Saturday, October 4, 2014

Obama’s Ebola Disaster

Well, Obama has opened a new front on incompetence. - Larry Johnson/No Quarter

Well, Obama has opened a new front on incompetence. We will soon have almost 4000 troops from Africom in West Africa. This is a damn fool decision by Obama. The Army is not a social work outfit. They are not development specialists. They are not a medical expeditionary force. It is a military force designed to fight. They are supposed to be a killing machine. But not in Obama’s fantasy world.

The Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland has been ordered to prepare to receive soldiers with Ebola.... KEEP READING...

U.S. Aid Effort in Liberia Barely Off the Ground as Ebola Rages - NYT
EBOLA: Liberia descends into economic hell - Washington Post
GENERAL: American Military to Quickly Ramp up Ebola Mission in Liberia - Yahoo
Victims infecting family members, neighbors and others... Only 18% in Liberia being cared for in hospitals - NY Times
In Liberia, Home Deaths Spread Circle of Ebola Contagion - NYT