Sunday, November 3, 2013

Dana Loesch shreds NYT’s Obama ‘misspoke’ lie
with simple question: Can teleprompters misspeak?

Yep, that’s a win right there. You see, the New York Times upped the hackery Sunday when its editorial board absurdly claimed that President Obama didn’t really lie when he said “you can keep your plan.” Guys, he totally just “misspoke!” Over and over. Period.

As Twitchy reported, ◼ the mockery was swift and sure. And “just bloggers” and citizens helped out the “real journalists” over at the paper of hack-tastic record with a ◼ brutal compilation video of all of President Liar Pants’ “misspeaking.“

Will the White House now pivot to the teleprompter excuse?

Boot-licking fail: You won’t believe NYT’s excuse for Obama’s ‘you can keep your plan’ lie

Misspoke? Hey NYT, try being real journalists; Check out this brutal video of Obama’s lies - Twitchy

Video: President Obama Promising That You Can Keep Your Health-Care Plan, Again and Again - Dan Amira/New York Post