◼ My Fear - Erick Erickson/RedState
...People ask me all the time if I fear the people who do these things. My answer is always no. I feel sorry for people so wrapped up in politics they have to make a jackass of themselves on a street corner to someone they don’t know or show up in a drive way to look menacing. I certainly worry for my family when I’m out of town. But I don’t fear these people. I feel sorry for them.
Let me tell you what I do fear.
I fear that because of these people, their hatred for me, and the world’s hatred for God Almighty, that my children might decide it is a far better path through life to find an accommodation with the world than have the world hate them because of either of their Fathers — the one here or the one in Heaven.
I fear my kids might decide to go along to get along....