The media denounced them. The politicians denounced them. But in the end they helped turned the tide of public opinion.
In the Murrieta protest, much of the organizing seems to have come from Patrice Lynes, a nurse, using ◼ Twitter and ◼ Facebook.
She described what she did: “I just called two friends, we got out on the street to warn all the citizens what was happening … then we started to show up at our Border Patrol station to support the Border Patrol, to say we understand that your hands are tied, we know you’re not allowed to enforce the laws, but we want the illegals repatriated to their home countries.”That’s how real populist grass roots action works.
“I am willing to help whomever wants to do this,” she said. “I’m inspired because I love America!”
The patriots are pitted against an army of special interests. NBC has been deliberately astroturfing pro-amnesty protesters, right down to pushing a Twitter hashtag. The Republican Party’s top people are pushing amnesty and lying about it.