Thursday, September 19, 2013
Obama: 'Raising the Debt Ceiling...Does Not Increase Our Debt,' Though It Has 'Over 100 Times'
◼ "It's always a tough vote because the average person thinks raising the debt ceiling must mean that we're running up our debt, so people don't like to vote on it, and, typically, there's some gamesmanship in terms of making the President's party shoulder the burden of raising the -- taking the vote." - CNS News
But, isn't the fact that the U.S. has hit its debt ceiling "over a hundred times" - and, thus, has had to keep raising it - proof that raising the limit does, in fact, lead to increased debt?
◼ What You Need to Know About the Debt Limit - Heritage
Fifty-eight percent of Americans favor a federal budget that cuts spending. Are you one of them? After you see this debt number, you will be.