Thursday, October 2, 2014
Montel Williams Pleads With Obama To “Make The Call Today” For Imprisoned Marine
◼ Talk show host Montel Williams urged President Obama to “make the call” to Mexican President Enrique Nieto to release imprisoned Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on Wednesday. “It is, right now, 11:05, if this hearing’s gonna stop in the next 10 minutes, I think the president needs to pick up the phone in 15,” Williams said. “Make the call, make the call today.” - CV
◼ Montel Williams Meets with Veterans Obama Snubbed after They Marched 300 Miles to White House - CNS
The Washington Free Beacon reported that Marine vets Terry Sharp and Allen Brown led a large crowd of supporters to the White House on September 25 only to find that no White House officials greeted them or invited them inside.
However, their campaign for the release of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi did not go unnoticed by other high-profile officials.
Montel Williams, known mostly as a talk show host, is actually a 22-year veteran of the navy and is a staunch advocate for veterans.