Friday, March 14, 2014

What's Really Behind the Ban Bossy Movement

Quick word association: Bossy = [fill in potential presidential candidate name] - Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion

Why have the word police suddenly descended on us to shape our speech? Can’t boys and men be bossy too? Has there been some epidemic of bossy such that now is the time to act.

A follower on Twitter made the connection to prepping the battlefield for Hillary:

Ashe Schow at The Washington Examiner expands on the point,
Make no mistake, there is always a deeper agenda whenever a seemingly innocent campaign pops up overnight.

On Sunday, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg launched a new campaign, known as ‘Ban Bossy,’ which would – as you can imagine – encourage people to ban the word “bossy.”

Is there some kind of epidemic of that word being used to keep girls from achieving? Many of the surveys cited by the Ban Bossy campaign are decades old, and a more recent survey by the Girl Scouts of America found that girls are more likely than boys to see themselves as a leader or have the desire to be a leader.

So, why start a national campaign?

For starters, Sandberg is an ally of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016….

Two years ago, Democrats launched a campaign to brand Republicans as engaging in a “war on women,” a campaign with a lasting impact that will no doubt stretch into the 2016 elections if Clinton runs.

Now the Ban Bossy campaign gives Democrats another weapon to use against those who disagree with Clinton’s policy ideas.
I think that’s right. The banning of the terms “illegal immigrant” or “illegal aliens” were an integral part of the amnesty push. So too, any criticism of Hillary’s demeanor will be portrayed as sexist, and the type of belittling done to little girls.

It’s not about Hillary, it’s about our daughters!

Do not underestimate this. We all thought Julia was a joke, until a generation of young, single women voted for Obama.

Think about what's coming up in the next year or two and you'll see why the movement is starting up now. - Ace Of Spades Open Thread

My Message to Girls: Be Bossy! - Michelle Malkin/Townhall

A bunch of aggrieved women led by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg launched a high-profile "public service campaign" this week to "ban" the word "bossy." Sandberg, Beyonce, Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham and first lady Michelle Obama have joined femme forces to combat this phantom menace. In their rarefied world, it's a "very negative experience" and a crippling act of gender discrimination to be called bossy. "This isn't a word we should use," Sandberg complained on National Public Radio.

To which I say: Oh, buck up.

...It is a blessing to be able to make a living exercising the First Amendment. It would be an absolute waste of those precious free speech rights for any woman to pull her punches for fear of, gasp, an adjective.

The power of ‘bossy:’ Banning ‘offensive’ words is easier than defeating what they mean - Tammy Bruce/Washington Times

In 2001, I wrote my first book, “The New Thought Police,” about the left’s mission to defeat conservatism and, consequently, destroy the core of America’s greatness through thought and speech control.

I never would have guessed that more than 12 years later, it would be more relevant than ever.
Leftists have always found it impossible to compete on the details of the issues, so they work to make discussion dangerous. If they can make certain words forbidden, banned or even illegal, all the better.

Because they are unable to persuade people about the rightness of their unjust cause, their mission becomes to frighten clear-thinking people out of the public arena.

The latest iteration illustrating the pathetic absurdity of the left and its reliance on thought and speech Gestapos once again comes wrapped in the cloak of “It’s for the children!” led by one of the more powerful women in business, Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook.