◼ Of course because we’re women of substance, our list requirements are based on–in order of importance: - Politichicks
#1. Intelligence. These guys are brilliant.Top 10 Overall Hottest Conservative Men in the Media:
#2. Courage. They aren’t afraid to stand up to challenges, speak the truth and fight for our country
#3: Passion (See above)
#4: Sense of humor. They never let the haters get them down–they just keep doing what they do, with their sense of self and sense of humor intact.
#5: Looks. This can be either conventionally handsome or someone who simply exudes sexiness.
1. Senator Ted CruzMore, including Honorable Mentions, at the link
2. AlfonZo Rachel
3. Lt. Colonel Allen West
4. Trey Gowdy
5. Bret Baier
6. Sean Hannity
7. Governor Rick Perry
8. California Assemblyman Tim Donnelly
9. Senator Mike Lee
10. Rep. Louie Gohmert
11. Greg Gutfeld
12. Jamie Glazov:
13. Neil Cavuto
14. Dan Bongino
15. Bill Whittle