◼ Get Angry Now - Ann Coulter/Human Events
Instead of waiting to be enraged in December, voters, could you please be enraged now? Once the holiday season kicks off, you’ll be too busy going to parties and Christmas shopping to notice that you’re suddenly living in Mexico....
Obama is claiming to have the powers of a dictator. Amnesty was considered by Congress, but — here’s the important thing: It didn’t pass. It only passed the Senate, with the votes of all Democrats and 14 not-bright Republicans. After that, widespread public revulsion prevented Marco Rubio’s amnesty bill from even being considered in the House.
But according to Obama, the only reason illegals haven’t already been given amnesty is that Congress is not “doing its job.”
What does Obama imagine Congress’ “job” is? Being his errand boys? Their job is to represent their districts. I promise you, House members are doing a better job representing their districts than at least a dozen senators are at representing their states — or than Obama is doing representing the country. It’s called the “People’s House” for a reason.
Noticeably, every Republican senator running for re-election this year claims to oppose amnesty — even the ones who voted for it. (Let’s hope they remember how unpopular mass immigration is when it’s time to vote, not just when they’re running.)