Saturday, March 21, 2015
Is the Solar System’s Galactic Motion Imprinted in the Phanerozoic Climate?
He is best known for his controversial solar and cosmic-ray hypothesis of climate change. In 2002, Shaviv hypothesized that passages through the Milky Way’s spiral arms appear to have been the cause behind the major ice-age epochs over the past billion years.
In 2014 Shaviv and coworkers published the paper “Is the Solar System’s Galactic Motion Imprinted in the Phanerozoic Climate? in Scientific Reports. Fossil shells, mainly brachiopods with some conodonts and belemnites are proposed as chronometers with a physical mechanism inferred to exists to link the solar system’s vertical motion through the galaxy to the terrestrial climate... KEEP READING
◼ Why I am a Climate Change Skeptic - Dr. Patrick Moore/Heartland Greenspirit
Someone yank Obama off the golf course and tell him he just lost another country to terrorists, plus $500M in military hardware.
Obama hits the links:
— The Hill (@thehill) March 21, 2015
This is Pres Obama's 6th round of golf of 2015; his 220th as pres.; his 77th at @AndrewsAirForce.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) March 21, 2015
BREAKING: US evacuates 100 remaining special operations forces from #Yemen
— Fox News (@FoxNews) March 21, 2015
RT @migueldeynes: Pentagon loses track of $500 million in weapons, equipment given to Yemen
— SaloumehZ (@SaloumehZ) March 20, 2015
Someone yank Obama off the golf course and tell him he just lost another country to terrorists, plus $500M in military hardware.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) March 21, 2015
Deadly weapons meant for preserving the peace have a nasty habit of disappearing to America's enemies under Obama. #Yemen #FastAndFurious
— O Bow Mao Truth Team (@BowMaoTruthTeam) March 21, 2015
US weapons have a nasty habit of going AWOL
— Mother Jones (@MotherJones) March 21, 2015
Al Qaeda is chasing us out of Yemen, ISIS continues to slaughter people in Africa and the ME, Obama is golfing. Must be another weekend.
— Ken Gardner (@kesgardner) March 21, 2015
US military evacuates troops from Yemen base after al-Qaeda fighters storm nearby city
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) March 21, 2015
Yemen mosque bombings: 'Blood was running like a river', say survivors after attack kills 120
— Donovan Walker (@soul_searcher02) March 21, 2015
US forces evacuating Yemen air base after al-Qaida seizes nearby city | | Wait, what, Americans are on the run?
— Marcel J. van Rossum (@CarrollStandard) March 21, 2015
It begins: O'Malley works to position himself as Clinton alternative
Matt Drudge: Team O'Malley.
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) March 21, 2015
And so begins the progressive shift from the Draft Warren fantasy to the “oh hey it’s O’Malley” reality
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) March 16, 2015
O'Malley claims Elizabeth Warren's turf against Hillary Clinton
— Washington Examiner (@washexaminer) March 21, 2015
O'Malley works to position himself as Clinton alternative: There are some Democrats in Iowa who aren't all that…
— Charleston WV Now (@charlestonwvnow) March 21, 2015
Democratic preference:
Clinton 62%
Biden 15%
Warren 10%
Sanders 3%
O'Malley 1%
Webb 1%
(CNN/ORC, 3/13-15)
— (@pollreport) March 18, 2015
Hillary Clinton's favorability ratings are highest when she's not running for office.
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) March 21, 2015
Politicians make too many empty promises to Americans. But Martin O'Malley is serious about keeping your beer cold.
— John Nichols (@NicholsUprising) March 21, 2015
Maryland Senate votes 46-0 to mostly end Marty "Tax Happy" O'Malley's onerous 'rain tax' |
— Marcel J. van Rossum (@CarrollStandard) March 21, 2015
@RichardGrenell Let me spook you more. O'Malley Warren 2016. Laugh as you will. see what happens.
— KLNorvell (@KLNorvell) March 21, 2015
Obama calls for mandatory voting in U.S.
Phase 1: Import millions of Democrat voters
Phase 2: Force them to vote
Phase 3: Propaganda
— Justine Tunney (@JustineTunney) March 19, 2015
Oregon Governor Implements Controversial Automatic Voter Registration
— IJReview (@ijreview) March 21, 2015
"Far from being a bunch of hard-liners, congressional skeptics of an Iran deal run the gamut from left to right"
"Far from being a bunch of hard-liners, congressional skeptics of an Iran deal run the gamut from left to right" …
— Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) March 20, 2015
Obama's Iran Deal: 71% of Americans believe a deal would not prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) March 21, 2015
Ayatollah Khamenei: "Threatening to sanction or military action won’t scare Iranians"
— The Hill (@thehill) March 21, 2015
Janet Napolitano on Protestors: ‘We Don’t Have To Listen To This Crap’
The former Secretary of Homeland Security for the Obama administration had a different tone when she was speaking directly into the microphone at the very same meeting. “They want to be sure that their voices are being heard and I want to commit to them that their voices are being heard,” Napolitano said.
The protesters at the regents meetings were upset about potential tuition hikes at the university.
Shortly after Naploitano’s “crap” remark, the regents left the room and continued their meeting later.
Iran’s ayatollah wants the complete implementation of Islam in the West
Here we have an Islamic totalitarian regime that imprisons Christians, hangs homosexuals, and makes overt pronouncements against our best ally, Israel. As well, Iran holds four Americans prisoner and the first thing before beginning any talks should have been their immediate release. Now, as with Cuba, we are going to beg from a position of weakness, and give away everything to the mad mullahs and crazy clerics just so President Obama can say he did something — albeit the wrong something....
While we sit back and waffle over who this enemy is, they’ve wholeheartedly articulated their global jihadist information campaign. They will seek to promulgate their false narrative into Western civilization and will even use the language established by stealth jihadists enablers and “Islamapologists” – that of Islamophobia.
"America is the root of all the problems" iran leader tells nation in New Years speech. "We should not trust them."
— Thomas Erdbrink (@ThomasErdbrink) March 21, 2015
Is #Tehran preparing electromagnetic pulse (#EMP) weapons to destroy the #US electricity grid? Yes, here's the proof:
— Daniel Pipes (@DanielPipes) March 21, 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
BLAST FROM THE PAST: Al Gore, Jerry Brown Send Democrats Back To ’90s For Hillary Challenge
— Al Weaver (@alweaver22) March 23, 2015
Five pictures of Yosemite's Half Dome that capture California's historic drought
March 19, 2015 - Fourth Year of Drought
◼ At Yosemite, Half Dome is generally quilted with snow by this time of year. The iconic peak stands roughly 9,000 feet tall -- and is today virtually snow free, with no big snow storms in the forecast for the remainder of the month. - Sacramento Bee
A thank you note to President Barak Obama and Senator Marco Rubio
What you have achieved in Venezuela, the Senator and his allies by forcing passage of a sanction law against Human Rights violators in Venezuela, and the President by finally applying it to 7 serious cases (and more to come?), is quite remarkable even if right now the casual observer may think it to be a diplomatic disaster for the US. Like many an historical good and well intentioned initiative from the US this one came out in a rather clunky presentation and on the surface seems to have united Latin America around its atavic anti US posture. Some even say that Maduro is reinforced, that the opposition received a patriotic blow that could endanger the electoral results of this year. All this is irrelevant.
First, no matter what the US did in recent weeks, its influence on Venezuelan elections is near nil. These will be rigged, if held at all. That the US may be offering an excuse to Maduro's regime to cancel the election is just that, an excuse for Maduro who probably had 10 other excuses in the waiting. One cannot bend to the foul winds of excuses.
Second, that this has united Latin America around Venezuela and against the US is a non sequitur. Just as in the US the far right used anti USSR rhetoric, and then anti gay rhetoric for fund raising, so keeps doing all of Latin America when convenient with anti US positions. Even your supposed ally, Colombia with president Santos, has certainly not rushed forward to offer himself as a mediator in your dispute with Venezuela. Resentment and envy will magnify for the foreseeable future any historical grievance, justified or not, against the US. It is a fact of life, no matter what the US does, it will be ALWAYS too much or too little, NEVER just right.... KEEP READING
Deal With Iran Could Come This Weekend
Deal With Iran Could Come This Weekend …
— The Weekly Standard (@weeklystandard) March 20, 2015
A Complete Timeline of Obama's Anti-Israel Hatred - Breitbart via @BreitbartNews #tcot
— John Galt (@dhrxsol1234) March 20, 2015
David Limbaugh: Obama Takes His Rage to World Stage
— (@townhallcom) March 20, 2015
Petraeus: Biggest threat to Iraq's future is Iran, not ISIS: America's former top general in Iraq offers some ...
— The World News (@TheWorldNews) March 20, 2015
◼ Petraeus Puts The Icing On Bibi’s Iran Cake - Daily Caller
(Of course, nobody believes Iran will wait for, or permit, true verification.)
More than 150 Republican women "Paint the Town Red" today during the NFRW's biennial Legislative Day at the U.S. Capitol.
◼ LIKE National Federation of Republican Women on Facebook. And remember, as a member of Humboldt Republican Women Federated, you are also a member of the National Federation of Republican Women AND the California Federation of Republican Women.
◼ LIKE Texas Federation of Republican Women on Facebook - Our Texas ladies at this week's quarterly board meeting of the National Federation of Republican Women in Washington, D.C. Thank you, ladies, for representing us!
Happy #FirstDayofSpring! Get your spring weather forecast:!
— Old Farmer's Almanac (@almanac) March 20, 2015
The word equinox is derived from the Latin words meaning “equal night.” All over the world, days and nights are approximately equal. Today, the Sun rises exactly in the east and sets exactly in the west.
Total #SolarEclipse, supermoon, equinox: Friday’s celestial triple play via @fxnscitech
— Fox News (@FoxNews) March 20, 2015
Check out this awesome photo of today's eclipse from Tine Mari Thornes in Norway!
— EarthSky (@earthskyscience) March 20, 2015
McConnell to governors: EPA climate rule is illegal, ignore it
McConnell to governors: EPA climate rule is illegal, ignore it
— The Hill (@thehill) March 20, 2015
The #EPA is a serial offender against the public’s right to know what goes on in its gov't. #StopSecretScience
— Speaker John Boehner (@SpeakerBoehner) March 19, 2015
Dem support for Hillary softens...
#HillaryWonderWoman flies invisible plane to Benghazi to protect Chris Stevens! Nah, she's fighting global warming.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) March 20, 2015
◼ POLL: 54% WANT FRESH FACE IN '16 - Rasmussen
EMILY’s List announces new bumper sticker ->
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) March 20, 2015
◼ Dem support for Hillary softens - Reuters
This is a real thing from Hillary's BillForFirstLady2016 super PAC. You have been warned.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) March 20, 2015
◼ Video: Camille Paglia’s rant on the “mess” that is Hillary Clinton - HotAir
◼ '50 SHADES' Producer Spanks: 'Not for President' - Hollywood Reporter
Report: Hillary Broke Promise To Disclose Clinton Foundation Donors
— Laurie Bennett (@laurieabennett) March 20, 2015
◼ Congress subpoenas emails of a dozen aides - Reuters
◼ Senator Presses for Info on Huma's 'Special Gov't Status' - Daniel Halper/Weekly Standard
◼ Was Hillary Clinton running her own rogue intel operation? - Monica Crowley/Washington Times
We all know that the only reason you would deliberately and premeditatedly set up a private email address and server is to have total control over your communications — to keep people away from those communications and to retain the ability to edit and delete your content.◼ A knock-out piece by that zeroes in on Hillary's despicable hit man. - Join the Discussion at Lucianne
In Hillary Clinton’s case, given her long history of concealment and duplicity, total control was the system’s purpose, not to keep track of Chelsea’s bridal gift registry.
A story originally reported in 2013 (and little-noticed at the time) may offer a deeper dimension to the reasons she wanted this control — and it leaves us with many new, unanswered questions....
◼ Despite Hillary Clinton promise, charity did not disclose donors - Jonathan Allen/Reuters
◼ Hillary made more stops at the No Tell Motel. Staff says "oversight." - Join the Discussion at Lucianne
◼ Just How Bad Is it for Hillary? - Jonathan V. Last/Weekly Standard
◼ We say toast. Jelly side down. Some hear Biden is having his gaffe maker removed. - Join the Discussion at Lucianne
.@Reuters Poll Shows Tumbling Support for @HillaryClinton Among Dems; Nets Ignore
— NewsBusters (@newsbusters) March 20, 2015
Camille Paglia
◼ Camille Paglia’s on the “mess” that is Hillary Clinton - Mary Katharine Ham/HotAir
I like Camille Paglia. She’s ornery and interesting, not subservient to the orthodoxies so stultifying to other public intellectual academic types of her acclaim.◼ Camille Speaks - Althouse
"you have the career politicians at the top in league with the puppet masters of the media”
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) March 20, 2015
2:55 - Growing up as a "gender nonconforming entity" in Eisenhower's America.
7:50 - What is feminism? The limits of identity politics.
14:35 - Rape, paternalism, and Madonna on the university campus.
19:30 - How the country club model of university life has debased contemporary cultural criticism.
24:38 - The decadent obsession with cultural identity in the modern world.
29:13 - Authentic multiculturalism and critical theory.
32:42 - Is there any hope for the humanities?
37:25 - Contemporary journalism is bad and it makes politics even worse.
45:18 - What sort of image does a great president project?
47:27 - The importance of "working class people".
51:08 - Hillary Clinton is a disaster. Dianne Feinstein is presidential.
54:46 - What are you optimistic about? Students are more ignorant than ever.
58:16 - Paglia's upcoming work: religion and the paleo-Indian period.
Runs about one hour.
Seattle’s $15 Min. Wage Is Making Something Happen That City Leaders Never Expected
Earlier this month, Seattle Magazine asked, Why Are So Many Seattle Restaurants Closing Lately?
The magazine went on to report that one “major factor affecting restaurant futures in our city is the impending minimum wage hike.” Anthony Anton, president and CEO of Washington Restaurant Association, told the magazine, “It’s not a political problem; it’s a math problem.” He estimates that restaurants usually have a budget breakdown of about 36 percent for labor, 30 percent for food costs, and 30 percent to cover other operational costs. That leaves 4 percent for a profit margin. When labor costs shoot up to say 42 percent, something has to give.
After Netanyahu win, Obama takes off the gloves
- Times Of Israel
The Obama administration woke up Wednesday morning to a sobering new reality on the ground in Jerusalem – instead of a weakened or rejected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Washington will now face the return of “King Bibi.” The White House has to come to terms with a Netanyahu who, defying the predictions, has been shored up by a strong mandate for his rightward-turning campaign.
In the final days before the election, the Obama administration was on good behavior – both the State Department and the White House barely responded to campaign statements by Netanyahu that walked back his previous comments in support of a two-state agreement. They also abided not-very-veiled accusations of US meddling in an effort to undermine Netanyahu’s candidacy. But on Wednesday, the gloves came off....
Jennifer Rubin: Not hard to follow. Obama rethinking Israel relationship while on same day sucking up to Iran. Helllllooo Dems, anyone home?
— slone (@slone) March 20, 2015
In Nowruz appeal, Obama asks Iranian people to seize 'historic' nuclear deal
Because Obama Doesn't Deal With Dangerous Lunatics !
#Tcot #PJNET
— Leah (@LeahR77) March 20, 2015
Obama marks Iranian holiday Nowruz by reaching out to Iran on nuke deal:
— The Hill (@thehill) March 20, 2015
◼ link - Jerusalem Post
Obama says nuclear deal a reasonable, if fleeting opportunity for peace, in message to the Iranian people marking the Persian new year.
"For decades, our nations have been separated by mistrust and fear," Obama said. "Now it is early spring. We have a chance—a chance—to make progress that will benefit our countries, and the world, for many years to come."
"It is up to all of us," he continued, "Iranians and Americans, to seize this moment and the possibilities that can bloom in this new season."
Did the DOJ lie? Federal judge threatens sanctions over Obama’s immigration plan
Federal Judge Admonished DOJ Over Apparent Deception: 'I Was Made to Look like an Idiot' via @BreitbartTexas
— Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) March 20, 2015
DOJ Attorneys To Answer Questions About Claims They Misled Judge On Obama’s Immigration Action
— Houston News (@Houston_Trends) March 19, 2015
DoJ may face sanctions for lying to judge re: Obama's amnesty edict "Hanen didn't seem to buy the explanation"
— Mark Krikorian (@MarkSKrikorian) March 19, 2015
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Horrifying Video Emerges After Afghan Mob Beats Woman, Sets Fire to Body for Allegedly Burning Quran
◼ “I was shocked that in the middle of day, in the center of the capital of this country, this kind of thing can happen,” Najla Ayubi, a former judge and women’s rights activist, told the Wall Street Journal. “But this is a very sensitive issue. If you burn the Quran in a Muslim country, people are going to respond emotionally. This really makes people angry.” - THE BLAZE
Rand Paul: Loretta Lynch has seized over $110,000,000 without due process using civil asset theft
Loretta Lynch has seized over $110,000,000 without due process using civil asset theft. Click to #StopLynch:
— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 19, 2015
Gun rights groups rally against Loretta Lynch confirmation:
— The Hill (@thehill) March 19, 2015
McCain: Sen. Durbin, who says GOP making Loretta Lynch “sit in the back of the bus” held up Rogers Brown nomination for years.
— Dale Randolph (@PeepNuggets) March 19, 2015
Dick Durbin accuses GOP of putting Lynch in back of bus but threw Condi Rice under bus when he voted against her. …
— Crystal Wright (@GOPBlackChick) March 18, 2015
No #LorettaLynch Just NO!!! MT "@maricopakellyk:” @JeffFlake
— Mark Schumacher (@MSchumacher) March 14, 2015
.@TedCruz: “No senator who takes his or her oath of office seriously shld vote to confirm" #LorettaLynch #tcot
— ForAmerica (@ForAmerica) March 17, 2015
Sen @TedCruz Ted Cruz reminds us how awful Loretta Lynch really is
— ForAmerica (@ForAmerica) March 12, 2015
When asked whether she would defend President Obama’s illegal executive amnesty—which Obama himself acknowledged, 22 times, he had no authority to undertake and which a federal court has just enjoined as unlawful—she responded affirmatively, saying that she thought the Administration’s contrived legal justification was “reasonable.”
When asked the limits of “prosecutorial discretion,” the dubious theory President Obama has put forth to justify his executive amnesty, she could give none.
When asked if it would allow the President to extend amnesty to all 12 million people here illegally … she refused to answer…
When asked if she agreed with the Holder Justice Department’s view (also rejected unanimously by the U.S. Supreme Court) that the First Amendment gives no protection whatsoever to a church’s or synagogue’s choice of pastor or rabbi … she refused to answer.
When asked at her hearing if she believed the federal government could employ a drone to kill a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil, if that citizen posed no imminent threat … she refused to answer.
And when asked if she would be willing to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS’s targeting of citizens for their political views—a prosecutor who was not a major Obama donor, as is the current lawyer leading the “investigation” … she refused to answer.
◼ Republicans must oppose Loretta Lynch—or lose all credibility on lawlessness - TED CRUZ/POLITICO
Exclusive — Scott Walker: Loretta Lynch ‘Not Fit To Serve’ As Attorney General - Breitbart via @BreitbartNews
— TIMENOUT (@TIMENOUT) March 14, 2015
.@SenateMajLdr We can survive without an AG. We can't survive without the #RuleOfLaw NO #LorettaLynch @DRW20 @smartvalueblog
— Mark Schumacher (@MSchumacher) March 13, 2015
House Budget panel passes $3.8 trillion Republican budget
House Budget panel passes $3.8 trillion Republican budget
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) March 19, 2015
Marco Rubio Recounts The History of Obama’s Treatment of Israel
◼ No Worse Friend, No Better Enemy - Restate
There are three central and related themes to the Obama Administration’s foreign policy. First is a persistent refusal to draw distinctions between U.S. allies and U.S. enemies. Second, which follows logically from the first, is something akin to an allergy to pursuing American victories that result in the defeat of our enemies. And third is the striking contrast this approach presents to President Obama’s Manichean rhetoric and hardball negotiating tactics directed at his domestic political opposition.
Those unappealing features were all on display in the Administration’s petulant response to the re-election of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who – unlike the Iranian mullahs – is a man Obama approaches with the enmity he approaches Republicans, and whose re-election Obama seems to take as a personal rebuke (and which ◼ many Israelis seemed to regard as one) after staging a nasty public, partisan fight over Netanyahu’s speech to Congress and after Obama’s own campaign staffers decamped to Israel to help Netanyahu’s opponents. That response’s public face may have reached its apex today with ◼ a Politico piece in which Administration sources more or less openly mused about rethinking the U.S. alliance with Israel. Although Israelies have cause to be even more deeply worried about the Administration’s actions than its words.
Enter Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)82%, the most gifted and electrifying speaker among the new generation of Republicans, and – along with Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR)82% – a rising leader of the foreign policy hawks on Capitol Hill. Even though the delivery is rushed, Rubio’s speech gives a taste of why many people, even skeptics of Rubio’s record, think he should not be underestimated as a national candidate. But more importantly, he methodically peels the bark off of this Administration’s efforts to unravel the U.S. special relationship with Israel, and pander fruitlessly to an un-appeasable Palestinian Authority. I recommend taking the 15 minutes to watch. KEEP READING
Krauthammer: It’s clear that Obama loathes Netanyahu #TCOT #TLOT
— Aleister (@AmericanGlob) March 19, 2015
White House suggests that U.S. policy toward Israel could change because of Netanyahu:
— The Hill (@thehill) March 19, 2015
out: democratic middle east allies. in: secret deals with theocratic terror-sponsoring regimes.
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) March 19, 2015
"We are ready for the decisive battle against the U.S. and the Zionist regime," Iran endorses nuclear EMP attack on United States
"We are ready for the decisive battle against the U.S. and the Zionist regime,"
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) March 19, 2015
◼ Iran endorses nuclear EMP attack on United States - Paul Bedard/Washington Examiner
Move over National Enquirer, here comes the National Geographic to supermarket checkouts. At least that’s the way it looks judging from the cover of its March issue.
A big headline proclaims, “The War on Science,” over of a photo of a workman constructing a setting for a Moonwalk. All this is accompanied by a list of five things, ranging from one about which there is much serious skepticism (“Climate Change”) to the very far-fetched (“The Moon Landing Was Fake”). It appears the NG left out those favorites that Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld delivered the explosives that brought down the World Trade Center towers and that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.
Another clue that the venerable Geographic may be planning to go head-to-head with the National Enquirer is that the story behind the sensational headline is a nothing burger, like such supermarket tabloid favorites as “Octogenarian Queen Pregnant” and “Film Star Charges, ‘My Father-in-Law Sired My Child.’” It turns out there is nothing to those stories either.
For decades the National Geographic Society has engaged in serious exploration and scientific inquiry and has earned the confidence of thousands of members/readers. That makes it worrisome that key people there seem to have become followers of the concept of Deep Ecology proclaimed by Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess in 1973.
The concept holds that all life, from human to dust mites, should be safe to live and pursue happiness. Although we humans are the only species with the ability to reason, this gives no special privileges; rather, the responsibility for all the others. To do this, we must not exploit the earth’s resources nor overpopulate it. Naess claimed the earth’s population should be reduced from six billion to about 100 million.
This worldview gave early environmentalists something much bigger to worry about than the shrinking habitat of a particular wild animal. It gave them the basis for a secular religion in which the noble cause of biodiversity could only be achieved by reducing industrial production and commerce and, along with these, steady downward pressure on standards of living and population.
“Climate Change” fits the religion neatly. If projections herald natural calamities—sea-level cities underwater; polar ice caps melting—fifty years from now, well, we had better do something right now to prevent it.
It is scientists who are making the projections, so bear in mind these are the computer result of assumptions fed into them. Some of those scientists are living off grants from sources that already believe in the Deep Ecology theory. The insistence that long-range “Climate Change” or “Global Warming” is “settled science” is an ideological/political claim, not a scientific one. To buttress this insistence, however, the proponents treat weather aberrations as evidence of their claims.
The remedy, according to the National Geographic and others, is to reduce the presumed cause of Climate Change, carbon emissions. These forces believe that the problem is caused exclusively by human activity; therefore, it must change. To do this, the current administration is clearly at war with energy production and, through regulatory fiat, uses of water.
The Geographic’s March cover story, while not living up to the cover promise of a “War on Science,” is filled with by-the-way reminders of the need to “combat” Climate Change. Yet, the record contradicts the magazine’s sky-is-falling scenario. According to an Oxford University database, the death rate from natural disasters such as floods, extreme temperature, storms, and droughts has gone from 12 annually per 100,000 people in the first half of the 20th century to .38 by 2010.
For the sake of its credibility on other topics, the National Geographic should apply some scientific skepticism to the often wild claims of the priests and acolytes of the Deep Ecology religion.
Meanwhile, what’s next for the National Geographic? Rumor has it that the April cover may feature a photo of a hospital door and the sign, “Maternity Ward—No Admittance,” along with this headline: “Woman Gives Birth to Two-Headed Calf as Icebergs Melt.”
Peter Hannaford was closely associated with the late President Reagan for a number of years. He is a member of the board of the Committee on the Present Danger. His latest book is ◼ “Presidential Retreats.”
You come at Sen. Ted BETTER be on the ball!
◼ Seth Meyers Tries to Shame Ted Cruz for Telling 3-year-old Girl 'Whole World Is on Fire' - Newsbusters
“I just talked to her mom about half an hour ago,” the Republican senator continued. “She went on a Boston talk radio program this morning because she was so upset at all these stories.” The mother said that her daughter then “looked at him as a hero” and she said: “My daughter was incredibly happy, and in fact turned to me, and I said: 'Look, Ted is going to put out the fire.' And she said: 'He's a fireman?'”
Regarding the negative media coverage of the encounter, the mother added: “She was actually calling him Uncle Cruz for the rest of the day.”
As a result, “he's like Marshall,” the dalmatian fire chief on the children's Paw Patrol television series, Cruz quoted the mother as saying.
Meyers then took advantage of the opportunity to repeat his joke: “Again, they're so bad with metaphors.”
But “that's great,” the host continued. “I think in the end, that girl's problem isn't anything more than her mother doesn't know what 3-year-olds like to do on a Saturday. 'Let's go watch a senator talk!' I hope she got ice cream on the way there and the way home.”
“Let me point out,”' Cruz responded: “There is only one member of the U.S. Senate who's known for Green Eggs and Ham,” the Dr. Seuss book he read to his children while filibustering against funding for ObamaCare in September of 2013.
“That's true,” Meyers replied. “Your demo is trending very young.”
“I poll very well in the 3 to 6 demographic,” the senator responded....
Following the upset in Israel that saw Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s party and its allies win a decisive victory in Tuesday’s parliamentary elections, a few postmortems have observed that Israeli voters did not merely fail to reject Bibi but they also delivered a resounding rebuke to the Obama administration. As any nigh-omnipotent being would, President Barack Obama and his administration have begun to suggest that retribution is imminent for the state of Israel, its profane government, and its idolatrous voters.◼ The White House hoped a new Israeli prime minister would resume peace talks with the Palestinians. With Netanyahu holding on, the administration is weighing a turn to the U.N. to help force a deal. - John Hudson/FP ◼ Via Drudge
The retributive justice meted out to Israel by a wounded Obama administration began well before any votes were cast this week. According to reports, the United States has failed to renew a longstanding bilateral agreement in which the United States was compelled to provide Israeli with emergency supplies of oil in the event of war. The agreement, which was first signed in 1975 in the wake of the Yom Kippur War, expired in November of last year and has not yet been restored.
But that is tame compared to the other measures the administration is contemplating in order to send a message to a democratically elected administration the White House finds distasteful....
A report in Politico ◼ elaborated on the options before Obama as he prepares to retaliate against the willful Israelis.
After years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians into accepting a lasting two-state solution, the United States is edging closer toward supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement, according to Western diplomats....◼ IOWAHAWK: “Obama tried harder to influence the Israeli election of 2015 than to support the Iranian uprising of 2009.” - Instapundit
Shortly before this week’s election, the United States informed its diplomatic partners that it would hold off any moves in the U.N. Security Council designed to put Israel on the spot at the United Nations in the event that Netanyahu’s challenger, Isaac Herzog, won the election. But U.S. officials signaled a willingness to consider a U.N. resolution in the event that Netanyahu was re-elected and formed a coalition government opposed to peace talks. The United States has not yet circulated a draft, but diplomats say Washington has set some red lines and is unwilling to agree to set a fixed deadline for political talks to conclude.
@iowahawkblog @VodkaPundit That's because to Obama, Israel is far more a threat than Iran--even a nuclear Iran.
— Vox Populi (@vpopul) March 18, 2015
This Friday: A rare combo of solar eclipse, supermoon, and spring equinox
This Friday: A rare combo of solar eclipse, supermoon, and spring equinox
— National Geographic (@NatGeo) March 19, 2015
Countdown To Eclipse: Eerie Darkness To Cover UK
— Sky News (@SkyNews) March 19, 2015
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
At this point, Obama’s gross pettiness and rudeness are there for all to see.
Obama's rude snub of Netanyahu: @JRubinBlogger
— slone (@slone) March 18, 2015
Unlike Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and British Prime Minister David Cameron, who, as heads of state of friendly countries are expected to do, offered personal congratulations to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his victory, President Obama has not....
At this point, Obama’s gross pettiness and rudeness are there for all to see. There is little argument that he has been trying to oust Netanyahu, creating a federal case out of a speech and dispensing aides to badmouth him on background to docile reporters. Obama obviously was a “loser” in one sense, but unlike the real loser (Herzog), Obama cannot bear to call and congratulate the elected leader of the Jewish state. This is not just an insult to Netanyahu, but to the democratic country that elected him. For goodness sake, Obama has called Vladimir Putin to congratulate him after an election widely believed to be fraudulent.
There can be little doubt why relations are so poor. Obama shows more deference to the unelected dictatorships in China, Russia and Iran than he does to our closest Middle East ally. Unfortunately, that message rightly or wrongly is received by our foes that even when it comes to such an ally, the U.S. administration will kick its “friend” to the curb. That communication does more to weaken our bargaining hand than does a letter from 47 senators — which actually tried to impress on the Iranians they had to give us a better deal to get Congress on board.
President Stompy Foot and his brow-furrowing State Dept now going to lecture Israel over their election. Which they won't do with Iran.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) March 18, 2015
White House bullish on Obamacare --- the public, not so much
Such thinking, however, is not reflected in most measures of perceptions about the Affordable Care Act.
Though Obama insists public opinion is on his side, more Americans still disapprove of the law than support it.
A RealClearPolitics compilation of polls over the past month, for example, shows that 42 percent of Americans support the healthcare law, while more than 52 percent of respondents oppose it....
...conservatives see little downside in trying to gut Obamacare. And they say that opposition to the law could grow as Americans file their taxes and are forced to deal with new Obamacare complications.
Far from backing down, House Republicans unveiled a budget Tuesday that would both repeal Obamacare and roll back its expansion of Medicaid.
And GOP pollsters say the president and his allies are tone deaf on the issue.
"They have a tin ear about the confusion, frustration and downright antipathy towards the law," said Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway. "They live in a parallel universe where the country loves Obamacare and it's working. The president has now turned his full attention to legacy building, wanting Obamacare to read well in the Wikipedia entry."
California public workers may be at risk of losing promised pensions
As millions of private employees lost their pension benefits in recent years, government workers rested easy, believing that their promised retirements couldn't be touched.
Now the safety of a government pension in California may be fading fast.
Feeling the heat is the state's huge public pension fund, the California Public Employees' Retirement System, known as CalPERS.
The fund spent millions of dollars to defend itself and public employee pensions in the bankruptcy cases of two California cities — only to lose the legal protections that it had spent years building through legislation.... KEEP READING
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Netanyahu claims victory in Israel election after hard right shift
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) March 18, 2015
PM @netanyahu hails "great victory" in #IsraelElections as exit polls point to dead heat
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) March 17, 2015
This is a great victory for our nation. I'm proud of people of Israel who in the moment of truth knew what was important.
— בנימין נתניהו (@netanyahu) March 17, 2015
Israeli Election Update: Netanyahu’s Conservative Party has Wide Lead w/57% Counted | FrontPage Magazine
— Daniel Greenfield (@Sultanknish) March 18, 2015
Looks like Netanyahu overcame the polls, his opponent, European leftists and Obama to win re-election today
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) March 17, 2015
Obama is going to be really mad next month when he hears on the news Benjamin Netanyahu won.
— WakeUpAmerica (@RufusKings1776) March 18, 2015
Deep Investigation Coming from Congress on U S Funding for Anti #Netanyahu Efforts
— JOE (@joe_nuzz) March 18, 2015
— sherry nash (@harleypyrate02) March 18, 2015
Democrats 'Scared to Death' over Hillary Clinton
.@Ron_Fournier: Democrats 'Scared to Death' over Hillary Clinton (via @IanHanchett)
— Breitbart.TV (@BreitbartVideo) March 16, 2015
LIVE UPDATES: The Israeli Election
LIVE UPDATES: The Israeli Election
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) March 17, 2015
we'll have all the latest Israeli election results, breaking at 4 pm ET on #TheLead, both on @CNN and @cnni
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) March 17, 2015
What a Netanyahu loss would mean for Obama
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) March 17, 2015
@rogerlsimon Explaining The Israeli Election: How It Works, and What To Look For As Results Start Coming In
— Jeff Dunetz (@yidwithlid) March 17, 2015
Breaking: Numerous news orgs report Israeli exit polls have Netanyahu's Likud party and Herzog's Zionist Union party neck & neck
— Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) March 17, 2015
Netanyahu supporters popping champagne at Likud election HQ #IsraelElection #Israel (via @brunonota)
— Alexander Marquardt (@MarquardtA) March 17, 2015
Netanyahu owes at least two seats to how hard the Obama @WhiteHouse nakedly campaigned against him. Great job, nudniks! ;-) #IsraElex
— Susan (@shoshido) March 17, 2015
Israeli Exit Polls Show Netanyahu Rally | FrontPage Magazine
— Daniel Greenfield (@Sultanknish) March 17, 2015
FLASH: Group Working to Influence Israeli Elections Still Receiving State Department Funding via @alanagoodman
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) March 17, 2015
Mazel tov! RT @netanyahu Against all odds:a great victory for the Likud. A major victory for the people of Israel!
— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley) March 17, 2015
@allahpundit BREAKING NEWS! All Three Israeli Exit Polls Suggest Bibi Will Probably Remain Premier
— Jeff Dunetz (@yidwithlid) March 17, 2015
St. Patrick's Day Miracle in Israel: Netanyahu Comes From Behind to Win - Breitbart via @BreitbartNews
— Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) March 17, 2015
RT @POTUSPressPool: .@AP reports Netanyahu declares victory in election.
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) March 17, 2015
Former FOIA Overseer Calls Hillary's Email Defense 'Laughable'
Former FOIA Overseer Calls Hillary's Email Defense 'Laughable' - Breitbart via @BreitbartNews
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) March 17, 2015
Hillary Clinton's Top 5 Clashes Over Secrecy from ProPublica via @SharylAttkisson
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) March 17, 2015
House GOP budget cuts $5.5T in spending, balances in nine years
GOP budget plan kills Obamacare, eliminates deficit in less than 10 years
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) March 17, 2015
House Budget Cmte hearing on FY2016 Budget – LIVE online here:
— CSPAN (@cspan) March 17, 2015
Republican budget offers deep cuts to end deficits in 2024: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Republicans on T...
— TopFinancialBlog (@FinancialBlogs) March 17, 2015
House GOP budget deficit is $346 billion in 2016, $152b in 2017; gets to balance in 2024
— Jamie Dupree (@jamiedupree) March 17, 2015
Plan to kill #ObamaCare? GOP proposes budget to repeal health care law 'in its entirety'
— Fox News (@FoxNews) March 17, 2015
The surprising Republican unity on the House budget:
— The Hill (@thehill) March 18, 2015
.@StephenMoore: House GOP budget plan gets it right. Here's why... @Heritage
— Fox News Opinion (@fxnopinion) March 17, 2015
◼ Repeal and Replace is unveiled - The Hill
House Republicans are offering a budget Tuesday that would balance in nine years and cut $5.5 trillion in projected spending over the next decade.
The budget would keep spending ceilings under a 2011 budget deal in place, but would provide as much as $90 billion in additional war funding — much more than the $51 billion proposed by President Obama.
House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price’s (R-Ga.) blueprint repeals ObamaCare and proposes a premium support system for Medicare similar to the one proposed in previous House budgets by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), Price’s predecessor.
It does not touch Social Security but proposes that a bipartisan commission study the entitlement program’s problems and then submit proposals to Congress.
The Breakdown of Where Your Tax Dollars Go
— Heritage Foundation (@Heritage) March 17, 2015
House GOP Budget Sets Stage For Showdown With The President
— Worldwide News (@Koran_Inggris) March 17, 2015
OBAMA/DEMOCRATS/RINOS WILL VETO! GOP budget plan kills Obamacare, eliminates the deficit in less than 10 years
— Bob Miller (@Miller51550) March 17, 2015
Full details on House GOP budget blueprint can be found at
— Jamie Dupree (@jamiedupree) March 17, 2015
UPDATED: Obama blasts GOP’s budget proposal: | Getty
— POLITICO (@politico) March 17, 2015
Missouri LT. Governor: "More Racism In The Justice Department" Than Entire St. Louis Area
Missouri LT. Governor: "More Racism In The Justice Department" Than Entire St. Louis Area
— BuzzFeed Politics (@BuzzFeedPol) March 16, 2015
NY Times Explains Removal of Shooting Suspect's Role In Ferguson Protests - Breitbart via @BreitbartNews
— John Nolte (@NolteNC) March 17, 2015
White House office to delete its FOIA regulations
Must read-->White House office to delete its FOIA regulations via @usatoday
— Judicial Watch (@JudicialWatch) March 16, 2015
White House celebrates #SunshineWeek by exempting office from FOIA requests:
— The Hill (@thehill) March 17, 2015
STARBUCKS wants baristas to discuss race with customers...
STARBUCKS wants baristas to discuss race with customers...
“Would you like your coffee black or privileged?”
— Allahpundit (@allahpundit) March 17, 2015
Starbucks wants baristas to talk race with customers, Twitter reacts. (@MichaelSkolnik)
— Breaking News Feed (@PzFeed) March 17, 2015
— John Muller (@mrjohnmuller) March 17, 2015
Starbucks to have 2 registers open at all locations, labeled as follows:
(1) "Wants to Converse about Race",
(2) "Racists"...
— justturnright (@justturnright) March 17, 2015
Conversation OVER: Starbucks Exec Behind ‘Race Together’ Lunacy Deletes Twitter Account After Backlash #tcot
— PJ Media (@PJMedia_com) March 17, 2015
#Starbucks's @coreydu wanted to talk about race so much he deleted his account after people started talking to him about it. #RaceTogether
— Brianna Leigh (@raininblack) March 17, 2015
Twitter isn't for the thin skinned. Guess Senior VP at Starbucks learned that.
— Kathleen McKinley (@KatMcKinley) March 17, 2015
The @Starbucks wants every interaction to turn into a conversation about race, so it's basically gonna become MSNBC on caffeine.
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) March 17, 2015
— Doug Sullivant (@DougSullivant) March 25, 2015
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS is now using chemical weapons in Iraq. BBC.
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS is now using chemical weapons in Iraq. BBC.
— Breaking News Feed (@PzFeed) March 17, 2015
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads 4 Iraqis in Saladin Province for "recruiting fighters in the Popular Front".
— Breaking News Feed (@PzFeed) March 17, 2015
State Department Brushes Off Saudi Prince’s Warning on Iran Deal #tcot
— PJ Media (@PJMedia_com) March 17, 2015
Sex Trouble: Essays on Radical Feminism and the War Against Human Nature
◼ Paperback – at Amazon
Stacy McCain's ensemble here is a very fascinating read on the Feminist movement, starting from its radical beginnings of the 1960's and details how it has evolved to its more extremist contemporary views. In it, you can clearly understand the purposely false narrative that attempts to lure young naive women today: "Equality, fairness, health rights"; and he reveals the dark secret that it is a marxist movement intent on destroying western civilization under the guise that women are slaves to a "patriarchy" in all aspects of women's lives, most prominently through sex.
People may laugh at this and think he's crazy; and while McCain is admittedly "crazy", you need that kind of crazy to evaluate demented, psychotic crazy and lunacy for what it is. In fact, with his staunch Christian Conservative values juxtaposed against their teachings, he shows with an "in your face" assault to uncover the truth that allows us to see the real picture of this evil movement. And to make matters worse, he demonstrates convincingly how this movement is hijacking the American education system, attempting to make converts out of young, impressionable women seeking higher education.
This should be a warning to families across America to teach their young girls the truth of Feminist movement. Don't say you weren't warned.
Robert Stacy McCain is a veteran journalist who has covered politics and culture for The American Spectator and other publications. His personal blog, has attracted more than 17 million page-views since 2008.