Sunday, October 6, 2013

“They won’t even let you pull off on the side of the road,” Hagen said. “I just don’t know what they’re trying to accomplish.”

Via Lucianne

Rushmore blockage stirs anger in S.D. - Jonathan Ellis/Argus Leader

The Buffalo News reported that a tour group of dozens of people from western New York was unable to take pictures of the monument because highway viewing areas were coned off.

“It’s all closed up,” the newspaper quoted North Collins, N.Y., resident Hilde Werneth as saying. “They won’t even let you stop and take a picture. You can only drive by.”

Jim Hagen, secretary of the South Dakota Department of Tourism, said the situation is hurting people from out-of-state and international visitors who are in South Dakota to visit the monument.

Families throw off the cones at Badlands National Park in South Dakota - Twitchy

REMEMBER THIS: Park Service is under Department of Interior, which is EXECUTIVE BRANCH.