◼ I've got a story from 2012 during the presidential campaign and the debates about Obama and the sequester that I know everybody's forgotten about, and, to me, in the real world it would be a bombshell or close to it. - RUSH
It won't be in this case, because I guarantee you the way the low-information voter is seeing Obama, they'd probably stop being able to keep up with him ten minutes into the press conference. But, all they know is, my gosh, he's trying, and it's the Republicans' fault. He came out and he started this press conference today with a blatant lie. It's amazing. The low-information voters just eat it all up. There's nothing you can do about it. He came out and said the sequester is Boehner's idea. The sequester is the Republicans' idea. Everybody in the media, in that room, knows that's not true now because Bob Woodward has reported it, and they know it themselves anyway.
Not one of them is challenging him on it, and not one of them will. And he's using his usual straw dogs, "every economist, all economists, a consensus of economists" agree. He's talking about all the people that are gonna suffer greatly, but that most people won't. As I say, I have seldom seen a more self-absorbed codependent individual in utter denial. We're dealing with somebody that in his mind is totally blameless....
I want to get to this sequester story that we remembered. We went back to our archives last October. Do you remember that Obama, in a heat of the presidential campaign, and during the period of time the presidential debates were going on, Obama granted an interview to the Des Moines Register and then put a hold on it. He granted an interview and then refused to let them run it. This, of course, created a lot of curiosity. What's in this? Something about that kept gnawing at me. There was something in that that would be relevant to what we're doing today. And, lo and behold, there is.
Now, two weeks before the election, Obama went on TV in the last presidential debate, October 22, and basically lied. He said that he didn't want the sequester to happen. This was in a debate with Romney. I'm sure you'll remember this as I refresh your synapses, as it were. He didn't want the sequester to happen and he said, in fact, it wouldn't happen. He accused the Republicans of creating the sequester. When you go back and look at this interview that he gave to the Des Moines Register, that's how you know that he's lying somewhere. He either lied to the Des Moines Register or he lied in the presidential debate.
In the debate, again, October 22nd, 2012, Obama said he didn't want the sequester, and it wouldn't happen. The very next day, October 23rd, 2012, is when Obama gave an interview to the editors of the Des Moines Register. And in that interview, I want to quote what President Obama said.
"[T]he good news is that there’s going to be a forcing mechanism to deal with what is the central ideological argument in Washington right now, and that is: How much government do we have and how do we pay for it?"
I want you to listen to what comes next. This is in quotes. "So when you combine the Bush tax cuts expiring, the sequester in place ... we're going to be in a position where I believe in the first six months we are going to solve that big piece of business. It will probably be messy. It won’t be pleasant. But I am absolutely confident that we can get what is the equivalent of the grand bargain."
He was counting on the sequester being reality.