Friday, August 16, 2013

CFRW Capitol Update

President’s Message

Time is fast approaching for us to leave for the NFRW Convention, but first we have a few housekeeping issues that need to be address.

1. If you are a Club Delegate or Club Alternate YOU MUST MAIL YOUR NFRW CONVENTION DELEGATE FORM, DIRECTLY TO NFRW. BUT, YOU MUST SEND ME A COPY. This form is available on Page 5 of the "Diamonds are Forever" Call to Convention. DEADLINE IS AUGUST 20, 2013. We hope some Clubs will still make the decision to at least send one Delegate to represent them.

2. State Delegate-At-Large and State Alternate-At-Large forms are sent to me and I mail them in. We only have State Alternate-At-Large positions. So if you would like to apply for one of these positions call me as soon as possible at 209-483-1915.

3. We still need all kinds of donations for our CFRW Hospitality Suite. This suite will represent our State and highlight our California Candidate Kathy Brugger for NFRW President. Every little bit helps.

If you still have questions, please, please call me. We want to have all the representation possible. 209-483-1915.

Ladies, as we begin gearing up for the upcoming State and Division Elections, we hope and pray that any and all candidates will conduct themselves to the highest of ethical standards. You are women who will be our leaders into our important State Elections. Therefore, if you cannot run an ethical, honest and kind campaign what kind of leader will you be?

It has been my honor to represent the CFRW on the California Republican Party Rules Committee. As the members of my committee state, "Republican Women are at the Table." This was in reference to my statement, "Republican Women No Longer Set the Table, Or Clean the Table, WE ARE AT THE TABLE."

Chairman Brulte has also appointed our CFRW Parliamentarian Joy Stewart to Chair the Proxy and Credential Committee. And, many, many of our members have also been appointed to CRP Committees.

On Friday, October 4, at the CRP Convention in Anaheim at the Saturday night Banquet, Chairman Brulte and the CRP will be honoring our very own Kathy Brugger. Please make every effort to attend. We want to have a huge showing of Federation Members to show our appreciation. Republican National Committee Co-Chair Sharon Day will be there to honor Kathy.

It is with great honor to say I belong to the California Federation of Republican Women.

With much love,
Carol Hadley
CFRW President