Thursday, February 28, 2013

Meanwhile Obama maintains plausible deniability, keeping himself removed from the dirty work that continually swirls around him, and of which Bob Woodward is hardly the only recipient. He just may be the one who’s talking about it.

Woodward's gone rogue! - Althouse

Why Bob Woodward Must Now Be Destroyed - Bryan Preston/PJM
Ace sums up the three reasons that the medialeft, and in particular the BuzzFeed, Talking Points Memo and Media Matters JournoList mafia, are now doing everything they can to tear down Bob Woodward.
There are several lies Woodward has exposed:

1. Obama, despite the media blitz to blame the GOP, actually conceived of and proposed the sequester.

2. Obama, despite now claiming that tax increases must be part of the deal to avoid the sequester, agreed last year that only spending cuts would constitute the plan to avoid the sequester. Thus, he’s “moved goalposts” yet again.

3. Obama does not in fact have to release illegal aliens or cancel ship deployments due to the sequester — he’s doing these things by choice, for political purposes.
In sum, President Obama’s administration is going out of its way to hurt the American people, so that he can achieve his goal of destroying the Republican Party en route to obtaining total power in the mid-terms next year. That’s his goal, the sequester was part of his plan, and Bob Woodward had to go and report the facts. Can’t have that.

And will the media come to Woodward's defense? He says No, and I've been saying the same thing. - Ace Of Spades

#9724; If only Obama knew - neoneocon


Press turns on one of their own - Politico

Andrew Sullivan: He's 'a liar' - Politico

Plouffe: He's getting old - FOX

Bam! Brit Hume: ‘Woodward clearly established that Pres. & Co. twice told whoppers’ - Twitchy

National Journal Editor-In-Chief Ron Fournier: Clueless Hack -- or Touchingly Naive Drone? - Doug Ross


...I actually believe this conduct can be what Mr. Obama wants. He is himself quite thin-skinned and closed-minded, so it makes perfect sense for his staff to be as well. And while the press coverage they get often ranges from favorable to fawning, it is never good enough for them. The job of intimidation is a full-time one, after all, and it clearly works with some journalists.

One of the extraordinary talents the president has is projecting an image of decency and civility while giving home to staffers who are known for being abusive and threatening.

It’s perfectly appropriate to judge a president by his White House staff. And Ron Fournier has done us the favor of lifting the curtain, just a bit, on this one.

It isn’t a pretty sight.

Obama Takes Aim at Defiant Reporters - David Limbaugh/Newsmax