You could have listened to Michael Barone. He saw it coming even before Barack Obama was elected. In October 2008, he penned “The Coming Obama Thugocracy.”◼ LANNY DAVIS: WH threatened me, too... - WMAL
...there is something unique about the Obama White House. It borrows tactics and standards from the darker figures in history — threats, projection, unrepentant dishonesty, towering columns in stadiums, and even bloody mayhem like Fast and Furious hatched for political purposes.
Richard Nixon seems like a fluffy kitten compared to this crowd.
Which brings us back to you, Mr. Woodward. What’s happened when you, of all people, are the bad guy?
◼ Former Clinton aide, columnist joins Woodward in claiming White House threat - FOX
The latest claim comes from Lanny Davis, who served as counsel to former President Bill Clinton and later went on to write a column for The Washington Times. In a radio interview on WMAL, Davis said that a "senior Obama White House official" once called his editor at the Times and said that if the paper continued to run his columns, "his reporters would lose their credentials."
Read more:
◼ Ron Fournier: Yeah, I Got the Abusive Treatment From the WH and the Same 'You Will Regret This' Threat - Ace of Spades/Breitbart
Now National Journal reporter Ron Fournier -- whom I believe to be a liberal in good standing with his paperwork in order -- drops this tidbit:◼ Left ramps up campaign to discredit...Woodward - Twitchy
As editor-in-chief of National Journal, I received several e-mails and telephone calls from this White House official filled with vulgarity, abusive language, and virtually the same phrase that Woodward called a veiled threat. “You will regret staking out that claim,” The Washington Post reporter was told.
Once I moved back to daily reporting this year, the badgering intensified. I wrote Saturday night, asking the official to stop e-mailing me. The official wrote, challenging Woodward and my tweet. “Get off your high horse and assess the facts, Ron,” the official wrote.
Watergate reporter blasts Obama 'madness'...
'It makes me very uncomfortable'...
Nearly everyone in the Beltway media attacked Woodward for daring to challenge the WHITE HOUSE's version of events. That's amazing. #tcot
— RB (@RBPundit) February 28, 2013
@brithume In other words, Woodward practiced real journalism, and for that he will never be forgiven by Obama media supporters
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) February 28, 2013
◼ Color me prescient — Woodward in the crosshairs - Bookworn Room
Obama “senior advisor” David Plouffe went on Twitter to say that Woodward has become too old to matter. Other current generation reporters, the ones who confuse sycophantic propaganda with old-style investigative reporting, were equally vicious and/or dismissive of this one-time journalism icon.
Though no one’s disputed Woodward’s reporting, the media’s Cult of Obama began pushing back against the Watergate legend even before he dropped the bomb last night that he had been threatened by a top White House official.
But when that news hit, many in media immediately chose to protect Obama by ridiculing Woodward, questioning his motives, and/or dismissing his reporting....
◼ Sperling Email To Bob Woodward revealed - Nice Deb
Almost sounding like a character in The Godfather, Sperling cautions Woodward “As a friend” to rethink his position. He tells him that he thinks Woodward will “regret” his claim.
◼ Woodward’s Basic Point Still Holds: The Woodward, Sperling emails revealed - Riehl World View
***VIDEO: White House Official Accused of Threatening Bob Woodward Berated Maria Bartiromo on Obama Budget #tcot #p2
— El SOOPer!! (@SooperMexican) February 28, 2013
◼ Obama Takes Aim at Defiant Reporters - David Limbaugh/Newsmax