttheRecord/American Bridge close to Clinton on serious matters
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) October 22, 2015
Thank God for the #BenghaziCommittee. If I ever die in service of my country, I want the people's representatives finding solutions.
— Ali A. Akbar (@ali) October 22, 2015
Squirrel RT @stephenfhayes Cummings seems to be deliberately trying to create spectacle--a shiny object to distract from damage done to HRC
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) October 22, 2015
This is NEW: Clinton told Egyptian PM next day: "We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack."
New information revealed. Media: What difference, at this point, does it make? #Benghazi
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) October 22, 2015
Holy S**t.. Dem defending Hillary from accusations she interfered with #Benghazi security by saying she didn't KNOW about our presence there
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) October 22, 2015
Hillary:"The attack on the compound was very fast" Uh, no. Our brave heroes fought on for hours begging for help. Instead, Hillary went home
— Pamela Geller (@PamelaGeller) October 22, 2015
So Hillary's human handlers told her to pretend she's upset about what happened & lost some sleep. "Our polling says..." #Benghazi
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) October 22, 2015
"I've lost more sleep than all of you put together." -- Hillary Clinton, telling the truth about her worries for her presidential campaign
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 22, 2015
"I've lost more sleep than all of you put together." -- Hillary Clinton. Watch live:
— Boston Herald (@bostonherald) October 22, 2015
HRC still testifying.....almost 3 hours so far
— Greta Van Susteren (@greta) October 22, 2015
— Michael Savage (@ASavageNation) October 22, 2015
“I wrote a whole chapter about this [the video] in my book, “Hard Choices.”” — Hillary #BenghaziCommittee
The book is 596 pages long.
— Kemberlee Kaye (@KemberleeKaye) October 22, 2015
"I did not conduct most of the business I did on behalf of our country on email" | Getty
— POLITICO (@politico) October 22, 2015
Another NEW piece of information: Clinton emailed her family that night, told them attackers were al-Qaeda like group.
— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) October 22, 2015
Benghazi Hearing: Hillary Ignored Over 600 Requests for More Security in Libya Before Attack via @gatewaypundit
— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) October 22, 2015
Damn. Jordan is nailing it. Showing that the lies from the Obama Admin about Benghazi were about politics.
— RB (@RBPundit) October 22, 2015
screen grab of Hillary's own words on 9/12/12, contradicting excuses/stories moving forward
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) October 22, 2015
this exchange shows how the media have failed to make clear @HillaryClinton authored the YouTube video narrative. 6 weeks before election.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) October 22, 2015
This is NEW: Clinton told Egyptian PM next day: "We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack."
— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) October 22, 2015
Private server. Deleted emails. No security. Blame YouTube video. Stack ARB. But Republicans are partisan for asking questions.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 22, 2015
Muslim "Refugees" Berate Female Aid Workers as "Christian Whores"
Germans forced from their homes to make way for Muslim migrants
— Robert Spencer (@jihadwatchRS) October 20, 2015
Muslim "Refugees" Berate Female Aid Workers as "Christian Whores" | Frontpage Mag
— John (@ATXright) October 21, 2015
Trump-supporter Carl Icahn launches $150 million super PAC
Trump-supporter Carl Icahn launches $150 million super PAC:
— The Hill (@thehill) October 22, 2015
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
What to expect at next week's GOP debate
What to expect at next week's GOP debate
— Red Alert Politics (@RedAlert) October 21, 2015
CNBC’s “Your Money, Your Vote” debate, will be focused on monetary and economic policy. The debate will once again be separated into two tiers.
Candidates that hold an average of at least 3 percent in major polls will be included in the primetime debate.
The debate will be held at the University of Colorado Boulder.
UC students have made national headlines for plans to hold their own broadcast focused on millennial engagement. Student Voices Count, a group that has called on event organizers to open up seating to more students, will be sponsoring the broadcast that, they say, will feature journalists from around the country.
The Student Voices Count group told Red Alert Politics that both the Boulder County Republicans and Democrats have signed a joint letter supporting the group.
NEW CNN POLL: Republican millennials beat out Democratic millennials in enthusiasm for voting in 2016 -- 39-32%!
NEW CNN POLL: Republican millennials beat out Democratic millennials in enthusiasm for voting in 2016 -- 39-32%!
— College Republicans (@CRNC) October 21, 2015
Obama's administration harasses individuals who uncover corruption.
Obama's administration harasses individuals who uncover corruption.
@michellemalkin has the story.
— National Review (@NRO) October 21, 2015
#Benghazi committee was first ever to ask for Chris Stevens' #emails
None of the 7 previous congressional investigations of #Benghazi had access to Ambassador Stevens’ emails.
— Benghazi Committee (@HouseBenghazi) October 20, 2015
#Benghazi committee was first ever to ask for Chris Stevens' #emails
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 21, 2015
The Meaning of Benghazi is Much Bigger Than Hillary
by: @amandacarpenter
— Conservative Review (@CR) October 21, 2015
Both Benghazi & server are ADMIN wide scandals. With Biden not running she gets even more WH cover. Timing of 2day announcement indicates it
— Andrea Tantaros (@AndreaTantaros) October 21, 2015
Double whoa... This won't be good.
Wikileaks follows through on threat to release CIA director's emails:
— The Hill (@thehill) October 22, 2015
Whoa. RT @wikileaks: ANNOUNCE: We have obtained the contents of CIA Chief John Brennan's email account and will be releasing it shortly."
— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley) October 21, 2015
Double whoa... This won't be good.
— Brad Thor (@BradThor) October 21, 2015
If this is his personal account and he used it for any classified material, it will be bad for Hillary & Dems...
— Brad Thor (@BradThor) October 21, 2015
Biden Announces He Won’t Run for President
The 250 days of pointless Joe Biden speculation | AP Photo
— POLITICO (@politico) October 21, 2015
Joe Biden not running for president
— POLITICO (@politico) October 21, 2015
The Drudge homepage right now:
— Nick Corasaniti (@NYTnickc) October 21, 2015
Biden Announces He Won’t Run for President in Rose Garden Stump Speech #tcot
— PJ Media (@PJMedia_com) October 21, 2015
Joe Biden: I Am Not Running for President via @mchalfant16
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) October 21, 2015
So why did Biden leak the story about Beau's deathbed wish to Maureen Dowd?
— John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) October 21, 2015
Biden now CROSSED OFF the @washingtonpost newsroom list of 2016 candidates. Watch @stevenjay do it: @terri_rupar
— James Hohmann (@jameshohmann) October 21, 2015
Biden didn't keep Hill Dems apprised of his decision-making process, nor did he give leadership a headsup
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) October 21, 2015
Full text of Joe Biden's decision not to run for president.
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) October 21, 2015
Details on @VP Joe Biden's decision not to run for the Dem nomination:
— National Review (@NRO) October 21, 2015
I think Joe Biden made correct decision for him & his family. Personally, I would rather run against Hillary because her record is so bad.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 21, 2015
Biden had has share of sketchy lobbyist relations (that were totally ignored by 99% of the press in 2008 and 2012)
— Timothy P Carney (@TPCarney) October 21, 2015
Biden got phenomenal free passes from our media. the "chains" comment, his lobbyist dirt. Racist comments were "Lovable Uncle Joe."
— Timothy P Carney (@TPCarney) October 21, 2015
Our job is, above all, to hold the powerful to account. The incuriosity, and the short attention span, re: men like Biden & Reid is a crime.
— Timothy P Carney (@TPCarney) October 21, 2015
Joe Biden ran for president in the invisible primary. And he lost.
— Neil Irwin (@Neil_Irwin) October 21, 2015
Judicial Watch: New Benghazi documents show White House rush to coordinate with 'U-Tube'
Judicial Watch: New Benghazi documents show White House rush to coordinate with 'U-Tube'
— Chris (@Chris_1791) October 20, 2015
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
OUCH! Jim Webb drops pres bid; What did he REALLY say to Dems? (Truth hurts, libs)
@DRUDGE_REPORT the only jfk style dem is out...its all puppets and loons for them now.
— Constitutionalist (@JonFromOhio) October 20, 2015
OUCH! Jim Webb drops pres bid; What did he REALLY say to Dems? (Truth hurts, libs)
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) October 20, 2015
.@JimWebbUSA: "The Democratic Party is heavily invested in interest-group politics" | AP
— POLITICO 2016 (@politico2016) October 20, 2015
"I fully accept that my views on many issues are not compatible with the power structure and the nominating base of the Democratic Party," Webb told reporters at the National Press Club in Washington. The current Democratic hierarchy, he said, "is not comfortable with many of the policies laid forth, and frankly I am not that comfortable with many of theirs."
..."The Democratic Party is heavily invested in interest-group politics," he said, and that could exclude groups it means to include...
Webb Asked if He Still Considers Himself a Democrat, Says ‘We’ll Think About That’
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) October 20, 2015
49% of Democrats feel favorable to socialism; just 37% feel favorable to capitalism.
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) October 20, 2015
WTH: Jim Geraghty nutshells this chilling Democrat poll with 1 photo
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) October 20, 2015
That one photo says it all. THAT is what you want, Democrats? Apparently, yes. Here’s more from National Review:
The Thursday night debate conclusion: America now has an openly socialist party. This morning, a new poll confirms it: Socialism remains less popular than capitalism in the United States: only 25% of adults have a favorable opinion of it, while 48% view capitalism positively. Among Democrats, however, the balance is flipped, with 49% favorable to socialism compared to 37% for capitalism. Which party is extreme again? Which party is out of touch with the rest of the country?
Ding, ding, ding! Tell us again that WE are the wing nutty wing nuts with wings, Dems.
BIDEN LIES!! CHANGES story on Bin Laden raid that he’s told MANY MANY times…
BIDEN LIES!! CHANGES story on Bin Laden raid that he’s told MANY MANY times…
— Right Scoop (@trscoop) October 20, 2015
Monday, October 19, 2015
"Had it not been for Trey Gowdy, we would never have known about the server, the lies, the emails and the danger zone you allowed to our national security," Judge Jeanine said. "To all the critics out there: let Trey Gowdy do his job."
.@JudgeJeanine slammed @HillaryClinton and spoke up for @TGowdySC. #Benghazi
— Fox News (@FoxNews) October 18, 2015
Benghazi committee member: Dems are obstructing investigation
— The Hill (@thehill) October 19, 2015
Trey Gowdy: How Did 7 Congressional Committees Miss Amb. Chris Stevens’ Emails? [VIDEO]: Rep. said Sunday that...
— USAGOP (@USAGOP) October 18, 2015
Gowdy: Benghazi panel's new facts focus on 'four dead Americans,' not Clinton 2016 bid
— FOX & Friends (@foxandfriends) October 19, 2015
NBC's Andrea Mitchell wonders why's the Benghazi committee so ‘focused’ on Hillary E-mails
— Brent Bozell (@BrentBozell) October 18, 2015
Trey Gowdy's response to Cummings. The P.S. at the end is hysterical.
— Kathleen McKinley (@KatMcKinley) October 19, 2015
Dear Mr. Cummings:
Thank you for your early Sunday morning letter. I appreciate the opportunity to respond.
As you know our Committee is not investigating Secretary Clinton or allegations surrounding the handling of classified or otherwise protected information. Other entities may be investigating matters related thereto, but we are not. This is best evidenced by the fact our Committee has not issued a single subpoena related to her email arrangement or server or any aspect surrounding allegations of mishandling classified or otherwise protected information. Moreover, as you know out of the 54 interviews conducted by the Committee precisely one (1) has been related to her server and that interview - as you recall - was very short because the witness invoked his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. In fact, after the media - not our Committee, but the media - broke the news of her exclusive use of private email and her use of a personal server in early March of 2015, the next 21 witness interviews in a row had nothing to do with Clinton or her email. This hardly evidences your baseless allegations of a "pivot" toward the Secretary or her email. What broke that string of 21 interviews in a row unrelated to any aspect of her email was the June 16, 2015 deposition of Sidney Blumenthal, which is discussed below.....
PS: I am envious of your staff's ability to get information from this administration in less than 45 minutes on a weekend. This is something the majority Members struggle to do on weekdays. Perhaps you would be willing to help us gain access to the information the Committee has been seeking from the administration for over half a year now.
Ahead of Clinton testimony, Rep. Trey Gowdy says Benghazi probe is about the facts, not politics:
— The Associated Press (@AP) October 18, 2015
Trey Gowdy: Republican Colleagues Should Shut Up About Things They Know Nothing About [VIDEO] #tcot
— PJ Media (@PJMedia_com) October 19, 2015
Katie Pavlich - Spitting on Their Graves: Democrats Leave Benghazi Hearing Before Testimony From Families of Victims
— Guy Monzeglio (@GuyMonzeglio) October 19, 2015
This New Anti-Hillary Benghazi Ad is Absolutely Brutal… via @scrowder
— Mom Mary (@coff33loveit) October 18, 2015
Benghazi: When Obama Switched Sides In The War On Terror And Armed Al-Qaida via @dailycaller
— Guy Monzeglio (@GuyMonzeglio) October 17, 2015
.@edhenry: “The Clinton campaign continues to try to undermine the [#Benghazi] committee’s work.” #Hannity
— Fox News (@FoxNews) October 17, 2015
This is a family that commodifies everything, from sex tapes to fertility treatments to Caitlyn Jenner’s transition.
"People in their orbit are mere utility players — including Odom, who has never been more valuable to them than now"
— New York Post (@nypost) October 18, 2015
As former NBA star Lamar Odom clings to life in a Las Vegas hospital, his soon-to-be ex-wife Khloe Kardashian and her clan have done what they do best: make the story all about them.
Before the Kardashians even made it to the hospital, there was no dignity here. Odom was found on Tuesday unconscious and face down in a Nevada brothel, choking on his own mucus, damage to his lungs from crack cocaine and track marks on his arms. He’d spent four days and $75,000 there, in a grim whorehouse that most closely resembles a Marriott....
...The Kardashians, said the source, “have blood on their hands.”
It’s a well-established pattern of abusive behavior for the Kardashians, who have built a $100 million empire on mining their lives — while shamelessly exploiting others — for entertainment.
Odom — who once confessed to the LA Times that, emotionally, “I consider myself a little weak” — was no match for a family who casually and consistently trails human wreckage in their wake.
Wow. What a sick, twisted yet well-written read @nypost How the Kardashians exploit and destroy for reality ratings
— Andrea Tantaros (@AndreaTantaros) October 19, 2015
Survey of professors at the top 25 foreign policy schools: John Kerry is the worst Secretary of State in history.
Kerry: Climate change aggravated the Syrian conflict
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 19, 2015
Survey of professors at the top 25 foreign policy schools, @JohnKerry is the worst Secretary of State in history.
— Sharon (@SweetFreedom29) October 19, 2015
In John Kerry's alternative universe, it never was hot or dry in the Middle East until humans caused CO2 emissions. God help us.
— Ken Gardner (@kesgardner) October 18, 2015
Sec. @JohnKerry and his staff have proven themselves utterly unfit for the positions they hold
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) October 16, 2015
Democrats' debate: No solution for economic inequality, no interest in economic growth
Democrats' debate: No solution for economic inequality, no interest in economic growth
— Michael Barone (@MichaelBarone) October 19, 2015
SANDERS: Raise Taxes on Everyone...
Brace yourselves… The Obamacare fines are coming.
@FrankLuntz "Shared responsibility payment" sounds like something straight out of Atlas Shrugged.
— Taxpayer1234 (@Taxpayers1234) October 16, 2015
Brace yourselves…
The Obamacare fines are coming. 💵
#ACA #SharedResponsibility
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) October 15, 2015
FLASHBACK VIDEO: Obama: Cut Household Spending to Afford Obamacare
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) October 21, 2015
FLASHBACK: Obama: Obamacare Offers Health Insurance 'For Less Than Your Cell Phone Bill'
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) October 21, 2015
Two largest Obamacare co-ops fold, 400,000 left without insurance
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) October 21, 2015
Obamacare Falls Short on Sign-Ups While Co-Op System Crumbles
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) October 21, 2015
How The Largest Obamacare Co-Op Went Broke
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) October 21, 2015
10 Ways Obama’s Favorite Union Wrecked Nevada’s Obamacare Co-op
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) October 21, 2015
FLASHBACK: Failing Obamacare Co-Ops Offer Lavish Executive Pay — And May Violate the Law
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) October 21, 2015
Editorial: Obama must make a priority of confronting Islamic persecution of Christians
Editorial: Obama must make a priority of confronting Islamic persecution of Christians.
— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) October 19, 2015
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Whistleblower Releases Federal Drone Documents Illustrating Obama’s Bloody ‘Drone War’
Whistleblower Releases Federal Drone Documents Illustrating Obama’s Bloody ‘Drone War’
— The Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 17, 2015
FOIA: 2 Obama golf outings cost taxpayers $1.8M, $20,000 a hole
FOIA: 2 Obama golf outings cost taxpayers $1.8M, $20,000 a hole
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 17, 2015
Geopolitical structure in shambles...
A very dense, but important read by Dr. Kissinger. A Path Out of the Middle East Collapse
— James E. Wilson (@jwilsonsc) October 17, 2015
KISSINGER: A Path Out of Middle East Collapse...
With Russia in Syria, a geopolitical structure that lasted four decades is in shambles. The U.S. needs a new strategy and priorities.
Sunday Funnies
Hillary stop offering me an apple! I've seen Snow White, you're not getting me out of the election that easily.
— President Trump (@Writeintrump) October 16, 2015
Adolescence will be forever changed by the new non-nude Playboy. My toon:
— Nate Beeler (@natebeeler) October 14, 2015
The Old Woman in the other shoe that's about to drop More at: #tcot
— Michael Ramirez (@Ramireztoons) October 14, 2015
— Shaughn (@Shaughn_A) October 15, 2015
Trying to survive in a world run by libtards.
— Rodger with a D (@Noz4news) October 16, 2015
#WakeUpAmerica #tcot #ycot #tlot #WAARadio #PJnet #LNYHBT #TGDN
— Wayne Dupree™ (@WayneDupreeShow) October 16, 2015
Ramirez cartoon: What's a little terror between friends? #tcot #IranDeal
— IBDeditorials (@IBDeditorials) October 18, 2015
Propaganda: Captain America battles right-wing conservatives in new comic
Obama culture: New black Captain America battles SHOCKING villain
— Allen West (@AllenWest) October 18, 2015
UPDATE: Captain America battles right-wing conservatives in new comic...
— SavageNation (@SavageNation) October 18, 2015