◼ Borders matter. That became crystal clear this past week, when Tesla picked a location just over the border in Nevada, instead of locating its new battery factory in its largest market, California. The regulatory and tax burden is significantly lower just over that imaginary line. Where California is punitive, Nevada is welcoming. - by ASSEMBLYMAN TIM DONNELLY/Breitbart
Borders matter Just ask anyone who lives in a city, a town, a country dominated by ISIS. Once the Islamic Jihadists take over, they have a simple plan: convert or die. It’s that simple. If you live in an area inside of their control, you are not free to practice or not practice your religion. Sharia law becomes the law of the land. That is exactly what our Founders wanted to prevent: state-sponsored religion dictating every aspect of your life.
Borders matter. If they didn’t, then Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi wouldn’t be locked up in a Mexican jail for making a wrong turn, which put him in violation of Mexico’s intolerant gun laws. In spite of the fact that the Mexican government has no respect for our border and our laws, they take theirs very seriously. Just look at the way they enforce their southern border, and how vigorously they protect their right to vote. Voter ID laws in Mexico are some of the toughest on the planet. Funny, no one ever calls them racist for wanting to safeguard against fraud in their elections.
The only place borders don’t seem to matter is here, in California....