Every expert making case to stop this madness. "Crime scene of a terrorist mass murder turned into a garage sale"
— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) December 4, 2015
Photos from INSIDE San Bernardino killers' home https://t.co/eE8Ae3vXQz pic.twitter.com/IxOAgcnhau
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) December 4, 2015
JUST IN: Reporters rummage through San Bernardino shooting suspects' home on live TV https://t.co/el4lpIJ12i pic.twitter.com/a66dYWCkKH
— The Hill (@thehill) December 4, 2015
This is journalistic malpractice. pic.twitter.com/iYqglTbH8Y
— Adam Goldstein (@A_H_Goldstein) December 4, 2015
I can't believe @MSNBC is rifling through the crime scene like they're at a garage sale!!! https://t.co/dFNkf3cA1C
— Angela.Kay (@DeepSouthProud) December 4, 2015
Jonathan Gilliam: "The biggest investigatory screw-up of which we have ever been aware...I'm speechless." @wolfblitzer drilling down.
— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) December 4, 2015
"I am so shocked, I cannot believe it." - CNN's law enforcement analyst on watching media contaminate killers' home: https://t.co/4nEXlof4rc
— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) December 4, 2015
that crime scene is officially contaminated. #SanBernadinoShooting There better not be others involved because that will hurt a prosecution
— Greta Van Susteren (@greta) December 4, 2015
The FBI can't even keep an on going crime scene safe. https://t.co/ytG0FHqGaY
— Scott L Brown (@trapcoscott) December 4, 2015
The media just ruined an entire crime scene. There are no words.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) December 4, 2015
My fellow Americans, as I have always said, ISIS crime scenes will be degraded and ultimately destroyed
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) December 4, 2015
They completed a search of a terrorist bomb factory in a day? I'm calling bullshit right now. https://t.co/qLSjKiLiIL
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) December 4, 2015
How long until Farouk's stuff is for sale on Ebay?
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) December 4, 2015
Meanwhile, these #refujihadis are still on the loose... https://t.co/APtg0nk2WA
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) December 4, 2015
Belgium appeals for public help in search for two Paris attack suspects: https://t.co/ii2YOT2HxX pic.twitter.com/f7tXBOzLzk
— Reuters World (@ReutersWorld) December 4, 2015
Muslim Migrants Display 'Open or Die' Banner at Macedonian Border, Attack Police... https://t.co/EzktCLmgE0