Friday, September 12, 2014
Sarah Palin: "[Obama] claimed last night that ISIS is not Islamic. Um, ISIS says they're Islamic. They are so full of deception that America should be absolutely concerned with the policies that are going on"
◼ She said while watching the address, she couldn't help but regret the fact that Sen. John McCain did not become president, - FOX
"The thought going through my mind was, I owe America a global apology. Because through all of this, John McCain should be our president. He had the advice - still giving it today to Barack Obama but he will not listen to it - about the residual forces that must be left behind in order to secure the peace in Iraq that we had fought so hard for. He was right on the surge," said Palin.
She argued that just like Hitler, ISIS is not hiding their intentions, which include attacking America and establishing an Islamic caliphate across the Middle East.