Saturday, March 2, 2013

Busty squad of fake Rachel Maddow fans promotes her show with identical spam tweets; Update: Accounts suspended

A search yields hundreds of identical tweets like this: - Twitchy

Confession: I yell at my TV while watching Rachel #Maddow talk about filibuster reform in the same way most people do during football.—
Kassie Scattergood (@its_kassie5838) March 02, 2013

Confession: I yell at my TV while watching Rachel #Maddow talk about filibuster reform in the same way most people do during football.—
Tran Manhardt (@therealtranmanh) March 01, 2013

The tweets from cleavage-flaunting Maddow “fans” date back to at least Feb. 23. Using the DoesFollow service, Twitchy checked dozens of the accounts to determine whether any actually follow Rachel Maddow on Twitter. The answer? NO.

Twitter suspends fake accounts that pimped Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show - Twitchy

Zing! Greg Gutfeld weighs in on Rachel Maddow’s buxom spambot brigade - Twitchy