Is it me, or does it seem like the Daily News is having some kind of collective nervous breakdown?
— Will Rahn (@willrahn) December 7, 2015
The good news is Obama hit every mark in a forceful defense of U.S. values and strength.
— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) December 7, 2015
Well said @stephenfhayes: "What a low bar it is when we celebrate President Obama calling a terrorist attack a terrorist attack."
— Andrea Tantaros (@AndreaTantaros) December 7, 2015
Obama to Nation: Everyone Just Relax, I’ve Got This Covered
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) December 7, 2015
Conservative Pols, Media React to 'No Strategy' Obama National Address
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) December 7, 2015
President Obama National Address - Open Discussion Thread - *update* Video and Transcript Adde… via @thelastrefuge2
— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) December 7, 2015
Obama forgot to mention we aren't bombing ISIS oil fields for climate reasons & he had staff downplay ISIS intel threat pre 2012 election.
— Andrea Tantaros (@AndreaTantaros) December 7, 2015
OBAMA: Freedom is more powerful than fear. Now let me take your guns away based on a secret list that only I control. H/t @instapundit
— Will Davis (@willpdavis) December 7, 2015
#ObamaSpeech is over, yet I feel like not much will change in addressing terror...only in restricting freedoms of law-abiding citizens.
— Kimberly (@SouthernKeeks) December 7, 2015
Summary: #ObamaSpeech
— Chuck Nellis (@ChuckNellis) December 7, 2015
Obama: Calls ISIS "jayvee." Admits no "strategy" for ISIS. Calls ISIS "contained." Calls Paris attack a "setback." Tonight? Same strategy.
— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) December 7, 2015
Tomorrow is Dec 7. At least he didn't give that pathetic imitation of a pres speech on that date.
— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) December 7, 2015
For Obama's next trick, he'll call #PearlHarbor an act of war. #terrorism #ISIS #ObamaSpeech
— Dan Gainor (@dangainor) December 7, 2015
This is the war of our time. It shouldn’t be business as usual. My response to @POTUS' weak Oval Office Address:
— Jeb Bush (@JebBush) December 7, 2015
"Gun control" doesn't work when Muslim terrorists have BOMB FACTORIES in their apartment!
— The Patriot (@ThePatriot143) December 7, 2015
Barack Obama Doubles Down on His ISIS Stupidity Larry Johnson former CIA
— news_sense (@owhy3) December 3, 2015