◼ Immediately following the close of the State’s case on Friday, Mark O’Mara, the lawyer leading George Zimmerman’s defense team, stood before Judge Nelson and made his oral motion for a judgment of acquittal for his client (a parallel written motion was also submitted to the Court). - Andrew Branca/Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion
The motion was well-reasoned, and strongly founded on Florida’s case law. It was also doomed to fail before a Judge who has consistently denied reasonable defense motions out of hand, while rubber-stamping motions by the State that bear not the slightest relevancy to the facts of this case....
◼ In busting Zimmerman myths, Jonathan Capehart perpetuates the greatest myth of all - William A. Jacobson/Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion
Zimmerman was not, in fact, in his vehicle at the time the police said “we don’t need you to do that”
And, on to Day 10...
◼ Zimmerman Trial Day 10 — Mid-day — Vietnam Combat Medic Identifies Zimmerman as Screamer - Andrew Branca/Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion
◼ The Zimmerman trial needs to be more about race! Quick, call the sociologist! - Althouse
◼ Zimmerman Trial Day 10: Live Video, Analysis of State’s Case & Witnesses - Andrew Branca/Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion