Saturday, June 21, 2014
“He’s hunting for someone to succeed him, and he believes the American people don’t want to vote for someone who’s been around for a long time. He thinks that your mother and I are what he calls ‘so 20th century.’ He’s looking for another Barack Obama.”
In his new book, “Blood Feud,” journalist Edward Klein gets inside the dysfunctional, jealous relationship between Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama — and how it could explode in 2016.
Outwardly, they put on a show of unity — but privately, the Obamas and Clintons, the two power couples of the Democrat Party, loathe each other.
“I hate that man Obama more than any man I’ve ever met, more than any man who ever lived,” Bill Clinton said to friends on one occasion, adding he would never forgive Obama for suggesting he was a racist during the 2008 campaign.
The feeling is mutual. Obama made excuses not to talk to Bill, while the first lady privately sniped about Hillary.
On most evenings, Michelle Obama and her trusted adviser, Valerie Jarrett, met in a quiet corner of the White House residence. They’d usually open a bottle of Chardonnay, catch up on news about Sasha and Malia, and gossip about people who gave them heartburn.
Their favorite bête noire was Hillary Clinton, whom they nicknamed “Hildebeest,” after the menacing and shaggy-maned gnu that roams the Serengeti.
The feds were advertising for "escorts for unaccompanied alien children" in JANUARY.
◼ If you think this sudden flood of illegal immigrant children is spontaneous, think again. - Allen West
According to a “help wanted” Request For Information (RFI) posted on, the feds were looking for vendors to help escort unaccompanied alien children (UAC) in JANUARY of this year.
The specific vendor requirements state:
ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] is seeking the services of a responsible vendor that shares the philosophy of treating all UAC with dignity and respect, while adhering to standard operating procedures and policies that allow for an effective, efficient, and incident free transport. The Contractor shall provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year. Transport will be required for either category of UAC or individual juveniles, to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air.
This is junior high history stuff. Is America’s educational system so bad that the First Lady of the United States does not know that our founders were born in America? Or is it something else? Did anybody blink when she said it?
This is the same Michelle Obama who told us that her Harvard education did not help her in knowing how to feed her children...
Not only didn’t her Harvard and Princeton educations teach her how to feed her children, they apparently didn’t teach her much about American history:
“It’s amazing that just a few feet from here where I’m standing are the signatures of the 56 Founders who put their names on a Declaration that changed the course of history,” she said during her speech, referring to the Declaration of Independence. “And like the 50 of you, none of them were born American – they became American.”Did she actually mean that those who signed the Declaration of Independence and participated in the drafting of the Constitution were not born in America? Benjamin Franklin was born in Pennsylvania and Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and James Madison were born in Virginia. John Adams was born in Massachusetts. Surely she knows this. But maybe not.washinton Birthplace
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison served as President of the United States. They had to have been born in America in order to qualify for the office.
IRS Contracted With Sonasoft for ‘Email Archiving Done Right’ Back in 2005
The IRS is listed as a customer of Sonasoft software - "Email Archiving Done Right"
— Morgen (@morgenr) June 20, 2014
◼ Suderman added, “A document posted on its website describing its services says that its system “archives all email content and so reduces the risk of non-compliance with legal, regulatory and other obligations to preserve critical business content.” - Gateway Pundit
If the IRS uses Sonasoft products to backup their servers why wouldn't you choose them to protect your severs?
— (@Sonasoft) October 9, 2009
◼ No Excuses: IRS has used 3rd party email archiving since 2005 - Poor Richard's News
◼ From Reason:
The IRS had a contract with email backup service vendor Sonasoft starting in 2005, according to, which lists the contract as being for “automatic data processing services.” Sonasoft’s motto is “email archiving done right,” and the company lists the IRS as a customer. - See more at:◼ UPDATE: Bombshell: IRS cancelled email backup contract just weeks after Lois Lerner's computer 'crashed' - Thomas Lifson/AMERICAN THINKER
The only reason Lois Lerner’s emails are currently unavailable is because the Obama administration doesn’t want them to be found.
Here’s something else worth remembering: ◼ Lois Lerner also used unrecorded personal emails to bypass record keeping.
Nothing suspicious here, at least to Democrats and mainstream media types. But it would be interesting to see the paperwork leading to this contract termination, since the IRS is required by law to backup its communications. (via Patrick Howley of the Daily Caller):
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) cancelled its longtime relationship with an email-storage contractorDescription: just weeks after ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s computer crashed and shortly before other IRS officials’ computers allegedly crashed. (snip)
Sonasoft’s six-year businessDescription: relationship with the IRS came to an abrupt end at the close of fiscal year 2011, as congressional investigators began looking into the IRS conservative targeting scandal and IRS employees’ computers started crashing left and right.
Sonasoft’s fiscal year 2011 contract with the IRS ended on August 31, 2011. Eight days later, the IRS officially closed out its relationship with Sonasoft in accordance with the federal government’s contract close-out guidelines, which require agencies to fully audit their contracts and to get back any moneyDescription: that wasn’t used by the contractor. Curiously, the IRS de-allocated 36 cents when it closed out its contract with Sonasoft on September 8, 2011.
Rick Perry Invites Obama To Visit The Border
◼ Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) is inviting President Obama to visit the U.S.-Mexico border, saying he needs "to see firsthand" the humanitarian crisis from an influx of illegal migrants. - Justin Sink/The Hill
In a letter sent to the White House on Friday, Perry called the president to Texas to survey the areas where tens of thousands of unaccompanied children have illegally crossed the border.
Perry also asked Obama to deploy 1,000 National Guard troops to the border, authorize the use of Predator drones for surveillance flights, and direct the Centers for Disease Control to survey facilities where detained children are being held.
"There is no doubt that I have disagreed with you and your administration on many policies over the years," Perry wrote. "This crisis, however, transcends any political differences we may have.
“The safety and security of our border communities is being threatened by this flood of illegal immigration, and the crisis worsens by the day," he added.
Perry also called on Obama to "modify or rescind policies that serve as a magnet to encourage illegal immigration," in particular the so-called catch-and-release program. That program releases illegal immigrants into relatives' care and orders them to appear at a later date for deportation proceedings.
"The complex situation along the border is deteriorating, and it requires a multifaceted approach to resolve, and must begin with border security," Perry wrote....
Obama MegaDonor Indicted for MANSLAUGHTER and Fraud
◼ A million dollar donor to Obama’s 2012 campaign and 14 of his affiliates have been indicted for involuntary manslaughter and fraud but you probably won’t hear about it much in the mainstream media. - The Right Scoop
◼ Shadowy Obama Megadonor Indicted On Fraud And Manslaughter Charges - TPM
A California grand jury has indicted Kareem Ahmed, a major donor to President Obama's 2012 re-election campaign, and 15 of Ahmed's associates in an alleged multimillion-dollar insurance kickback scheme.
Ahmed, the president and CEO of a company called Landmark Medical Management, is accused of masterminding the scheme and faces charges including conspiracy, insurance fraud, and, most dramatically, involuntary manslaughter, according to one of two sealed indictments issued by an Orange County grand jury both dated June 17 and obtained this week by TPM....'
Despite having little history of political giving, Ahmed gave $1 million to the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action in 2012, along with hundreds of thousands of dollars to support Democrats. In his interview with TPM in 2012, Ahmed called House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) his best friend, and said he regularly spent time with governors and U.S. senators. Data maintained by The Center for Responsive Politics show that Ahmed contributed tens of thousands of additional dollars to Democrats in 2013.
Because the world needs more lefty outlets to toe the Democratic line. It’s not like the Left already has the New York Times, Huffington Post, Washington Post, Politico, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair, Mother Jones, Daily Beast, Buzzfeed, Washington Monthly, National Journal, Salon, Slate, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, Media Matters, ThinkProgress — the list goes on.
Does the Left really need another organization whose sole purpose is to attack conservatives?
Apparently so, according to David Brock, founder of Media Matters for America, head of the liberal American Bridge PAC and board member of the liberal Priorities USA Action.
Censoring Conservatives
◼ Dinesh D'Souza's 'America' banished from New York Times best seller list - Paul Bedard/Washington Examiner
The New York Times bestseller list hasn't waited a millisecond to put Hillary Clinton's book atop its influential chart after just a week of sales, but has totally ignored another top-10 hardcover from noted conservative and critic of President Obama, Dinesh D'Souza.◼ Dinesh D'Souza Mysteriously Absent From New York Times Bestseller List - Townhall
His new book, on sale for three weeks, isn’t just absent from the top 10 lists already set for the next two Sundays, but totally missing from the list of the nation’s top 25 nonfiction hardcovers despite having sales higher than 13 on the latest Times chart.
According to sales reports provided to Secrets, D'Souza's new book America: Imagine a World Without Her, sold 4,915 in the first week and 5,592 in the second week. Had it been included on the upcoming June 22 Times hardcover nonfiction list, it would have ranked No. 8, and then No. 11 on the June 29 list that puts Clinton's sales at 85,721. The lists are widely circulated in the publishing industry before they go public.
Sales show that America should be ranked higher than 13 of the 25 books on this week's list, yet it is nowhere to be found.◼ High School Student Says He Uncovered Something ‘Appalling’ When He Tried to Access NRA Website, TheBlaze, Others - The Blaze
◼ Conn High School Blocks Students From Viewing Conservative Websites, No Block On Liberal Sites… - Weasel Zippers
◼ Jesus, Republicans And NRA Banned On High School Website - Todd Starnes
“I became curious as to why one side was blocked and the other side was not,” he said.◼ Clinton Donor Bans Free Beacon From University of Arkansas Archives - Washington Free Beacon
Andrew decided to set aside his debate preparation and started researching other conservative websites. He soon discovered that he had unfettered access to liberal websites, but conservative websites were blocked.
For example, the Connecticut Republican Party website was blocked. The Connecticut Democratic Party website was not blocked. National Right to Life was blocked, but Planned Parenthood was not blocked. Connecticut Family, a pro-traditional marriage group, was blocked, but LGBT Nation was not blocked.
A Hillary Clinton donor who serves as dean of the University of Arkansas libraries has banned the Washington Free Beacon from the school’s special collections archives, after the news outlet published revealing stories about Hillary Clinton based on documents available at the university library.
The ban came days after the Free Beacon ran a story about Clinton’s 1975 defense of a child rapist that drew from audio recordings available at the University of Arkansas library’s special collections archives....
Library dean Carolyn Henderson Allen informed editor-in-chief Matthew Continetti in a June 17 letter that the library had “officially suspended” the Free Beacon‘s research privileges.
Friday, June 20, 2014
The burden is on the regional players to prevent a jihadist mini-emirate from forming, and beneath that common purpose lies ample room for intrigue.
Events in Iraq over the past week were perhaps best crystallized in a series of photos produced by the jihadist group the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. Sensationally called The Destruction of Sykes-Picot, the pictures confirmed the group's intent to upend nearly a century of history in the Middle East.
In a series of pictures set to a purring jihadist chant, the mouth of a bulldozer is shown bursting through an earthen berm forming Iraq's northern border with Syria. Keffiyeh-wrapped rebels, drained by the hot sun, peer around the edges of the barrier to observe the results of their work. The breach they carved was just wide enough for the U.S.-made, Iraqi army-owned and now jihadist-purloined Humvees to pass through in single file....
A Lesson from History
Whether by mere coincidence, strategic design or a blend of the two, there are as many winners as there are losers in the Iraq game. Russia knows this game well. The United States, the heir to the Sykes-Picot map, will be forced to learn it fast.
When the French and British were colluding over the post-Ottoman map in 1916, czarist Russia quietly acquiesced as Paris and London divided up the territories. Just a year later, in 1917, the Soviets threw a strategic spanner into the Western agenda by publishing the Sykes-Picot agreement, planting the seeds for Arab insurrection and thus ensuring that Europe's imperialist rule over the Middle East would be anything but easy. The U.S. administration recognizes the trap that has been laid. But more mindful of the region's history this time around, Washington will likely leave it to the regional players to absorb most of the risk.
Nirvana Co-Founder Reveals Why He Is No Longer a Democrat in Wide-Ranging Interview
◼ Krist Novoselic, the co-founder and former bassist of Nirvana, says he was once an active member of the Democrat Party but it eventually became clear it was badly in need of reform that may never happen. After about four or five years, he says he decided to leave the party for good. - The Blaze
◼ Nirvana Bassist Explains Why He Left The Democratic Party - Huffington Post
◼ Smells Like Dissatisfaction: Nirvana Co-Founder & Bassist Explains Why He Is No Longer A Democrat - IJ Review
Novoselic is an activist and the chairman of Fair Vote, an electoral reform organization. Novoselic was a former chairman of his county’s Democrat Party and was an early supporter of Barack Obama.
However, Novoselic’s politics are hard to categorize; for example, he’s given money to Ron Paul’s campaigns over the years and came out strongly in favor of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, which makes it easier for independent groups to raise and spend money in political elections.
Lawmakers Call On NSA To Turn Over Lerner’s Lost Emails
◼ Republican Congressman Kenny Marchant asked IRS Commissioner John Koskinen Friday if FBI or National Security Agency databases possibly contain copies of the presumably destroyed Lois Lerner emails — the second Texas Republican to suggest the NSA’s domestic spying program could be used to investigate corruption at the tax agency. - Daily Caller
On June 13, Texas Congressman Steve Stockman wrote a letter to the NSA requesting that “the Agency produce all metadata it has collected on all of Ms. Lerner’s email accounts for the period between January 2009 and April 2011.”
And on Friday, Marchant asked Commissioner Koskinen his opinion on the unorthodox push to retrieve the emails of Lerner and other suspect officials.
“Is the IRS and its emails exempt from monitoring by the FBI or the NSA?” Marchant asked.
“Uh, I have no information about that,” Koskinen replied. “But I have no indication that we are exempt from anybody’s monitoring.”
“So we don’t know that the emails are not totally all [ir]recoverable, in some process,” the congressman pressed.
“If the NSA was monitoring all of our emails and collecting them and saving them someplace, then they might be there,” Koskinen admitted. “But I’m not aware that that was done.”
◼ We Know The Whereabouts of Lost IRS Emails
Read more at - Freedom Outpost
We know the whereabouts of the lost IRS emails and they could likely be accessed and shown to the American public within 24 hours.
It turns out that there just so happens to be a redundant set of digital records available in a facility capable of holding some septillion pages of information (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pages of text) that has been actively aggregating and storing digital data for years.
Access to any of those records can be had with a simple directive from the President of the United States.
The facility where the records are stored, along with the private emails, text messages, google searches and 20 trillion domestic phone calls since 2001 is owned and operated by America’s National Security Agency which, among other things, is responsible for the monitoring of American citizens and storing any and all digital interactions captured on private and public telecommunications lines. The NSA’s most advanced intelligence monitoring facility is located at Camp Williams and is called the “Utah Data Center.”
If the emails ever existed, whether they were deliberately wiped or accidentally lost, the National Security Agency undoubtedly has a digital record of them.
◼ link
Putin has spy plot to halt fracking in UK, warns Nato chief: 'Agents are working with green campaigners to make sure Europe still has to rely on Russian energy'
Russian agents are secretly working with environmental campaigners to halt fracking operations in the UK and the rest of Europe, the head of Nato warned yesterday.
Vladimir Putin’s government has ‘engaged actively’ with green groups and protesters in a sophisticated operation aimed at maintaining Europe’s reliance on energy exports from Moscow, said Nato Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.
He said the Russians had mounted a highly developed disinformation campaign to undermine attempts to exploit alternative energy sources such as shale gas.
Moves to start fracking in the UK have been disrupted following a sustained campaign by environmentalists that has created fears about its impact.
Speaking at the Chatham House foreign affairs think-tank in London, Mr Rasmussen said: ‘I have met allies who can report that Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called non-governmental organisations – environmental organisations working against shale gas – to maintain European dependence on imported Russian gas.’
'Who do you trust?'
...President Obama is underwater 38 to 58 among overall voters, but the real news here is just how badly he's faring with Independents. There, he's enduring a crushing 30 point deficit - 33 to 63.
Perhaps as a result of Obama's unpopularity, the Democrats are in trouble on the generic ballot....
Apparently, the spectacular successes of 5 consecutive "recovery summers" were just not enough to sell the American people on Democrat policies. Go figure. Here, the GOP holds a 10% overall lead, including a whopping 20% among independents....Read it all, at the link.
IRS Commissioner Doesn’t Really Care What You Think
◼ Paul Ryan Goes Ballistic On IRS Commissioner Over Lost Emails: ‘I Don’t Believe You’ [VIDEO] - Daily Caller
“I’m not asking you a question, I’m making a statement…You can turn [taxpayers'] lives upside down. You ask taxpayers to hand over seven years of their own taxpayer information in case they’re ever audited, and you can’t keep six months of emails?,” Ryan said.◼ Videos: Paul Ryan, Kevin Brady expose holes in the IRS’s story - Noah Rothman/HotAir
“This is not being forthcoming. This is being misleading again. This is a pattern of abuse, a pattern of behavior that is not giving us any confidence that this agency is being impartial. I don’t believe you. This is incredible,” Ryan said.
◼ White House Learned of Lerner's Crashed Hard Drive 6 Weeks Before Congress - CNS
In sworn testimony Friday, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen admitted that the IRS told the Obama administration about Lois Lerner's missing emails in April, six weeks before telling Congress, even though Congress had subpoenaed Lerner's emails as part of its investigation into the alleged muzzling of conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status before the 2010 election.◼ Koskinen displays a typical Obama administration official’s attitude toward wrongdoing: We didn’t do anything wrong, and you’re wasting your time investigating us. - Bryan Preston/PJMedia
"The IRS knew in February, or maybe even in March, and Treasury and the White House knew at least in April -- but Congress and the American people didn't find out until June. Were you purposely not telling us?" House Ways and Means Chair Dave Camp (R-Mich.) asked Koskinen. "Were you purposely not revealing this to the American people?"
◼ LIVE House Hearing: IRS Commissioner testifies on missing Lois Lerner emails - Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion
◼ You should be able to view the livestream of the hearing at the committee’s UStream channel.
◼ IRS commissioner: You know, e-mail isn’t necessarily an “official record”; Update: IRS Manual says it is - Ed Morrissey/HotAir
The child rape victim in Hillary Clinton's 1975 sexual abuse case has finally broken her silence
She stated that after hearing the tapes, she went into her room and cried, but she is now ready to stand up to Clinton:
I think she wants to be a role model being who she is, to look good, but I don’t think she’s a role model at all. … If she had have been, she would have helped me at the time, being a 12-year-old girl who was raped by two guys. She did that to look good and she told lies on that. How many other lies has she told to get where she’s at today? If she becomes president, is she gonna be telling the world the truth? No. She’s going to be telling lies out there, what the world wants to hear.◼ Exclusive: 'Hillary Clinton Took Me Through Hell,' Rape Victim Says - Josh Rogin/The Daily Beast
In a long, emotional interview with The Daily Beast, she accused Clinton of intentionally lying about her in court documents, going to extraordinary lengths to discredit evidence of the rape, and later callously acknowledging and laughing about her attackers’ guilt on the recordings.
“Hillary Clinton took me through Hell,” the victim said. The Daily Beast agreed to withhold her name out of concern for her privacy as a victim of sexual assault.
The victim said if she saw Clinton today, she would call her out for what she sees as the hypocrisy of Clinton’s current campaign to fight for women’s rights compared to her actions regarding this rape case so long ago.
“I would say [to Clinton], ‘You took a case of mine in ’75, you lied on me… I realize the truth now, the heart of what you’ve done to me. And you are supposed to be for women? You call that [being] for women, what you done to me? And I hear you on tape laughing.”
...In her interview with The Daily Beast, she recounted the details of her attack in 1975 at age 12 and the consequences it had for both her childhood and adult life. A virgin before the assault, she spent five days afterwards in a coma, months recovering from the beating that accompanied the rape, and over 10 years in therapy. The doctors told her she would probably never be able to have children.
The victim was put through several forensic procedures, including a lie detector test. At first, she failed the lie detector test; she said that was because she didn’t understand one of the specific sex-related questions. Once that question was explained to her, she passed, she said. The victim positively identified her two attackers through one-way glass and they were arrested. But that wasn’t the end of her ordeal....
“I’m a little scared of her… When this all comes about, I’m a little worried she might try to hurt me, I hope not,” she said. “They can lie all they want, say all they want, I know what’s true.”
◼ Hillary Chose to Take Rapist's Case - The Weekly Standard
◼ HILLARY’S RAPIST-DEFENSE PROBLEM - John Hayward/Human Events @Doc_o
Another story that bubbled up last week is also plugging itself into Hillary’s image as a ruthless political animal, and it won’t mix well with the identity politics she relies so heavily upon. The point of identity politics is that woman + Democrat = above criticism. ...the story of how she laughed with giddy abandon when remembering how she won a reduced sentence for a child rapist is going to hurt. You can tell her supporters understand that, because they’ve been working hard to suppress the story, and keep any more like it from being discovered.
Those descriptions sound so much better than saying she pushed stringent and inflexible regulations that have frustrated students and school districts around the country.
...The networks described also the first lady in flattering ways in many of those recent reports. She “championed” the changes, according to the May 27 “Today” show. On May 29, “Today” co-host Tamron Hall said she “has made kids and eating healthy a priority during her time in the White House.” Those descriptions sound so much better than saying she pushed stringent and inflexible regulations that have frustrated students and school districts around the country....
“Good Morning America” conveniently ignored the first lady’s role in the new requirements for school lunches when they reported in August 2013 that schools were dropping out of the program. They quoted a student who said “the food is just nasty,” but didn’t say a word about Obama’s promotion of the strict new guidelines. One school superintendent said her district lost $30,000 in the first three months of implementation.
◼ First Lady Michelle Obama Lashes Out At Congress: Don’t You Dare Touch My School Lunch Guidelines - IJR
From Fox News:
Seeing her nutritional standards under threat, the first lady hosted a discussion with school leaders on Tuesday afternoon at the White House where she ripped efforts to roll back those guidelines.It is not “unacceptable” to believe that local school districts, who deal with students and parents on a daily basis, would have a better idea of how to feed their students than Washington bureaucrats and bored un-elected activists who dare to tell the people’s elected representatives how to do their jobs.
“This is unacceptable,” Obama said.
The first lady said families realize the country is facing a “health crisis,” and the “last thing we can afford to do right now is play politics with kids’ health.”
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Sea levels have been rising and falling without any help from humans for as long as Earth’s oceans have existed.
◼ Sea Levels are Never Still - Watts Up With That?
The fastest and most alarming sea changes to affect mankind occurred at the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age. Seas rose about 130m about 12,000 years ago, at times rising at five metres per century. Sea levels then fell as ice sheet and glaciers grew in the recent Little Ice Age – some Roman ports used during the Roman Warm Era are now far from the sea even though sea levels have recovered somewhat during the Modern Warm Era....
King Canute showed his nobles that no man can hold back the rising sea. It’s time the climate alarmists learned Canute’s lesson and focussed on real world problems.
Even if we ceased using all carbon fuels for electricity and transport, no one could measure the effect of that huge sacrifice on global sea levels.
The summit of Mount Erebus casts a long shadow out over the Ross Sea. Mount Erebus is the most active volcano in Antarctica—and one of a few in the world with a permanent lake of molten lava in its crater. PHOTOGRAPH BY GEORGE STEINMETZ, CORBIS
◼ Active Volcano Found Under Antarctic Ice: Eruption Could Raise Sea Levels... Inevitable eruption will speed up ice loss on frozen continent, study says. - National Geographic
"This volcanic complex has been operating for millions of years ... There have been past eruptions of this system and the ice has survived for millions of years, [so] future eruptions alone will not cause the ice sheet to fail."
As with Whoopi Goldberg, it was all about who was doing the raping and who the rapist’s lawyer was.
When the Roman Polanski rape case resurfaced, Whoopi Goldberg coined the term “rape-rape” to describe the difference between the kind of rape she opposed and the kind she was okay with because it had been perpetrated by someone she liked.
In the political world the cases of Clarence Thomas and Bill Clinton showed how liberals delineated between the sexual harassment of men they approved of and disapproved of. Now the “rape-rape” distinction is back with Bill’s wife.
Last week liberal activists were denouncing George Will for questioning the lack of due process for accused rapists on campus. Then the Washington Free Beacon posted a tape in which Hillary Clinton had a good laugh discussing how she freed a child rapist she knew was guilty from prison.
Hillary had become the Democratic Party’s official “Role Model for Women” through her willingness to stand by her powerful husband during his affairs, cover up his sexual harassment of other women and even target those women for daring to speak out against her husband....
In public, Hillary Clinton mouths all the right platitudes about women, girls and sexual assault. In private, another Hillary comes out of the closet.
This is the Hillary who blames women for the abusive actions of powerful men; even when she is one of those women. Not only isn’t the real Hillary any kind of feminist icon, but she is much closer to the stereotype that leftist activists have of Christians and conservatives.
Hillary Clinton blames women for being sexually assaulted and raped. Having tethered her career to a serial predator, she can only get ahead by tearing down women in private while talking them up in public. The real Hillary is a neurotic living a lie who hates herself and her own gender.
The real Hillary despises women and identifies with the men who victimize them.
BREAKING: US Patent office cancels ‘Redskins’ trademark registration
◼ The Washington Post reports: The United States Patent and Trademark Office has canceled the Washington Redskins trademark registration, calling the football team’s name “disparaging to Native Americans.”
Reminder--Senate Democrats were pushing for Redskins name change. Dems resorted to bureaucratic tyranny to get their way
— Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter) June 18, 2014
◼ U.S. Patent Office Rules ‘Redskins’ Name Disparaging, Cancels Trademarks - CBS Washington
◼ In Landmark Decision, U.S. Patent Office Cancels Trademark For Redskins Football Team - Huffington Post
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has canceled six federal trademark registrations for the name of the Washington Redskins, ruling that the name is “disparaging to Native Americans” and thus cannot be trademarked under federal law that prohibits the protection of disparaging language.
◼ The Redskins are expected to appeal.... - Washington Examiner
◼ And don't miss what Harry Reid said the Redskins have to do now - Washington Examiner
“There's no trademark anymore for the Redskins,” (Harry) Reid said in a Senate floor speech. “Daniel Snyder may be the last person in the world to realize this, but it's just a matter of time before he is forced to do the right thing and change then name.”
◼ Harry Reid Bares His Fascist Fangs After Patent Office Ruling On Redskins - Stephen Kruiser/PJ Media
◼ "Even the US Patent and Trademark Office is politicized." 82 Years On, U.S. Patent Office Strips Washington Redskins of Their Trademarks - Bryan Preston/PJMedia
So, in the left’s worldview, the Redskins’ trademark has been ruled on in court and that’s the last word. Except when it’s not.
But shut up about Obamacare, because the courts have ruled…
The Redskins could win again on appeal. But they’re going to be forced to change their name. Book it, it’s going to happen. Harry Reid has made forcing the Redskins to bow a Senate priority. The Democrats aren’t united on protecting America from terrorists, but they’re in lock step on this.
The current Democrat Party and its merry band of bandits cannot abide the existence of anything that does not kneel in abject servitude to them — with a public show of gratitude for being brought into the orbit of so enlightened a collection of tyrants.
◼ So when do challenges to United Negro College Fund and NAACP trademarks start? - Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion
"I thought to myself, if a Princeton and Harvard educated professional woman doesn’t know how to adequately feed her kids, then what are other parents going through who don’t have access to the information I have?"
Is it really that hard?
As a parent of five, it didn’t take a pediatrician consult for me to figure out what to put on my kids’ plates. It may surprise the Obamas to discover that many parents have successfully fed their offspring without Princeton and Harvard degrees, in addition to not needing “access to information.”
Lastly, as many “working” moms don’t earn $316,912 a year, in addition to a husband who was earning $162,100 as a Senator, perhaps the First Lady protesteth a tad too much.
Then she spilled the milk, so to speak:
It’s so important for our schools to make the hard calls for our kids, because parents are struggling enough at home.Excuse me, who should be making the hard calls for “our” kids? Our schools, who admittedly have a tough job to do, are not and should not be given the right to make “hard calls” in our place. It seems like the education geniuses are having a hard enough time making the call about how to teach kids simple addition.
NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama's newest poll results reveal a public saying his 'presidency is over.'
◼ Stick a fork in it, it's all done. - CainTV
◼ Poll Shows Erosion in President's Support - Wall St Journal
The latest Journal poll of 1,000 adults, conducted between Wednesday and Sunday, highlights what appears to be a lasting slide in the president's public image. Respondents split in half on whether the Obama administration is competent, lower marks than Americans gave former President George W. Bush's administration in 2006, after the war in Iraq and the bungled response to Hurricane Katrina derailed his presidency.
◼ NBC/WSJ Poll: Obama's Foreign Policy Rating Plummets, Even Without Iraq - NBC via Memeorandum
...the public is evenly split on whether Obama is a competent manager of the federal bureaucracy. And a majority of respondents – 54 percent – believe the term-limited president is no longer able to lead the country.
Remembering Mark Sanchez
...Mark Sanchez served in the U.S. Armed Forces for a total of 18 years, Britanny Sanchez said. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1980, and then served in the Army National Guard for 10 years.
He fought in Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm and served in other operations throughout the United States. He obtained the rank of sergeant before being honorably discharged in 1998.
During his time in the service, Mark Sanchez was awarded the Purple Heart, but Brittany Sanchez said her dad never explained its origins.
Mark Sanchez also was a life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 241 and of the AmVet Humboldt Bay Post 96, Brittany Sanchez said. He served as adjutant of the local AmVets post, and was the commander of the VFW post in McKinleyville. Mark Sanchez was a board of director for the AmVets Department of California Service Foundation, and a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Elks Lodge. He also became a legislative commissioner for the California AmVets, and was running for state commander for AmVets, according to longtime friend and former Eureka resident Lorraine Justin-Plass.
"He was involved in everything," Brittany Sanchez said. "He was kind of like a true American patriot. He was a very proud supporter of the NRA. He was a very proud supporter of all of his VFW and AmVets. AmVets is what really helped him through life."
Most recently, Mark Sanchez owned Bella Baskets in Old Town Eureka with his wife, Laurie Sanchez. In his spare time, he enjoyed hunting, fishing and being outdoors, Brittany Sanchez said.
A memorial will be held for Mark Sanchez at Ocean View Cemetery at 12 p.m. on June 24. There will be a motorcycle escort and 21-gun salute, Justin-Plass said. It is open to the public.
Various groups are now trying to make Mark Sanchez's wish come true (to bring Wall that Heals — a traveling half-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. — back to the North Coast for the first time in 30 years). It will cost $12,000 to bring the wall. People can donate to the cause by visiting ◼, and typing "Vietnam War Remembrance Wall" into the search bar. Or, people can call Wall Of Remembrance founder JR Nichols at 714-609-0765.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
“The nature of the strikes shouldn’t be broad and open ended, it should be targeted, precise, and principled,” he said. “There is no win or lose in this type of conflict. The focus should be to degrade the capacity of ISIS and other groups that threaten the Iraqi state and U.S. national security.”
◼ THEIR WAR, NOT OURS - Patrick J. Buchanan/Human Events
(N)othing that happens in Mesopotamia is going to threaten the existence of the United States. As for the terrorist threat from ISIS, for us it is neither greater nor less than it was a week ago.
The existential threat here is to Iraq. Its survival as one nation is now in question, with the possibility it could be torn apart in a civil and sectarian war. But this is preeminently Iraq’s problem, not ours....
Vladimir Putin lately raised a valid question: Why, in Syria, are the Americans on the same side as the people who took down the twin towers? Indeed, why are we?
And who is fighting al-Qaida and ISIS in Syria, battling those McCain calls an “existential threat” to American security?
Bashar Assad. Hezbollah. Iran. Russia.
Over 80 PERCENT Of New York Residents Say Common Core Is A Disastrous Failure
The latest evidence demonstrating exactly how much New Yorkers loathe Common Core comes in the form of a shocking statewide poll, Albany NBC affiliate WNYT reports.
The poll, by the Times Union of Albany and Siena College Upstate Education, shows that a whopping 82 percent of the Empire State’s residents want to abandon the Common Core Standards Initiative in its current form.
“When you get over 80 percent of the people who say that, that’s what people believe,” said pollster Don Levy, the director of the Siena College Research Institute.
The Collapsing Obama Doctrine
As the terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) threaten Baghdad, thousands of slaughtered Iraqis in their wake, it is worth recalling a few of President Obama's past statements about ISIS and al Qaeda. "If a J.V. team puts on Lakers' uniforms that doesn't make them Kobe Bryant" (January 2014). "[C]ore al Qaeda is on its heels, has been decimated" (August 2013). "So, let there be no doubt: The tide of war is receding" (September 2011).
Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many. Too many times to count, Mr. Obama has told us he is "ending" the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—as though wishing made it so. His rhetoric has now come crashing into reality. Watching the black-clad ISIS jihadists take territory once secured by American blood is final proof, if any were needed, that America's enemies are not "decimated." They are emboldened and on the march.
The fall of the Iraqi cities of Fallujah, Tikrit, Mosul and Tel Afar, and the establishment of terrorist safe havens across a large swath of the Arab world, present a strategic threat to the security of the United States. Mr. Obama's actions—before and after ISIS's recent advances in Iraq—have the effect of increasing that threat....
American freedom will not be secured by empty threats, meaningless red lines, leading from behind, appeasing our enemies, abandoning our allies, or apologizing for our great nation—all hallmarks to date of the Obama doctrine. Our security, and the security of our friends around the world, can only be guaranteed with a fundamental reversal of the policies of the past six years.
In 1983, President Ronald Reagan said, "If history teaches anything, it teaches that simple-minded appeasement or wishful thinking about our adversaries is folly. It means the betrayal of our past, the squandering of our freedom." President Obama is on track to securing his legacy as the man who betrayed our past and squandered our freedom.
Gasoline at U.S. Pumps Set to Hit Six-Year Seasonal High
The pump price averaged $3.686 a gallon yesterday ◼ ($4.04 - $4.39 locally)
And when fuel goes up, everything goes up. ◼ Consumer prices rise sharply in May - USA Today
◼ 47% of Unemployed Have 'Completely Given Up' Looking for a Job - National Review
◼ 180K More Women Unemployed in March - CNS
◼ Illegal Alien Population Exceeds Unemployed - CNS
Bombshell Audio: Hillary Clinton Laughs At How She Got A Child Rapist Off, How She Discredited 12 Yr Old Victim
◼ What does Hillary's laughing rape defense audio mean? - The Hill
Nowhere does the "child" advocate express any concern about the girl. Nowhere does the "women's" advocate express any concern about future victims of this sexual predator who she got off with time served.
◼ Newly discovered audio recordings of Hillary Clinton include her detailed assessment of her defense of a man accused of raping a 12-year-old girl in the 1980′s. - The Federalist Papers
◼ The Hillary Tapes - Washington Free Beacon
The full story of the Taylor defense calls into question Clinton’s narrative of her early years as a devoted women and children’s advocate in Arkansas—a narrative the 2016 presidential frontrunner continues to promote on her current book tour.
Her comments on the rape trial are part of more than five hours of unpublished interviews conducted by Arkansas reporter Roy Reed with then-Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton and his wife in the mid-1980s.
IRS tells GOP committee: We’ve lost e-mails from six more employees involved in scandal
Show of hands: When was the last time your computer crashed so hard that important data — e-mails, specifically — were lost and couldn’t be retrieved? I’ve used PCs and Macs every day for the past eight years, for 12 hours a day or more during weekdays, and I can’t remember experiencing something like that. It’s an “Internet 2001″ problem, not “Internet 2011,” especially given how cheap and ubiquitous back-up drives are today — and yet it happened to the IRS, apparently, no fewer than seven times, as recently as three years ago. And by the way, why are IRS e-mails being saved locally to employees’ hard drives instead of to a central server, a la e-mail programs like Gmail? The agency is required by statute to preserve records; the easiest way to do that for e-mail would be to store everything in a central cloud. Why doesn’t the IRS do that?
◼ They Lost Email from Six Other IRS Employees…All Implicated in Targeting Scandal - GraniteGrok
◼ Darrell Issa subpoenas IRS commissioner over lost Lois Lerner emails - Susan Ferrechio/Washington Examiner
◼ Lois Lerner’s Lost Emails: Questions for the IRS - Sharyl Attkisson
◼ Attkisson On Missing IRS Documents: If The Emails Really Are Lost, ‘That’s Quite A Story In Itself’ - CBS Philly
Attkisson: This doesn't happen.
Due to the time-sensitive and urgent nature of this request, please respond by noon on Wednesday, June 18, 2014.
Washington superlawyer Cleta Mitchell represents True the Vote, one of the groups illegally targeted by the IRS in the scandals that have exposed the agency as a partisan operation. True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht has been harassed by federal law enforcement authorities representing three different federal agencies. They represent the price of politics in the Age of Obama.
Cleta has just served the letter (SEE IT HERE) on the attorneys at the Department of Justice representing the IRS in True the Vote’s pending lawsuit referenced in the subject line below. She has also served the letter on Steptoe & Johnson partner Brigida Benitez. Benitez comes in for special attention in Cleta’s letter; she represents the IRS defendants who are sued in their individual capacity.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Is Obama done with Washington? Or is Washington done with Obama?
◼ The real question is, are Democratic politicians done with Barack Obama? - RedState
I don’t often do this, but I feel that this Hill article about how much Barack Obama hates Washington, wants to leave it, and doesn’t like hanging out with all the other Democrats is missing a couple of key paragraphs at the end. I intend to now provide them.
Barack Obama’s detachment from, and disdain of, Washington DC reportedly concerns many Democrats, particularly those running for re-election this year...
Today’s RCP average shows that President Obama has a favorable/unfavorable rating of 42/54. By comparison, former President George W. Bush’s comparable daily numbers in 2006 were 38/57: while President Obama enjoys a slightly higher amount of regard, many question whether his presence on the campaign trail in battleground states would be more welcomed by Democrats, or Republicans. This may add some poignancy to the President’s choice to stay out of the limelight: it may be the best chance the Democratic party has to retain control of the Senate. read the rest.
...did Lois Lerner really lose the only copies of her 2009-2011 emails in a hard drive crash? In its correspondence, the IRS tried to prove the point by attaching an email thread in which the agency’s IT professionals sadly advised Ms. Lerner that they had been unable to recover her missing files. But if you read to the end of the thread (i.e., the beginning) you see Lerner’s email of July 19, 2011, in which she laments the loss of “personal files” due to her computer’s crash, but never mentions any lost emails....
The New York Times tries to blame Bush for the VA scandal. Too bad the problem at the VA today isn't what happened “seven or more years ago.” It’s that the current administration had five and a half years to fix it and didn't.
The VA has retaliated against whistleblowers for years, reports the New York Times today, keeping the lid on a corrupt environment through fear and attacks on credibility. Despite whistleblower protections and a public commitment to transparency from the Obama administration, VA management intimidated employees into silence and punished others who tried to tough it out, including firing them from their jobs. Now that the ugly secret of rampant fraud and abuse have become public, current and former employees are speaking on the record to the culture of corruption and intimidation endured throughout the agency.
...But now, of course, the VA is focused like a laser on their problems. Right? Er … no:
Our ocean is under threat. Join people all over the world and make a difference. #OurOcean2014
— Veterans Affairs (@DeptVetAffairs) June 16, 2014
Sharyl Attkisson's Questions for the IRS re: Lois Lerner’s Lost Emails
IRS gives the news to Congress late on Friday--Lois Lerner emails "lost"
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) June 14, 2014
◼ According to the House Ways and Means Committee, the IRS reports having “lost” former IRS manager Lois Lerner’s emails to and from other IRS employees sent between January of 2009 and April of 2011 due to a ‘computer crash.’ - SHARYL ATTKISSON ◼ @SharylAttkisson
Please provide a timeline of the crash and documentation covering when it was first discovered and by whom; when, how and by whom it was learned that materials were lost; the official documentation reporting the crash and federal data loss; documentation reflecting all attempts to recover the materials; and the remediation records documenting the fix. This material should include the names of all officials and technicians involved, as well as all internal communications about the matter.
Please provide all documents and emails that refer to the crash from the time that it happened through the IRS’ disclosure to Congress Friday that it had occurred....
Please provide documentation reflecting any security analyses done to assess the impact of the crash and lost materials. If such analyses were not performed, why not?
Please provide documentation showing the steps taken to recover the material, and the names of all technicians who attempted the recovery. MORE, at Sharyl Attkisson's blog
...House and Ways Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) says that along with providing news of the emails that have been lost, the IRS suggested in the same letter to Congress that it end its investigation.
The late disclosure of the lost emails may be reason to disregard the suggestion.
In March, IRS Commish said emails are stored offsite...
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) June 16, 2014
◼ What the IRS Commissioner Said About Those Lois Lerner Emails Back in March
◼ IRS: Lois Lerner emails “Lost”
◼ IRS Commissioner Subpoenaed to Testify About Lost Lois Lerner Emails
I do wonder how IRS wd reply to a taxpayer under investigation who said he lost his required tax documentation due to a computer crash.
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) June 15, 2014
We were led to believe that the Millers were Tea Party-loving right-wing extremists. Turns out the Las Vegas Cop Killers Were Members of Far Left #Occupy Movement
DC Clothesline reported: ...We have been bombarded with the Millers’ connection to the Bundy Ranch, Alex Jones and the liberty movement in general. The liberty movement is massive and it does not emcompass only the right-wing. But we were led to believe that the Millers were Tea Party-loving right-wing extremists. That is what the media wants America to believe…
… it will come as no surprise to our readers that the Millers were involved in the “Occupy Movement.” Again, the liberty movement is massive but the Occupy Protests tend to be attributed to the left. Bundy Ranch tends to be associated with the right. They are both cases of civil disobedience but obviously the media wants to paint a picture of the Millers as being people who voted for Romney rather than Obama. This is how the media constantly pushes the agenda of the left. Nearly every news publication in America printed something about the associations of the Millers, but very few printed this...
Flim Flam Flummery: White House floods us with illegals who have been lied to as we see six year olds who "have walked 1,000 miles" in flip-flops and are spotless.
But whether or not many people noticed, this was the week in which the Obama administration's attempts to deflect blame for the border crisis fell apart....◼ Discussion at Lucianne
As some Democrats on the committee had already suggested, Johnson told Cornyn that, if there, in fact, are misperceptions about U.S. law among illegal immigrants, the way to clarify the situation is to pass comprehensive immigration reform. "If comprehensive immigration reform is passed, the uncertainty that may be existing in people's minds about our law gets resolved," Johnson said.
Others, including the White House spokesman, have made the same point in what has become the administration's fallback position: If you don't like what is happening at the border, pass comprehensive immigration reform. It is essentially a concession that yes, the young illegal immigrants flooding across the border are coming because they've heard that Obama administration policies will allow them to stay. But it's also a sign that the White House has no intention to do much about the problem.
◼ 'Wave of humanity´: Border Patrol overwhelmed by flow of illegal aliens - FOX
◼ Discussion at Lucianne: High time our bird-dog media tells us exactly who ginned this up.
Hillary’s book tour from Hell: ‘Broke’ comment, NPR flap likely tip of iceberg
◼ When Will Hillary Let It Go? - Maureen Dowd/Washington Times
...Hillary’s new memoir, like her last one, is a testament to caution and calculation. It doesn’t feel written so much as assembled by a “Hillary for President” algorithm. All this excitement is being ginned up, but nothing exciting is happening. There isn’t one surprising or scintillating or provocative word in the whole book. “Hard Choices” is inert, a big yawn....
JOHN FUND: The Dog Ate My E-Mails, for Two Years:
...After months of delay in responding to congressional inquiries, the IRS now claims that, for the period of January 2009 to April 2011, all e-mails between Lois Lerner — the IRS official at the center of the scandal — and anyone outside the IRS were wiped out by a “computer crash.” As House Ways and Means chairman Dave Camp wrote in a statement, this loss means that “we are conveniently left to believe that Lois Lerner acted alone.” After all, there isn’t a “smidgen” of e-mail evidence to suggest otherwise.
A growing number of computer professionals are stepping forward to say that none of this makes sense. Norman Cillo, a former program manager at Microsoft, told The Blaze: “I don’t know of any e-mail administrator [who] doesn’t have at least three ways of getting that mail back. It’s either on the disks or it’s on a TAPE backup someplace on an archive server.” Bruce Webster, an IT expert with 30 years of experience consulting with dozens of private companies, seconds this opinion: “It would take a catastrophic mechanical failure for Lerner’s drive to suffer actual physical damage, but in any case, the FBI should be able to recover something. And the FBI and the Justice Department know it.”
...If there is an ongoing cover-up of the IRS scandal, it’s obvious why some folks would be desperate to continue it. Last year, Time magazine’s liberal columnist Joe Klein wrote that the IRS scandal placed President Obama “on the same page as Richard Nixon.”
John Fund has a new book out: ◼ Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department. Spoiler: Things are even worse than you think. - via Instapundit
Buy a copy ◼ HERE.
Growing the Map: 15 Democratic Senate Seats in Play
◼ ICYMI: A year ago, analysts predicted 6 seats would be in play for GOP. Now: 15... - National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC)
By instituting a spread offense, we've more than doubled the list of seats up for grabs. As of today, we believe that 15 Democratic seats are in play:
Alaska (Begich)There are five months to go until Election Day, but we are financially and politically positioned to earn the Majority through building world-class campaigns that articulate our vision for governing.
Arkansas (Pryor)
Colorado (M. Udall)
Iowa (Open - Harkin)
Louisiana (Landrieu)
Michigan (Open - Levin)
Minnesota (Franken)
Montana (Walsh)
New Hampshire (Shaheen)
New Mexico (T. Udall)
North Carolina (Hagan)
Oregon (Merkley)
South Dakota (Open - Johnson)
Virginia (Warner)
West Virginia (Open - Rockefeller)
PC police, Big Green environmentalists are turning America into a First Amendment-free zone
American University adjunct professor and veteran self-described "progressive activist" Caleb Rossiter is the latest victim, thanks to an article he wrote for the Wall Street Journal opinion pages questioning global warming.◼ Border Patrol Agents Threatened With Criminal Charges For Speaking To Reporters - FOX
Rossiter's sin was describing global warming as an "unproved science" and advocating that developing African nations be allowed to adopt the same "all-of-the-above" energy policies as the U.S. follows.
Rossiter's reward was to be terminated as an associate fellow by the Institute for Policy Studies. Despite his 23-year relationship with IPS, Rossiter was fired via email.
The Associated Press (AP) obtained an email from Eligio "Lee" Pena, an assistant patrol agent, that ordered more than 3,000 agents to not speak to reporters about the "humanitarian crisis." The email allegedly said that reporters are likely to press for details and "may try to disguise themselves" in the process."
Pena's email went on to warn agents that they could be disciplined or even charged with a crime if they speak to media, according to the AP.
What Trey Gowdy Just Did Could Be A Defining Moment For America
◼ Trey Gowdy lead the charge in passing a bill that directs Obama to follow the laws – clearing the House by a 233 to 181 vote. - PCMD Gazette
Which means (at least) 181 elected officials don't think the President should have to follow the law.
KIM JONG OBAMA: I Forbid Congress From Photographing Any Illegal Alien Refugee Centers
• No recording devices will be allowed (We may ask you to leave your cellphone in our vehicle)
• No questions will be allowed during the tour, but questions will be addressed later
• No interacting with staff and children at the shelter
• We will provide photos of the facility after the tour congressional staffer invited to tour the facility called the planned tours “a dog and pony show... Don’t talk to anyone, don’t record anything you might happen to see, but come visit us and we’ll give you a sanitized story with only the photos and accounts we want you to have,” said the staffer, who requested anonymity.
...This humanitarian refugee crisis -- something you would normally see in Third World countries -- is the product of Barack Obama's lawless evisceration of America's immigration laws. Bound by his oath of office to enforce them, Obama has instead chosen to open up America's borders to any and all. Cartel members, the infirm, the disease-ridden, pedophiles, MS-13 members, burglars, the poverty-stricken... no passports, no background checks, no customs inspection, no waiting line, nothing.
◼ Nice: Obama Uses Illegal Children For Propaganda, Turns Soldiers Into Babysitters - Townhall
Just exactly how do unaccompanied children manage to traverse two thousand miles of difficult terrain while avoiding dangerous drug cartels – all on their own – to reach the southern border of America? Since they are apparently arriving without benefit of adult supervision, money, vehicles, or material possessions, one can only speculate that perhaps they had some seriously coordinated support.GOP demands Obama deploy National Guard...
Meanwhile, the Obama administration does a double wink and feigns surprise at the onslaught of urchins. And America – get your checkbooks ready – because Obama can’t work fast enough to secure $2 billion in emergency funding from our bankrupt treasury.
Churches Aiding Invasion of Illegals...
NY eyes citizenship after 3 years of taxes...
More than 35,000 entering TX each month...
Using 'rehearsed' answers to gain entry...
The London Telegraph has a round-up of Iraq news. It’s very bad.
This is what Obama has allowed to be unleashed on Iraqis that trusted us when we encouraged them to rise up against their Baathist oppressors. This is what American soldiers sacrificed to prevent. And it’s just beginning.◼ Iraq crisis: ISIS battles for Baghdad - June 14 as it happened - London Telegraph
Group claims mass killings of Iraqi troops, as militants battle security forces 50 miles from Baghdad - follow latest developments◼ Iraq crisis: ISIS battles for Baghdad - June 15 as it happened - London Telegraph
Group claims mass killings of Iraqi troops, as Shia volunteers respond to cleric's call to arms and army launches counter-offensive north of Baghdad◼ Bloodbath in Iraq - The Other McCain
◼ For more details on this al-Qaeda offshoot and others, from Boko Haram to al-Shabaab, take a look at our interactive graphic. - London Telegraph
GRAPHIC: ISIS releases PHOTOS of Mass Executions
◼ Global Jihad 2014 - Pamela Geller
◼ SIS Video Calls to “Break the Crosses and Destroy the Lineage of the Grandsons of Monkeys”
◼ SIS Islamic Commander Declares to Cheering Crowd In Mosul: “We Have Defeated The Americans” “Allah willing, we will establish a state ruled by the Quran”
◼ ISIS Leader to USA: “Soon We Will be in Direct Confrontation” “The sons of Islam have prepared for such a day”
◼ Ruthless: ISIS Tweets Photo of Severed Head for World Cup - Leah Barkoukis/Townhall
The World Cup kicked off this week and to show their “support,” ISIS savagely tweeted a photo of a Sunni police chief’s severed head and joked about it being a soccer ball.
“This is our ball,” the Iraqi jihadists said in the tweet showing the picture. “It is made of skin #WorldCup #WorldCup2014.”
..On Tuesday, the militants also tweeted a photo of themselves bulldozing a path to Syria in an offensive meant to create a united Islamic state.
◼ ..On Tuesday, the militants also tweeted a photo of themselves bulldozing a path to Syria in an offensive meant to create a united Islamic state. - New York Post
This Republican says Obama needs to be focusing on Iraq, not going to Palm Springs for a fundraiser...
Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, who chairs the Homeland Security Committee, in an interview with ABC News on Sunday criticized Obama for making a statement Friday in front of Marine One saying he would weigh his options and make a decision in the coming days then heading off for a scheduled trip to North Dakota and California.
“This is a crisis,” he said. “It does [need] a response, not going to Palm Springs for a fundraiser."
Viral Video Contrasts Marines View Of President Bush Versus Obama
Sunday, June 15, 2014
It's Fathers Day!
◼ Enjoy the day. - Wikipedia
◼ 'Devotedly, Dad': Special letters from my father, President George H.W. Bush - Dorothy Doro Bush Koch/FOX
This week I nervously watched my 90-year-old father parachute from a plane in Kennebunkport, Maine. I guess I should not have been surprised. He was the youngest pilot in World War II and now he is probably one of the oldest skydivers.◼ Deployed dads stay connected on Father's Day - USA Today
◼ A father’s work - NY Post