Ben Carson's new ad is the best one I've seen this campaign cycle: #thesehands
— Ben Walters (@TheBenWalters) December 8, 2015
MSM tried to tear him down with media hit jobs. Yet, the only candidate that doesn't attack others. #TheseHands
— Charves Hervey (@charveshervey) December 11, 2015
#TheseHands are going to be super proud to vote for @RealBenCarson in #bencarson2016
— Amy Jo Hall (@AmyJoHall21) December 10, 2015
Well my daughter has decided to join @RealBenCarson and #thesehands campaign with her own thoughts. #bencarson
— Joe St. John (@JoeJohm) December 9, 2015
A lifetime in medicine has taught me the best #healthcare decisions are made between patients & doctors. Read more:
— Dr. Ben Carson (@RealBenCarson) December 9, 2015