◼ In the September issue of Townhall Magazine, where this article originally appeared, S.E. Cupp explains why the Left still doesn't understand Sarah Palin's connection to real Americans. - Townhall
It’s not all that impossible to imagine that an engaging and provocative political voice with an active media platform and vocal fan base would find success in creating her own media outlet. Just like Arianna Huffington, the late Andrew Breitbart, and Glenn Beck have proven, there is a real market for alternative media.
And as an employee of Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze, a subscription-based network and model similar to Palin’s, I can tell you there is real currency in being able to capitalize on cult of personality, if it’s married with smart, incisive content that fills legitimate gaps in the marketplace. In its first year, the network gained 300,000 subscribers and generated more than $40 million in revenue.
Not only does Palin have the opportunity to deliver her unique perspectives to users who genuinely want it, but she is offering something that millennials in particular demand of their media experience and which most politicos have yet to harness: access and interactivity.