Saturday, May 25, 2013

CFRW Capitol Update: Saturday, May 25, 2013

President’s Message
“While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free,
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer.

God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Through the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home.”
-Words and Music by Irving Berlin

If these words were ever meaningful it has to be at this time in our history. Each day we read in the newspaper and hear from the media of the scandals emanating from our leaders. We need guidance from above. We need leaders who have faith in our country and are not afraid to ask for help from a higher power.

We saw what power we possess this past week as CFRW Members throughout the state joined in force to elect Andy Videk to the California Senate. When he first announced he was running, the odds were not in his favor, but pulling together we did it.

This weekend we honor those who have served our country not only in the military, but just by living. Memorial Day or as I knew it as a child "Decoration Day" was anticipated with great excitement. First we look forward to the parade, standing proud as our great flag was carried past, by the American Legion. Next, we were off to the cemetery to put flowers or flags on the graves of our ancestors. I remember my mom and dad sharing stories about those who were no longer here. Picnics filled out the remainder of the day and topping off the celebration were the fireworks at the park.

This year many of our Federation members and Clubs will be putting flowers or flags on the graves of those who served us to keep us free.

Sad thing is many parades have been eliminated and huge celebrations have gone to SALES, SALES AND MORE SALES. Do our youth even know what this holiday stands for? Do you share the contributions made by their ancestors to allow them to live in this beautiful country? I am so thankful for the freedoms I have. I am thankful for those who have served this wonderful, beautiful country past and present.

Yes, God Bless America this day and every day. God bless each and every one of you as you work to preserve this land we love and live in.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you,
Carol Hadley
CFRW President

Deadlines Fast Approaching

Next Friday is the House of Origin deadline, meaning that bills introduced in either the Assembly or the Senate must be passed out of their respective houses in order to survive and move along their bill journey. That means that this week the bills that were holed up in the Senate and Assembly Appropriations Committees needed to pass out of that committee to be heard on the floors of their house of origin next week. Yesterday and today the Senate and Assembly Appropriations Committees heard the bills stuck in the “Suspense File.” The Suspense File holds bills “that would have a fiscal impact in any single fiscal year from the General Fund or from private funds of $50,000 or more. Bills that establish a pilot project or program shall be referred to the Suspense File if the statewide implementation of the project or program would result in a fiscal impact of $50,000 or more in any single fiscal year from the General Fund or private funds.” The Senate had a slate of 257 suspense file bills while the Assembly had 328. The Sacramento Bee reported that all of the Assembly members with 5 or more bills in the suspense file are Democrats. The Senate Appropriations Committee killed 72 bills, many of them tax increases. Luckily these bills will not move forward this session, saving the state $5 billion in new taxes. Next week will be the final judgment place for many bills if they fail to pass the Assembly or Senate floors. Stay tuned!

CFRW Bills on the Floor

Several CFRW supported bills met their demise in their first committees. Those killed silently by Democrats were AB 67 (Olsen, R), AB 70 (Morell, R), and AB 181 (Logue, R). As you will recall, AB 67 would have used Prop 30 funds as they were intended by holding tuition for UC and CSU students at its current rate and not increasing it until 2017. AB 67 was held in the Assembly Appropriations Suspense File, effectively killing it without a vote. AB 70 would have established a 72 hour public notification period on the final budget bill before the legislature could vote on it. Every session Republicans sponsor this bill hoping Democrats will vote for governmental transparency and every session the Democrats kill it in committee. Finally, AB 181 would have established a very valuable pilot program for college students that would create a baccalaureate degree program for $10,000 in 18 months in the science, technology, math or engineering fields. Democrats didn’t like this idea either and killed it in committee.

Now there are several harmful bills on the Senate and Assembly floors waiting for their vote. Please contact YOUR ASSEMBLY MEMBER or SENATOR and let them know we OPPOSE the following bills:

SB 1 (Steinberg, D): This bill would allow regional governments to create “Sustainable Community Investment Authorities,” an unelected governing body with no voter oversight or approval. These “SCIAs” will be ruled under Community Redevelopment Law, essentially recreating Redevelopment Agencies with the ability to use tax increment funds and eminent domain without voter approval.

SB 11 (Pavely, D): SB 11 would establish a hydrogen fuel network to the tune of $20 million per year with new fee increases on tires, smog abatement, and vehicle registration. It would also mandate that the state use a certain number of hydrogen fuel vehicles in its fleet.

SB 47 (Yee, D): SB 47 expands the definition of an “assault weapon” to include all weapons without a “fixed magazine.” If you own such a weapon that falls within the new definition, you must register your weapon with the Department of Justice with a registration fee of $20 per weapon.

AB 48 (Skinner, D): This bill expands the definition of a “large capacity magazine” to include any ammunition feeding device with the capacity to hold 10 rounds or more, “including a disassembled large-capacity magazine that is readily restorable, as defined, to accommodate more than 10 rounds of ammunition, and an oversize magazine body that appears to hold in excess of 10 rounds but has not been permanently altered to only accommodate 10 rounds of ammunition or less.” It would make it a misdemeanor to own, sell, manufacture or lend such devices.

AB 154 (Atkins, D): This bill would allow mid-level healthcare professionals- nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants and midwives- to perform abortions by aspiration techniques, given they have the proper training.


We are proud to be part of the California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW), and the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), the largest women’s political volunteer organization in the nation.

When you join Humboldt Republican Women, Federated, you're joining forces with women throughout the state and across the nation, women who share your ideals and your goals for our country.