Monday, April 22, 2013
Feinstein: Buy a shotgun to defend yourself from terrorists
◼ Show host Chris Wallace asked Feinstein if Americans should have the right to defend their homes with a high-powered semi-automatic rifle, referring to the incident last week in Watertown, Mass., where law enforcement officials pursued two suspected terrorists on the run. - Charlie Spiering/Washington Examiner @charlesspiering
Feinstein indicated that she didn’t find the scenario applicable as there were “police all over the place” during the hunt for the terrorist fugitive in Watertown.
“I think there are people that want to make this argument, but 12-gauge shotgun, there are many weapons, 2,000-plus weapons that are available to people for choice without an assault weapon,” Feinstein explained.
Feinstein cited the Vice President Joe Biden’s promotion of the use of a shotgun for self-defense.