Thursday, September 4, 2014

California Voters Sour on Obama in Latest Poll

Voters in the Golden State seem to be unimpressed with President Obama's job performance lately. - CNS

According to the latest poll released Tuesday by Field Poll, only 45 percent of voters approve of Obama's job performance. This is the first time that fewer than half of California voters are happy with Obama's performance as president this year. Tuesday's results also show that Obama's approval ratings have slipped since June.

Mark DiCamillo, the head pollster at Field Report, said the trends are particularly ominous because the decline in numbers come from Obama's own supporters.

38 percent: Obama ties his all-time low in Gallup’s daily tracker of job approval - HotAir

He’s had slightly lower disapproval numbers, hitting 56 percent earlier this year, but his approval’s never been below 38 percent in Gallup. He sunk that low twice in August 2011, during the dog days of the first debt-ceiling standoff, but never dipped below it.

Think about that. Despite the many lowlights of his second term, from the rollout to the NSA scandal to the IRS fiasco to this summer’s comprehensive foreign-policy mess, he’s never been lower than he is right now. Is tomorrow the day he breaks new ground?

The silver lining for Democrats, if there is one, is that his approval’s not in freefall. He’s been stuck just a few points above today’s numbers for most of the summer and yet Democratic Senate incumbents remain competitive in all battleground states. The dark cloud that holds that silver lining is that this ◼ isn’t the (only) poll lately showing O nosing south. Ten days ago, Reuters also had him at 38/54, identical to today’s Gallup figure. The new YouGov poll has him at 41/56. (Rasmussen, by contrast, has him at a robust 47/51.) If he settles in at, say, 38/55 for the rest of the midterm campaign, Democrats can wave bye-bye to Mark Pryor, Kay Hagan, Mary Landrieu, Mark Begich, and probably some purple-staters like Mark Udall too. See now why Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has taken to using ◼ domestic-violence metaphors to attack big-name Republicans? When the head of the party is lurching towards sub-40 percent approval, it’s most definitely kitchen-sink time.

Via ◼ Ace and the ◼ Free Beacon, here’s John Kerry rolling out a winning new message for the Democrats’ fall campaign, that the Bible requires Christians to save Muslim countries from global warming or something. Exit question: Does Obama’s sinking approval make an executive amnesty for illegals more or less likely?