◼ On April 30 I told you about reports have come out that the Obama administration is now threatening the whistleblowers who have been talking to Congress about the Benghazi attacks. - Tim Brown/Freedom Outpost
In that report, I covered how at least one of the State Department whistleblower’s attorney stated that her client had already been intimidated by unnamed Obama administration officials. The Fox News report video provided in that article featured a whistleblower, who not only said that special forces could have responded to the attacks in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, but also said that the United States knows exactly who perpetrated last year’s assault, but the Obama administration won’t act because they “don’t want to upset anybody.”
“We have all the capability, all the training, all the capacity to kill and capture that only terrorist involved with the specific events of 9/11 and Ambassador Stevens’ death, but terrorists who are feeding other regions, including Europe that eventually could affect our national security in the short-term. We’re not talking midterm or long term. This is a short-term.”
The whistleblower said,
“I know for a fact that C-110, the EUCOM CIF, was doing a training exercise in … not in the region of North Africa, but in Europe,” the operator told Fox News’ Adam Housley. “And they had the ability to act and to respond.”
“We had the ability to load out, get on birds and fly there, at a minimum stage,” the operator told Fox News. “C-110 had the ability to be there, in my opinion, in a matter of about four hours…four to six hours....”
He then concluded with this chilling statement,
“It was frustrating not only for myself before the men and the guys that I work with. We always talk amongst each other and discuss that, you know, it’s probably going to take a 747, a 757 to get shot down in Tripoli for somebody to pay attention to that, which is unfortunate.”