Is it possible to know LESS after hearing a speech? Because that's how I feel right now. WTF was that speech about again?
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) September 11, 2014
Isis is not ISLAMIC?!?!?!?!?!? Wtf!!! Obama speech already sad
— InDistressUSA (@enragedtaco) September 11, 2014
Holy smokes, this speech has jumped the shark...we curbed Russia's aggression? The economy is booming? WTF
— LPJamison (@LPJamison) September 11, 2014
Better positioned? 17 trillion dollars of debt is not better positioned. And WTF did this become a campaign speech? #tcot #tlot
— Andrew Moss (@DesertGator21) September 11, 2014
◼ How 17 Candid Americans Reacted to Obama’s ISIS Speech - The Daily Signal
So America, feel safer now?
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) September 11, 2014