As world reacts to ‘Love Wins,’ ISIS punishes gay men in gruesome way:
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) June 27, 2015
Saturday, June 27, 2015
As world reacts to ‘Love Wins,’ ISIS punishes gay men in gruesome way
10 box office whiffs that still managed to debut at number 1 on their opening weekend
10 box office whiffs that still managed to debut at number 1 on their opening weekend:
— Forbes (@Forbes) June 25, 2015
Friday, June 26, 2015
Gay marriage is upheld by the Supreme Court
Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage in narrow 5-4 ruling
— TheBlazeNOW (@TheBlazeNOW) June 26, 2015
Gay marriage is upheld by the Supreme Court
— NYT Politics (@nytpolitics) June 26, 2015
#BREAKING: Supreme Court makes same-sex marriage legal nationwide in landmark decision
— NBC News (@NBCNews) June 26, 2015
BREAKING: United States Supreme Court says same-sex couples have right to marry in all 50 states.
— SFGate (@SFGate) June 26, 2015
JUST IN: SCOTUS legalizes same-sex marriage: "The right to marry is a fundamental right"
— The Hill (@thehill) June 26, 2015
TEXT: Supreme Court's Same-Sex Decision ...
— The Weekly Standard (@weeklystandard) June 26, 2015
LIVE: #SCOTUS rules that Constitution gives gay people the right to marry. Updates here:
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) June 26, 2015
Supreme Court vs. Rule of Law
Today the Supreme Court allowed itself to be intimidated, says @mfcannon on #KingvBurwell: #SCOTUS
— Cato Institute (@CatoInstitute) June 26, 2015
David Harsanyi: Supreme Court vs. Rule of Law
— (@townhallcom) June 26, 2015
GOP bill would force the Supreme Court to enroll in ObamaCare:
— The Hill (@thehill) June 26, 2015
Poll says Sanders in statistical tie with Clinton in New Hampshire
Bernie Sanders in dead heat with Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire poll
— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 26, 2015
Poll says Sanders in statistical tie with Clinton in New Hampshire via @thehill #Hillary2016
— Bill Postmus (@billpostmus) June 26, 2015
Sanders: 'Urban America has got to respect what rural America is about,' including guns
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) June 26, 2015
Your guide to the 2016 presidential candidates
UPDATED: Your guide to the 2016 presidential candidates now with @BobbyJindal
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) June 26, 2015
The PC police strike again. This time they are coming for "Gone with the Wind"
The PC police strike again. This time they are coming for "Gone with the Wind"
— Red Alert Politics (@RedAlert) June 26, 2015
State Dept admits Hillary did not turn over all emails; Gowdy calls news 'troubling'
State Dept admits Hillary did not turn over all emails; Gowdy calls news 'troubling'
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) June 26, 2015
Scott Walker signs two pieces of legislation that expand gun rights in his state
Scott Walker signs two pieces of legislation that expand gun rights in his state via @RyJamesG
— Red Alert Politics (@RedAlert) June 26, 2015
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Putin phones Obama as Iran nuclear deadline looms
Putin phones Obama as Iran nuclear deadline looms:
— The Hill (@thehill) June 26, 2015
SCOTUS gay marriage decision could come on significant date for supporters of gay rights
SCOTUS gay marriage decision could come on significant date for supporters of gay rights:
— The Hill (@thehill) June 26, 2015
Lois Lerner's Emails Lost, Backups Erased
Well Then... Former IRS Official’s Emails Lost, Backups Erased via @RobertDEdelman
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) June 25, 2015
The #IRS story smells so bad, even diehard, committed leftists should be embarrassed to defend it.
— Brad Thor (@BradThor) June 25, 2015
In dissent, Scalia accuses 6-judge majority of "interpretive jiggery-pokery" and "defense of the indefensible." "Words no longer have meaning"
Obamacare wins second big Supreme Court victory
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) June 25, 2015
Scalia dissent " rewrites the law to make tax credits available everywhere. We should start calling this law SCOTUScare" #KingvBurwell
— Major Garrett (@MajorCBS) June 25, 2015
In dissent, Scalia accuses 6-judge majority of "interpretive jiggery-pokery" and "defense of the indefensible."
— Major Garrett (@MajorCBS) June 25, 2015
Scalia dissent "Equating establishment 'by the State' with establishment by the Federal Government makes nonsense of other parts of the Act"
— Major Garrett (@MajorCBS) June 25, 2015
The government won the decision, but Scalia won King v. Burwell. This dissent is unstoppably entertaining.
— Derek Thompson (@DKThomp) June 25, 2015
And it doesn't matter, now, that the lie has been exposed. The Lie had a specific goal and only needed to last a year.
— TheUltraYachtLife (@AceofSpadesHQ) June 25, 2015
Abuse of executive power weakened the Republic, but it took the abuse of judicial power to end it.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) June 25, 2015
Curious to see where this new "law means whatever the party in power thinks it means" principle goes.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) June 25, 2015
'Administration wins health care’: Supreme Court rules Obamacare subsidies are legal
Supreme Court Rules In Favor of Obama Administration 6-3 In 'King v. Burwell'
— IJReview (@ijreview) June 25, 2015
'Administration wins health care’: Supreme Court rules Obamacare subsidies are legal
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) June 25, 2015
Scalia describes the Court's ruling as the "defense of the indefensible."
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) June 25, 2015
Scalia's opinion re #KingvBurwell is perfect.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) June 25, 2015
More scathing Scalia dissent quips ==> #SCOTUScare
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) June 25, 2015
"the SCOTUS favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites" - Justice Scalia
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) June 25, 2015
To find for Obamacare, SCOTUS ruled laws now means whatever courts say was *intended*... compared to, you know, what the law actually says.
— Razor (@hale_razor) June 25, 2015
90% of the Racism in America Comes from the Democratic Party and the Left
From @RogerLSimon: 90% of the Racism in America Comes from the Democratic Party and the Left
— PJ Media (@PJMedia_com) June 25, 2015
Ninety percent of the racism in America today comes from the Democratic Party and the Left. They live off it and exploit it. It is unconscionable to the degree they do this, ruining the lives and futures of the very people they say they are helping in the process.
I am uniquely positioned to say this because I spent most of my life on the Left and was a civil rights worker in the South in my early twenties. I was also, to my everlasting regret, a donor to the Black Panther Party in the seventies.
So I have seen this personally from both sides and my conclusion is inescapable. The Left is far, far worse. They are obsessed with race in a manner that does not allow them to see straight. Further, they project racism onto others continually, exacerbating situations, which in most instances weren’t even there in the first place. From Al Sharpton to Hillary Clinton, they all do it.
Barack Obama is one of the worst offenders in this regard. Recently, in reaction to the horrid actions of the deranged, but solitary racist Dylann Root, the president claimed racism is in our DNA.
How could he possibly utter such nonsense and who was he talking about? The majority of Americans are from families that came to this country after slavery existed. Many of those were escaping oppression of their own. In my case my family was fleeing the pogroms of Eastern Europe. Many of the members of my family who stayed behind ended up gassed in Auschwitz or starved to death in Treblinka.
Is Obama telling me that racism is in my DNA? What a wretched and insulting statement. ◼ KEEP READING
Obama’s approval ratings sinking among Republicans AND Democrats
THIS ---> Obama’s approval ratings sinking among Republicans AND Democrats
— NRSC Republicans (@NRSC) June 25, 2015
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Gov. Jerry Brown signs new $167.6-billion state budget
Gov. Jerry Brown signs new $167.6-billion state budget
— L.A. Times Politics (@latimespolitics) June 24, 2015
Tech problems may crimp launch of California's new prescription drug database
Tech problems may crimp launch of state's new prescription drug database
— L.A. Times Politics (@latimespolitics) June 24, 2015
Nearly every state in the country operates a prescription drug monitoring program, which tracks when certain narcotics are prescribed and dispensed. After a Times investigation found California's existing drug database, the Controlled Substances Utilization Review and Evaluation System, or CURES, was woefully underused and underfunded, lawmakers passed a law in 2013 to increase funding for the system.
The $3-million upgrade, known as CURES 2.0, is set to roll out July 1, but a compatibility issue with certain Web browsers may make it impossible for some doctors to use it.
The California Medical Assn. sent a memo to its members last week warning that if the Justice Department "does not change their implementation plan, a minimum of thousands of physicians will lose access to CURES."
The new version of CURES will not work with older versions of Internet Explorer. While the solution for some users may be as simple as updating their browser, some health systems, say the newer browsers will not work with their electronic health systems records and therefore a more comprehensive technological fix may be needed.
I'm In: Bobby Jindal faces an uphill fight in the crowded 2016 field
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal to run for president - #BobbyJindal
— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) June 24, 2015
Enter stage right: Bobby Jindal. #Election2016
— Reuters Politics (@ReutersPolitics) June 24, 2015
Indian-American Bobby Jindal announces run for US presidential elections
— Hindustan Times (@htTweets) June 24, 2015
Bobby Jindal is now in the GOP race. He can be a strong candidate. He's brilliant, competent, experienced, likable, solid on the issues.
— Ken Gardner (@kesgardner) June 24, 2015
Bobby Jindal announces his bid for president, joining a crowded field of Republican contenders
— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 24, 2015
#I'm In =====> CNN: Bobby Jindal faces an uphill fight in the crowded 2016 field
— Boca Legend (@BocaLegend) June 24, 2015
BREAKING: @BobbyJindal, current governor of Louisiana, announces he's running for president.
— CNN (@CNN) June 24, 2015
.@BobbyJindal Presidential Campaign Announcement – LIVE at 5pm ET on C-SPAN3
— CSPAN (@cspan) June 24, 2015
Benefits Of Winning 'King v. Burwell': More Jobs, Higher Incomes & 70M Freed From Illegal Taxes
Benefits Of Winning 'King v. Burwell': More Jobs, Higher Incomes & 70M Freed From Illegal Taxes via @Kerpen— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) June 24, 2015
The media have distorted public perceptions of King v. Burwell by failing to explain that the benefits of a ruling for the challengers would swamp all other effects. According to data presented below and estimates by former Congressional Budget Office director Douglas Holtz-Eakin, the benefits of a ruling for the King challengers include:
- More than 67 million Americans freed from illegal taxes in the form of ObamaCare’s employer mandate
- More than 11 million Americans freed from an illegal tax averaging $1,200 (i.e., ObamaCare’s individual mandate)
- A pay raise of around $900 per affected worker
- An estimated 237,000 new jobs
- An estimated 1.3 million workers added to the labor force
- More hours and higher incomes for 3.3 million part-time workers
The number of people who would benefit from a ruling for the challengers is therefore more than ten times the number who would lose an illegal subsidy.
Federal judge blocks Obama's fracking rule
Federal judge blocks Obama's fracking rule:
— The Hill (@thehill) June 24, 2015
A federal judge in Wyoming has temporarily blocked implementation of the Obama administration’s regulations for hydraulic fracturing on federal land, hours before they were set to take effect.
...“BLM was ill-prepared to implement an extremely complex rule in a short period of time,” Kathleen Sgamma, vice president of government affairs at the Western Energy Alliance, said in a statement.
“We highlighted how the BLM Washington office has not given sufficient guidance to the state and field offices that are implementing the rule, and as a result they were issuing confused instructions to companies on how to comply,” she continued. “The judge agreed that it makes no sense to implement an ill-conceived rule which could ultimately be overruled in court.”
"I had hoped a trailblazer would be more willing to break the mold of indentured servitude that haunts my generation."
this is my favorite op-ed ever
— Conn Carroll (@conncarroll) June 24, 2015
WATCH: Hillary Supporters Realize They Don’t Support Hillary
Read more:
— ThePoliticalInsider (@TPInsidr) June 24, 2015
Impressive speech by Ted Cruz - taking shots at Washington cronyism
At The Heritage Foundation, @tedcruz speaking about the Washington cartel of corruption. #MakeDCListen
— Rick Tyler (@rickwtyler) June 24, 2015
We are live-tweeting @tedcruz's speech at Heritage. Tune in here to watch
— Heritage Foundation (@Heritage) June 24, 2015
Impressive speech by @tedcruz - taking shots at Washington cronyism - this is what an intelligent conservative populist campaign looks like
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) June 24, 2015
Mike Rowe Responds To Criticism Of His Post About Hard Work
Mike Rowe Responds to People Criticizing the Tea Party...and it's AWESOME
— Young Conservatives (@YoungCons) June 24, 2015
...Rowe said: “we’re churning out a generation of poorly educated people with no skill, no ambition, no guidance, and no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work.”
Mike Rowe Puts Liberals ON BLAST After They Criticized This Post About Hard Work
— Libertarian Republic (@TheLibRepublic) June 23, 2015
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Bella Baskets update:
From Facebook: Bella Baskets will be closed till July 1st. It will then reopen under new ownership! Stay tuned for more details. The family wants to thank everyone for all the years of loyal business and trusts you will continued to enjoy your gift baskets! Great things ahead!
House votes to repeal Obamacare’s ‘death panel’
House votes to repeal Obamacare’s ‘death panel’ via @washtimes
— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) June 23, 2015
The House voted Tuesday to repeal another piece of Obamacare, this time a Medicare cost-cutting board that opponents have decried as a “death panel” that could ration care.
Majority Republicans led the charge to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), 244 votes to 154, and were joined by 11 Democrats who ignored President Obama’s veto threat.
“It created a very uncomfortable environment for us—some of the class even got up part of the way through and left because they were uncomfortable,” the girl said.
Oh my goodness...
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) June 23, 2015
◼ White House Poet Taught Kids to Sit in Circles and Watch Porn for College Class - Washington Free Beacon
A University of Pennsylvania English course taught by a poet who performed for President Obama at the White House ended up exactly as the professor envisioned it: college kids watching porn.
“Wasting Time on the Internet,” a once-a-week creative writing course taught by Kenneth Goldsmith that required students to stare at a computer screen for three hours completed its first class this spring.
Goldsmith wrote last fall that students could use the three hours to watch porn, and then “use it as the basis for compelling erotica.”
“I’ve never taught this class before, but I have a hunch that it’s going to be a success,” he said....
The course cost approximately $3,202.
If you believe the media will stop ginning up racial controversies after the Confederate flag comes down, you're a moron.
If you believe the media will stop ginning up racial controversies after the Confederate flag comes down, you're a moron.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) June 23, 2015
When will this symbol of murder and hate be taken down?
— John Nolte (@NolteNC) June 23, 2015
South Carolina lawmakers vote to consider governor’s call to remove Confederate flag from State Capitol grounds
— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 23, 2015
VIDEO: South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley says Confederate flag should come down
— The Associated Press (@AP) June 23, 2015
Amazon joins other major retailers in deciding to ban Confederate flag merchandise.
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) June 23, 2015
EBay bans sales of Confederate flag on its site (restores dropped word):
— The Associated Press (@AP) June 23, 2015
While @POTUS Worries Over The Confederate Flag, The Flag Of Death Drowns Caged Prisoners! #RedNationRising
— RedNationRising (@RedNationRising) June 23, 2015
92% of Dems are comfortable voting for Hillary
What primary? 92% of Dems are comfortable voting for Hillary.
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) June 23, 2015
MSNBC guest: Clinton reminiscent of Nixon with her suspicion and 'nipping' scandals
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) June 23, 2015
Surprised? Poll finds Hillary Clinton out-of-touch with many Americans
— NRSC Republicans (@NRSC) June 25, 2015
Iran Parliament Bars Key Nuclear Concessions in Talks Complicating Chances For A Nuclear Accord With World Powers As A Self-imposed June 30 Deadline Approaches
Iran’s Khamenei Rules Out Freezing Sensitive Nuclear Work for Long Period
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) June 23, 2015
Parliament’s intervention could pressure Iranian negotiators striving to clinch a deal that could usher in a cautious detente with the West after years of mounting confrontation that threatened a wider Middle East war.
Iran Parliament Bars Key Nuclear Concessions in Talks
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) June 23, 2015
Gowdy releases new batch of Clinton emails
Gowdy releases new batch of Clinton emails
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) June 23, 2015
Monday, June 22, 2015
Supreme Court adds two decision days to calendar
Supreme Court adds two decision days to calendar:
— The Hill (@thehill) June 23, 2015
Brown Now "Open" To New Taxes Without Voter Approval
California Gov. Jerry Brown says he’s changed his position on taxes now that he’s been elected to another term....
— Inderjit Kallirai (@Kallirai) June 22, 2015
Now on @CapRadioNews: @JerryBrownGov Now "Open" To New Taxes Without Voter Approval #cabudget
— Ben Adler (@adlerben) June 18, 2015
Via Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association: "Well, here we are at $14 billion unanticipated revenue this year. We’re awash in money. We’re paying down debt. We’re doing other stuff for funding new programs. And yet they want to go back to the till and raise taxes without asking people about it?"
Attn seniors: Obama wants you to pick up 73% of ObamaCare's costs by 2025
Attn seniors: Obama wants you to pick up 73% of ObamaCare's costs by 2025. #tlot #tcot
— IBDeditorials (@IBDeditorials) June 23, 2015
Anyone who thinks ObamaCare will cut the deficit over the next decade should look at Page 11 of the latest Congressional Budget Office report.
McConnell to fast-track ObamaCare tax repeal:
— The Hill (@thehill) June 23, 2015
How many Drs will not comply with ICD10 on Oct 1?It's gonna hit the fan when insurance is revealed a a sham.Your Dr can't see you anymore.
— Kris Held,MD (@kksheld) June 23, 2015
Government data hack could affect as many as 18 million people
Video: OPM hack may be four times larger than previously disclosed
— Jazz Shaw (@JazzShaw) June 23, 2015
Government data hack could affect as many as 18 million people:
— The Hill (@thehill) June 22, 2015
'BlackmailerWetDream’: OPM hack exposed the intimate details from security clearance polygraph tests
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) June 25, 2015
Polls show Clinton weakness in big states --- and even the New Hampshire primary
Polls show Clinton weakness in big states --- and even the New Hampshire primary
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) June 22, 2015
The progressive roots of NSA's privacy violations
The progressive roots of NSA's privacy violations
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) June 22, 2015
The National Security Agency's collection of phone metadata of all Americans under the Patriot Act was defended using national security justifications. A substantial number of Americans, however, believe the NSA violated the Fourth Amendment, which protects our security against unreasonable searches and seizures by government.
The NSA's actions have roots in progressive New Deal ideology, with its contempt for the constitutional separation of powers and private property rights. More specifically, this debate is traced to the New Deal-era erosion of the centuries-old rule of law that only judges may issue warrants, and after a showing of probable cause.
In a recent lawsuit filed by FreedomWorks against the NSA's continued collection of metadata following the sunset of section 215 of the Patriot Act, the Department of Justice responded by citing what's called the "third-party" doctrine explained in a 1979 case, Smith v. Maryland. This judge-created doctrine seems irreconcilable with the Fourth Amendment even before the NSA's recent and controversial application of it....
How many people did Bill Ayers kill?
Hi @GlennThrush did you vote for a man aligned with a terrorist who called for a Race War?
— John Nolte (@NolteNC) June 22, 2015
How many people did Ayers kill?
— Glenn Thrush (@GlennThrush) June 22, 2015
@GlennThrush He tried to blow up a police station, Capitol, and Pentagon, but it's ok because he's an INEPT terrorist.
— Razor (@hale_razor) June 22, 2015
Had the Fort Dix plot been successful, @GlennThrush, Ayers' group would have been behind the deadliest terror attack until Oklahoma City.
— Bob Owens (@bob_owens) June 22, 2015
@Nick_Rizzuto @GlennThrush @JammieWF Weatherman planned mass murder at Fort Dix. Only failed due to incompetence.
— Bob Owens (@bob_owens) June 22, 2015
.@GlennThrush The Weathermen were responsible for at least 7 deaths. It wasn't enough, according to Ayers.
— Nick Rizzuto (@Nick_Rizzuto) June 22, 2015
ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)
ICYMI Obama was so shaken by Charleston shootings, he attended only 4 fundraisers (+golf)
— Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) June 22, 2015
Property owners prevail in raisin takings case
Supreme Court vindicates farmer after ‘Raisin Administrative Committee’ tried to take his crop
— Red Alert Politics (@RedAlert) June 22, 2015
SCOTUS sides with raisin farmers in case over just compensation for crops:
— The Hill (@thehill) June 22, 2015
[Ilya Somin] Property owners prevail in raisin takings case: The Supreme Court has just issued its decision in...
— Volokh Conspiracy (@VolokhC) June 22, 2015
That the United States has a national Raisin Administrative Committee is an embarrassment.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) June 22, 2015
Rather than discuss mental illness; why nobody said anything; or concealed carry in church--we debate the Confederate flag?
Confederate flag removal a minefield for GOP candidates via @DCExaminer
— David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker) June 21, 2015
Of course It's in No way a minefield for any Southern Democrats running for POTUS.
@Instapundit #Hewitt
— Simarilian (@simarilian) June 21, 2015
No Hillary?
“@nytpolitics: Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush & Ted Cruz weigh in on Confederate flag at South Carolina Capitol"
— The Right Wing M (@TheRightWingM) June 21, 2015
Rather than discuss mental illness; why nobody said anything; or concealed carry in church--we debate the #ConfederateFlag?
— Larry Elder (@larryelder) June 21, 2015
— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) June 21, 2015
Democratic governor Fritz Hollings put the Confederate flag up in in 1962
— Justin Miller (@justinjm1) June 21, 2015
When will the media ask @HillaryClinton about @BillClinton's problematic relationship with the Confederate flag?
— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) June 21, 2015
Hey @chrislhayes can't wait for you to ask Hillary about this: @ScottWalker #ProfilesInJournalisticIntegrity
— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) June 21, 2015
This top Democrat was also a Klansman. #TakeItDown
— Dan Gainor (@dangainor) June 21, 2015
Robert Byrd was one who used the #ConfederateFlag for racist purposes as a KKK leader. When do we scrub his name from 100s of public places?
— Prudence Paine (@PruPaine) June 21, 2015
So who voted for this guy?
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) June 21, 2015
RT @chrislhayes: Profiles in courage
— EducatédHillbilly™ (@RobProvince) June 21, 2015
Some AP photo editor thought it clever to publish a photo of Ted Cruz with a gun pointing at his head
Twitter lights up over photo of Ted Cruz as target via @HCTrudo | AP Photo
— POLITICO (@politico) June 22, 2015
Some AP photo editor thought it clever to publish a photo of Ted Cruz with a gun pointing at his head: @powerlineus
— John Hinderaker (@jhinderaker) June 22, 2015
Would the '#DoucheNozzle' AP ever dare run a photo like this if it were a Democrat? Hint: Heck no!
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) June 22, 2015
.@ThePoliticalHat @redsteeze @AP @tedcruz
We get 8 years of Obama halos, and this is what ProgMedia does to Cruz.
— John Rivers (@JohnRiversToo) June 22, 2015
Meet Paul Colford (@PDColford_AP) media relations for AP who says there was no bad intent to the photo of Cruz w/ gun
— THE SCB (@PTD11) June 22, 2015
US presidential campaigns are heavily shaped by biography and charisma — Rubio has both
Why Marco Rubio could upend 2016’s US presidential election: #FT
— James Pethokoukis (@JimPethokoukis) June 22, 2015
Bombshell email release reveals how closely Obamacare 'architect' Gruber worked with White House
White House denied this. Will the media even care?
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) June 22, 2015
Bombshell email release reveals how closely Obamacare 'architect' Gruber worked with White House via @DCExaminer
— Greta Van Susteren (@greta) June 22, 2015
“@thehill: Report: Gruber had larger role in ObamaCare” @kksheld @drscott_atlanta @DrMartyFox
— Lee (@NJIvorygirl) June 22, 2015
It's not as if Mark Halperin hadn't been warned not to trust the Obama White House on Jonathan Gruber, he...
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) June 22, 2015
Video: Morning Joe panel avoids the L-word when discussing Gruber
— Jazz Shaw (@JazzShaw) June 22, 2015
White House had close relationship with Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber, emails suggest
— Red Alert Politics (@RedAlert) June 23, 2015
6 key candidates who have yet to join the 2016 race
6 key candidates who have yet to join the 2016 race:
— The Hill (@thehill) June 21, 2015
Poll: Carson, Fiorina, Huckabee gain ground in 2016 race
— The Hill (@thehill) June 22, 2015
Repeat after me: The WSJ poll of GOP contenders, with 236 primary voters, is garbage. The poll is garbage. The poll is garbage. Poll is garb
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) June 22, 2015
Carly Fiorina surges, Rand Paul sags in new GOP poll; Movements within the field #tcot
— Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) June 23, 2015
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Tensions build as Supreme Court readies blockbuster rulings
Washington whipped into frenzy ahead of ObamaCare ruling:
— The Hill (@thehill) June 22, 2015
Of the 11 cases left to decide, the biggest are a challenge by gay couples to state laws banning same-sex marriage and a conservative challenge to subsidies provided under the Obamacare law to help low- and middle-income people buy health insurance that could lead to millions of people losing medical coverage.
"King v. Burwell could free millions of Americans from big government mandates #ObamaCare"
— FreedomWorks (@FreedomWorks) June 21, 2015
With the King v. Burwell decision expected to drop in only a couple of weeks, many in the media are whipping themselves into a frenzy over the consequences of vanishing subsidies. Depending on who you believe, between 6 and 7 million people could be affected if the Supreme Court rules that words mean what they mean, and Republicans have proposed several plans to bridge these people gently away from ObamaCare.
But there is another side to a ruling in favor of King that is largely being ignored. In addition to eliminating insurance subsidies from the IRS, the ruling would also clarify that the individual mandate that demands individuals purchase health insurance would no longer apply to the 34 states that declined to set up their own insurance exchanges. ◼ Read more here...
Democrats veer left then blast everyone else for being "right wing"
Democrats veer left then blast everyone else for being "right wing"
— New York Post (@nypost) June 21, 2015 the parade veers left, the Democrats must always race out to be in front of it. This week’s Gallup poll says that a record high 47% of Democratic voters identify as both socially liberal and economically liberal or moderate. That’s up 8 points since the 2008 election of President Obama and 17 points since 2001.
Just as yesterday’s luxuries become today’s necessities, Democrats are continuously redefining what it means to be Democrats....
The media often remind us that Democrats and Republicans used to forge bipartisan policy solutions, scolding Republicans for supposedly moving right.
But if the center is becoming a lonely place in American politics, Democrats are walking away from it much more rapidly than Republicans are.
Hillary Clinton officially has a Bernie Sanders problem:
— The Hill (@thehill) June 21, 2015
Fmr Clinton Aide: It Won't Surprise Me If Bernie Sanders Wins Iowa, New Hampshire
— The Weekly Standard (@weeklystandard) June 21, 2015
Ben Carson talks about race and S.C. mass shooting
In GOP field, only @RealBenCarson forcefully talks about race and S.C. mass shooting: | Getty
— POLITICO (@politico) June 21, 2015
Wishing all the fathers a very happy Father's Day today!
Wishing all the fathers a very happy Father's Day today! #fathersday
— College Republicans (@CRNC) June 21, 2015
Happy Father's Day, @RonPaul!
— Dr. Rand Paul (@RandPaul) June 21, 2015
Remembering my father today - he worked hard to provide so many opportunities for me - taught me about American Dream
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) June 21, 2015
From my father, I learned that character is the core of who we are and the foundation of what we can become.
— Carly Fiorina (@CarlyFiorina) June 21, 2015
Happy Fathers Day everyone!
— Dr. Ben Carson (@RealBenCarson) June 21, 2015
Not All Father's Days Are Alike
— IJReview (@ijreview) June 21, 2015
#USCG wishes all dads a Happy Father's Day!
See video here:
— USCG (Official) (@USCG) June 21, 2015
Happy Father's Day! Enjoy this flashback >> WATCH: Ronald Reagan Wins Father of the Year Award
— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) June 21, 2015
Happy Father's Day to all the great dads out there!
— IJReview (@ijreview) June 21, 2015
The Charleston church devastated by a mass murder re-opens for a Sunday service
Historic Charleston church holds emotional Sunday service days after deadly shooting
This is what America is about!
— Wayne DuPree ★彡 (@WayneDupreeShow) June 21, 2015
A scene of brutal horror a few days ago, now one of beautiful faith. Hard not to choke up a little.
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) June 21, 2015
The Charleston church devastated by a mass murder will re-open for a Sunday service
— New York Post (@nypost) June 20, 2015
A.M.E. Church in Charleston Reopens as Congregation Mourns, via @nytimes
— Greta Van Susteren (@greta) June 21, 2015
Big crowd outside Mother Emanuel AME
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) June 21, 2015
Charleston, SC adopts #GoHomeDeRay hashtag; 'We are handling it with grace and love, not hatred'
— TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) June 21, 2015
St. Andrews Goose Creek rings bells for 9 minutes at 10 a.m. #charlestonshooting
— Jeff Hartsell (@Jeff_fromthePC) June 21, 2015
How the Charleston paper beautifully memorialized the church shooting victims.
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) June 21, 2015
Posted to the gate of Emanuel AME Church #CharlestonUnited
— Christopher Donato (@chrisdonato04) June 21, 2015
Judge reopens FOIA case on Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin
Judge reopens FOIA case on Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin by @joshgerstein | Getty
— POLITICO (@politico) June 21, 2015
Sunday Funnies:
Back To The Future IV: Bush vs Clinton #DestroyAllDeLoreans
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) June 15, 2015
@AHMalcolm Barack MacArthur on Iraq, “I shall Return....”
— Michael Ramirez (@Ramireztoons) June 16, 2015
BRILLIANT cartoon on what Obama quietly did during the start of Islam's Holy Month
— Allen West (@AllenWest) June 17, 2015