Wednesday, March 6, 2013

About 30 minutes ago, Democrats blocked a resolution saying the US gov can’t drone an American on American soil. Democrats.

Rand Paul Filibester Spectacle Rivets Senate. - Instapundit

The best part was when Rand Paul sought unanimous consent for a sense of the Senate resolution that the President shouldn’t kill American citizens in America — and Democrats, led by Dick Durbin, objected.

This Is What A Republic Looks Like - Iowahawk/Breitbart

One man with principles beats the hell out of a vuvuzela-blowing mob.

Rep. Gohmert Delivers Cough Drops And Chocolates To Sen. Paul During Filibuster - Kerry Pickett/Breitbart
Congressman Louie Gohmert (R - TX) went to the floor of the Senate and delivered chocolates and cough drops to the long filibustering Senator Rand Paul (R - KY). Senator Paul, with the help of Senators Mike Lee (R - UT), Ted Cruz (R - TX), and Ron Wyden (D - OR) among others has been filibustering Barack Obama's CIA nominee John Brennan since 11:47 AM on Wednesday. The Senators are discussing the the dangers of the government's use drones that could of kill Americans on U.S. soil.
This is Exciting - Ace Of Spades/Breitbart
I have the same feeling of receding cynicism I did when the Tea Party first exploded on to the scene and began doing things that just weren't done in America anymore -- taking politics seriously, taking the Founders' legacy to us seriously, showing up at Town Halls to ask their once and future representatives some real questions, engaging, questioning, insisting, demanding.

There was a time 200 years ago when this was commonplance. Americans had just won their liberty and were enthused about it. They treated their civic duty not as a mere duty but as the highest aspiration of political man.

This filibuster excites me for the same reasons -- a return to the Old Ways, the ways that actually work, the way American politics is actually supposed to be conducted, with Senators offering thoughtful defenses of their positions and, above all, insisting that this nation is We the People not We the Ministers & Lesser Bureaucratic Warlords of Whatever Current Government the Public Has Had the Folly to Install In Office....
Rand Paul Filibuster Inspires HuffPo to Blister Obama Over Drone Policy - John Nolte/Breitbart

Paul picked the exact right issue to filibuster on; bringing right and left together against Obama.

The CONVERSATION at Breitbart covers the days events, check it out.

Live Blog: Rand Paul’s Filiblizzard against Drones, Brennan; Mentions NR’s Kevin Williamson - Andrew Johnson & Nathaniel Botwinick/National Review

The power of Twitter: Sen. Ted Cruz reads #StandWithRand tweets during filibuster; Update: Video added - Twitchy

In the Senate, a Reverse Mr. Smith - Tim Groseclose/Ricochet

...Senator Ted Cruz asked Paul to yield for a question. Paul did, and Cruz asked if he was aware of the overwhelming support he is receiving on Twitter. Cruz then read several complimentary, sometimes moving, comments from people who had hashtagged “#StandWithRand” in their tweets.

Cruz’s maneuver was eerily similar to a moment from Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (which you can view at the 7:00 mark of this video). One of the corrupt senators asks Mr. Smith if he would like to learn what his constituents have to say. Smith says “yes,” and the corrupt senator brings in baskets full of telegrams, all of them critical of Smith. The telegrams had been manufactured by the leader of the political machine that controlled the corrupt senator. Smith reads them and faints from exhaustion.

In contrast, the modern-day telegrams, the tweets read by Cruz, are honest. And they were overwhelmingly supportive of Paul....

Newsweek Editor: Bush Would've Been Impeached If He Had Obama's Drone Policy - CNS

This has been said by many on the right recently in calling out the hypocrisy and silence of the media, but now it's been reiterated by Tina Brown, Editor-in-Chief of left-leaning Newsweek and The Daily Beast.