Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Pay any price, bear any burden - Richard Fernandez/PJM Belmont Club

The real cost to not examining Benghazi is that it opens the way for what comes next. And there will be a next. The career risks being run by the whistle-blowers and the increasingly restive mainstream media indicates that even within the State Department and press — even among people who are risking their careers — there is a growing fear that unless the cancer is recognized to some extent it may soon be too late to avert disaster.

For now there is a tacit agreement to keep digging lest a pause draw attention to the hole. What a high price to pay to protect the careers of two forgettable politicians who will care about their retainers about as much as they cared about Benghazi. Never in the field of recent history have so many been sacrificed for so few.