Saturday, September 1, 2012
◼ Karen Vaughn, mother of fallen Navy Seal of Aaron Carson Vaughn, reacts to Barack Obama's campaign ad "One Chance." Karen and Billy Vaughn lost their son Aaron last year in Afghanistan. - Breitbart TV via Gateway Pundit
The Genius of Clint Eastwood: "I wouldn’t assume that the general tenor of his performance wasn’t exactly as he intended. The hair was a clue: No Hollywood icon goes out on stage like that unless he means to."
◼ The curse of political operatives is that they make everything the same. - Mark Steyn/National Review
A guy smoothly reading platitudinous codswallop while rotating his head from the left-hand teleprompter to the right-hand teleprompter like clockwork as if he’s at Centre Court watching the world’s slowest Wimbledon rally is a very reductive idea of “professionalism.” Even politicians you’re well disposed to come across as slick bores in that format. Which is by way of saying Clint is too sharp and too crafty not to have known what he was doing.
◼ Either way, it was an interesting, amusing, and very unusual snapshot of a growing preference cascade against Barack Obama. - John Hayward/Human Events
The intended recipient was not Mitt Romney, the convention delegates, or even Republican voters, but rather wavering independents. Clint was there to tell them it’s OK to find Obama, his ugly campaign operation, and his increasingly shrill band of die-hard defenders ridiculous. It’s OK to laugh at them...
A guy smoothly reading platitudinous codswallop while rotating his head from the left-hand teleprompter to the right-hand teleprompter like clockwork as if he’s at Centre Court watching the world’s slowest Wimbledon rally is a very reductive idea of “professionalism.” Even politicians you’re well disposed to come across as slick bores in that format. Which is by way of saying Clint is too sharp and too crafty not to have known what he was doing.
◼ Either way, it was an interesting, amusing, and very unusual snapshot of a growing preference cascade against Barack Obama. - John Hayward/Human Events
The intended recipient was not Mitt Romney, the convention delegates, or even Republican voters, but rather wavering independents. Clint was there to tell them it’s OK to find Obama, his ugly campaign operation, and his increasingly shrill band of die-hard defenders ridiculous. It’s OK to laugh at them...
DNC security rules trigger free speech worries
◼ DNC security rules trigger free speech worries...
Starting Saturday, someone walking through Charlotte's central business district could run afoul of the law by carrying water bottles, hair spray, socks or magic markers under sweeping security rules enacted ahead of the Democratic National Convention.
It would take a particularly strict reading of the rules for someone to be arrested simply for possessing one of those items, but the possibility exists — which worries protesters and free speech advocates. They fear authorities could trample on people's constitutional rights in the name of protecting public safety....
The special rules that went into effect at 12:01 a.m. Saturday could also bar anyone other than government employees from carrying handbags and backpacks or possessing soda cans, drink coolers, scarves, bike helmets, baby strollers or pets not specifically permitted as service animals.
A section banning "a container or object of sufficient weight to be used as a projectile" could be interpreted to include almost anything, from an apple to an iPhone.
Those caught violating any of these prohibitions could be subject to arrest and jail.
"Protesters planning rallies and marches in Charlotte say their actions during the Democratic National Convention will likely dwarf those in Tampa, where thousands of demonstrators were expected but only hundreds showed up to the rain-drenched Republican National Convention.◼ 'Occupy' encampment re-opens near Dem convention... - Cleve R. Wootson Jr. / Charlotte Observer
"A cross-section of people representing 90 groups planning to demonstrate during the DNC said they plan to bring their 'Enough is Enough' messages to Charlotte starting Saturday. Friday’s press conference took place at the NoDa office that has become the headquarters for many protesters in Charlotte.
◼ DNC security rules trigger free speech worries...
Starting Saturday, someone walking through Charlotte's central business district could run afoul of the law by carrying water bottles, hair spray, socks or magic markers under sweeping security rules enacted ahead of the Democratic National Convention.
It would take a particularly strict reading of the rules for someone to be arrested simply for possessing one of those items, but the possibility exists — which worries protesters and free speech advocates. They fear authorities could trample on people's constitutional rights in the name of protecting public safety....
The special rules that went into effect at 12:01 a.m. Saturday could also bar anyone other than government employees from carrying handbags and backpacks or possessing soda cans, drink coolers, scarves, bike helmets, baby strollers or pets not specifically permitted as service animals.
A section banning "a container or object of sufficient weight to be used as a projectile" could be interpreted to include almost anything, from an apple to an iPhone.
Those caught violating any of these prohibitions could be subject to arrest and jail.
“At huge Jacksonville Landing Romney-Ryan event – place is insanely packed”
◼ So writes reader Jim, who sends along several photos from the Romney-Ryan rally in Jacksonville which is starting as of this writing. - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
He further writes: “Line for RomneyRyan Jax Landing event – two lines both way longer than this appears”:
◼ 80% OF LIFE IS SHOWING UP. And more like 100% of politics. So who’s showing up? Here’s a pic from reader Charles Browning, who’s waiting for the Romney/Ryan event in Jacksonville. He emails: “2+ hours until 4:30 arrival. This crowd is awesome already.” - Instapundit
He further writes: “Line for RomneyRyan Jax Landing event – two lines both way longer than this appears”:
◼ 80% OF LIFE IS SHOWING UP. And more like 100% of politics. So who’s showing up? Here’s a pic from reader Charles Browning, who’s waiting for the Romney/Ryan event in Jacksonville. He emails: “2+ hours until 4:30 arrival. This crowd is awesome already.” - Instapundit
Rains wash away Mount Obama in Charlotte, N.C.
◼ A torrential downpour that struck Charlotte Saturday afternoon damaged the Mount Rushmore-style sand sculpture bust of President Obama — an ominous beginning to what many fear is a plagued convention. - Stephen Dinan/Washington Times
Workers were trying Saturday afternoon to reform the base of the sculpture, built from sand brought in from Myrtle Beach, S.C., pounding and smoothing out the sand that had washed off the facade of the waist-up rendering of the chief executive. The large Rushmore-style sculpture drew comparisons to Mr. Obama's 2008 convention in Denver, when he accepted his party's nomination on a stage that looked like a Greek temple.
Workers were trying Saturday afternoon to reform the base of the sculpture, built from sand brought in from Myrtle Beach, S.C., pounding and smoothing out the sand that had washed off the facade of the waist-up rendering of the chief executive. The large Rushmore-style sculpture drew comparisons to Mr. Obama's 2008 convention in Denver, when he accepted his party's nomination on a stage that looked like a Greek temple.
EPIC FAIL: Obama Admin. Drops 3-Year Witch-hunt Against Sheriff Joe Arpaio (No Charges)
◼ Dozens of investigators, 4 Federal prosecutors, countless FBI agents, all working for three damn years to try and bring down Sheriff Joe. - Stand With Arizona
It’s finally over. The 3-year, disgraceful witch-hunt of Sheriff Joe Arpaio by the Obama Department of Injustice was dropped tonight, with absolutely no charges to be filed in the matter.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Ann Birmingham Scheel released a statement saying her office “is closing its investigation into allegations of criminal conduct” by current and former members of the sheriff‘s and county attorney’s offices.Friday night releases of embarrassing political revelations are a long and infamous tradition, in order to minimize the exposure of the story to the American people. But this release took the cake: Friday at 5pm, before a Labor Day weekend, and right after the close of the Republican National Convention.
Scheel didn’t elaborate, saying only that County Attorney Bill Montgomery was advised of the decision “not to pursue state criminal charges related to the investigation.” Scheel, who is based in Arizona, said she was acting on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice.
And no wonder. This one was a doozy. After all, this was a political persecution right from the start. The Obama DOJ started this thing less than 100 days after Obama took office, at a time when the Department was not even fully staffed. They were chomping at the bit to go after him. And now it is all for nothing.
Obama's new challenge: Disappointment
◼ The watchword of the Republican National Convention in Tampa was disappointment — as in President Barack Obama has been one. - Jonathan Allen/Politico
You can hammer Obama on health care. Mock his golf outings. Demand to see his birth certificate and Harvard transcript, and call him a European socialist bent on turning the American Dream into a Belgian nightmare. He’ll throw his head back and laugh at you like a Bond villain.
But tell voters he’s not the man America fell in love with in 2008 — and pine, however disingenuously, about his unfulfilled potential — and a shiver runs through his Chicago campaign headquarters....
“President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet,” Mitt Romney said in accepting the Republican presidential nomination Thursday. “My promise is to help you and your family.”
Or, as Sen. Marco Rubio put it, “Our problem with President Obama isn’t that he’s a bad person. … Our problem is that he’s a bad president.”
You can hammer Obama on health care. Mock his golf outings. Demand to see his birth certificate and Harvard transcript, and call him a European socialist bent on turning the American Dream into a Belgian nightmare. He’ll throw his head back and laugh at you like a Bond villain.
But tell voters he’s not the man America fell in love with in 2008 — and pine, however disingenuously, about his unfulfilled potential — and a shiver runs through his Chicago campaign headquarters....
“President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet,” Mitt Romney said in accepting the Republican presidential nomination Thursday. “My promise is to help you and your family.”
Or, as Sen. Marco Rubio put it, “Our problem with President Obama isn’t that he’s a bad person. … Our problem is that he’s a bad president.”
Friday, August 31, 2012
Campaign for Obama, get college credit - course canceled due to lack of interest
◼ A public university in Colorado may have violated state law by offering students course credit if they volunteered with President Obama’s re-election campaign. - Accuracy In Politics
A blog post on the Adams State University website billed the opportunity as a “12 week long organizing internship for the Obama Campaign.”
Both the blog post and the course are now gone. The course was canceled due to lack of interest, according to the university. The blog post was taken down earlier this week after a conservative student blog, Campus Reform, reported on it....
A blog post on the Adams State University website billed the opportunity as a “12 week long organizing internship for the Obama Campaign.”
Both the blog post and the course are now gone. The course was canceled due to lack of interest, according to the university. The blog post was taken down earlier this week after a conservative student blog, Campus Reform, reported on it....
Focusing on the Economy is RACIST
◼ Red White Blue
◼ The Condensed Liberal Handbook of Racial Code Words - Michelle Malkin
It’s a treacherous business exercising your freedom of speech in the age of Obama. As a public service, I present to you: “The 2012 Condensed Liberal Handbook of Racial Code Words.” Decoder rings, activate!
...–Experienced. A significant population of American voters believes that qualifications actually matter when running for the highest office in the land. Chilling, isn’t it? They might as well sport KKK hoods. In the judgment of one Basil Smikle of The Century Foundation, “experienced” is a dreaded “racial code word.”
...–Golf. This one’s a gobsmacker. Beltway barnacle Lawrence O’Donnell appeared on cable TV to decry Republicans who mention Obama’s frequent golf outings. He singled out Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s convention speech Wednesday night, which joked that Obama “was working to earn a spot on the PGA tour.” The warped racial radar of pasty Lawrence O interpreted this golf joke as “Obama equals Tiger Woods equals RACISM.”
◼ State Department Chief Diversity Officer’s rule of thumb pointers for avoiding offensive phrases - Doug Powers/Michelle Malkin
CFRW Capitol Update: Prop 31: NO!
Final Bill Deadline!
Today is the last day bills can pass out of their house of origin and on to Governor Brown’s desk. Bills that are passed by midnight tonight must be acted on by the Governor within 30 days. The Governor has three options- sign the bill into law, veto the bill, or do nothing (a pocket veto) which is effectively a veto since the bill does not become law. Please start calling Governor Brown NOW! There are several bills on the way to his desk that we must defeat!
SB 623 (Kehoe, D): extends the pilot program that allows mid-level healthcare professionals (mid-wives, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners) to perform first trimester abortions.
AB 2109 (Pan, D): this bill makes it much more difficult for parents to opt out of vaccines for their children, regardless of personal or religious beliefs.
AB 2179 (Allen, D): this bill would make trivial violations of Department of Fish and Game regulations punishable by fees, or even criminal. This could potentially be very harmful to hunters, fishers, ranchers and farmers.
These need to be defeated! So begin calling Governor Brown today!
Governor Brown’s phone number: (916) 445-2841
Prop 31 (Original and reconsidered position NO
Prop 31 Reconsideration: OPPOSE
The CFRW Voting Body has reconsidered our official CFRW position on Proposition 31. After reevaluating, our Voting Body decided to change our official position from “No position” to “OPPOSE.” The reality with Prop 31 is that there are good aspects to the prop, but there are really terrible aspects as well.
And we believe that the bad aspects outweigh the good. While Prop 31 has merits- It establishes a two year budget cycle. It requires the legislature to have ALL bills in print for 72 hours before a vote. There is a “pay-go” of $25 million, meaning that the legislature cannot create expenditures of $25 million or more unless an offsetting revenue source or spending cut is identified. But even the merits of Prop 31 would create a problem with the current California Legislature. A “pay-go” system only works with a responsible legislature. In California this could create programs costing $24.9 million, or fudging numbers on spending cuts, or projected revenue for the pay-go falling short. Prop 31 also calls for performance reviews for all state agencies. While this may be very necessary for California, this will create a large bureaucracy in order to over-see this large undertaking. Prop 31 would allow the Governor to cut unilaterally in a declared fiscal emergency if the legislature fails to act. This may seem like a good idea, but it gives the governor far too much power. The proposition also allows local governments to create “Community Strategic Action Plans”, allowing them to override state law or regulations and tailor them to their local needs. It would also allow localities to “tax share” and pool their tax receipts from local governments. This will create litigation galore and won’t actually help local government govern successfully. Worst of all, this is a constitutional amendment, and in California, ballot box budgeting written into our constitution has historically done more harm than good. Prop 98 (K-12 education funding) is a perfect example. California does not need another bad constitutional amendment. Prop 31 is over 8,000 words of convoluting constitutional changes and unnecessary regional governance. The CFRW OPPOSES PROP 31.
Originally: The CFRW ha(d) NO POSITION on Prop 31. While Prop 31 has many merits, it also has many downfalls. Ultimately we want the members of the California Federation of Republican Women to read the proposition themselves and vote with their conscience. Prop 31 would create a two year budget cycle and mandate that all bills are in print for 72 hours before a vote can occur. While these are much needed reforms for transparency and accountability in our government, other aspects of the bill fall short. Prop 31 would allow the governor the authority to cut or do away with any program or measure in a fiscal emergency, as declared by the governor, if the legislature does not pursue it. With a Republican governor we could probably live with this, but with a Democrat governor-say, Jerry Brown- who knows what could happen with so little accountability. Worse, the so called “pay-go” addendum to Prop 31 begs for fabrication and exaggeration of funding sources. With a budget that is so dependent on taxes as a revenue source, ballot box budgeting is already out of control (see: Prop 98). Another aspect of Prop 31 that is misguided is the “Community Strategic Action Plans” which allows local government to ignore state laws and regulations if their plans have a “functional equivalent.” With all the different communities in California, this could invite litigation galore. Prop 31 also requires each and every government program to be reviewed based on their performances. While this is a necessary action for California, it may create a huge bureaucracy to handle reviewing every state program. Prop 31 has many things written in it that could be great for California in terms of transparency and responsible government. Unfortunately it also contains many confusing and contradictory requirements that make our already convoluted state constitution even worse. We will leave you with this example: Back in 2010, Prop 11 was a novel idea that had California citizens draw the redistricting lines so that gerrymandering and political power would be stifled. But the citizen’s commission was hijacked by the Democrats in power and the integrity of the initial proposition was compromised. ◼ Please read Prop 31 for yourself HERE. If you have any further questions about Prop 31 or the CFRW position, please email the CFRW Advocate at (Note, we have reconsidered that original position and now recommend a NO Vote on Prop. 31.)
News from Tampa!
Our Republican Women have been very busy at the Republican National Convention! National Federation of Republican Women President Rae Lynne Chornenky addressed the delegates and released a special NFRW poll. Read that ◼ HERE. Our CFRW President Carol Hadley and CFRW Northern Division President Roseann Slonsky-Breault have been blogging their experiences. Read those ◼ HERE. And there have been very many amazing speeches! If you missed any, please view them ◼ HERE.
Now that Romney/Ryan is our official ticket, we must all join together and work hard for November! The election is closer than you think, so find your local VICTORY office and get out the vote! It is what we Republican Women do best!
Today is the last day bills can pass out of their house of origin and on to Governor Brown’s desk. Bills that are passed by midnight tonight must be acted on by the Governor within 30 days. The Governor has three options- sign the bill into law, veto the bill, or do nothing (a pocket veto) which is effectively a veto since the bill does not become law. Please start calling Governor Brown NOW! There are several bills on the way to his desk that we must defeat!
SB 623 (Kehoe, D): extends the pilot program that allows mid-level healthcare professionals (mid-wives, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners) to perform first trimester abortions.
AB 2109 (Pan, D): this bill makes it much more difficult for parents to opt out of vaccines for their children, regardless of personal or religious beliefs.
AB 2179 (Allen, D): this bill would make trivial violations of Department of Fish and Game regulations punishable by fees, or even criminal. This could potentially be very harmful to hunters, fishers, ranchers and farmers.
These need to be defeated! So begin calling Governor Brown today!
Governor Brown’s phone number: (916) 445-2841
Prop 31 (Original and reconsidered position NO
Prop 31 Reconsideration: OPPOSE
The CFRW Voting Body has reconsidered our official CFRW position on Proposition 31. After reevaluating, our Voting Body decided to change our official position from “No position” to “OPPOSE.” The reality with Prop 31 is that there are good aspects to the prop, but there are really terrible aspects as well.
And we believe that the bad aspects outweigh the good. While Prop 31 has merits- It establishes a two year budget cycle. It requires the legislature to have ALL bills in print for 72 hours before a vote. There is a “pay-go” of $25 million, meaning that the legislature cannot create expenditures of $25 million or more unless an offsetting revenue source or spending cut is identified. But even the merits of Prop 31 would create a problem with the current California Legislature. A “pay-go” system only works with a responsible legislature. In California this could create programs costing $24.9 million, or fudging numbers on spending cuts, or projected revenue for the pay-go falling short. Prop 31 also calls for performance reviews for all state agencies. While this may be very necessary for California, this will create a large bureaucracy in order to over-see this large undertaking. Prop 31 would allow the Governor to cut unilaterally in a declared fiscal emergency if the legislature fails to act. This may seem like a good idea, but it gives the governor far too much power. The proposition also allows local governments to create “Community Strategic Action Plans”, allowing them to override state law or regulations and tailor them to their local needs. It would also allow localities to “tax share” and pool their tax receipts from local governments. This will create litigation galore and won’t actually help local government govern successfully. Worst of all, this is a constitutional amendment, and in California, ballot box budgeting written into our constitution has historically done more harm than good. Prop 98 (K-12 education funding) is a perfect example. California does not need another bad constitutional amendment. Prop 31 is over 8,000 words of convoluting constitutional changes and unnecessary regional governance. The CFRW OPPOSES PROP 31.
Originally: The CFRW ha(d) NO POSITION on Prop 31. While Prop 31 has many merits, it also has many downfalls. Ultimately we want the members of the California Federation of Republican Women to read the proposition themselves and vote with their conscience. Prop 31 would create a two year budget cycle and mandate that all bills are in print for 72 hours before a vote can occur. While these are much needed reforms for transparency and accountability in our government, other aspects of the bill fall short. Prop 31 would allow the governor the authority to cut or do away with any program or measure in a fiscal emergency, as declared by the governor, if the legislature does not pursue it. With a Republican governor we could probably live with this, but with a Democrat governor-say, Jerry Brown- who knows what could happen with so little accountability. Worse, the so called “pay-go” addendum to Prop 31 begs for fabrication and exaggeration of funding sources. With a budget that is so dependent on taxes as a revenue source, ballot box budgeting is already out of control (see: Prop 98). Another aspect of Prop 31 that is misguided is the “Community Strategic Action Plans” which allows local government to ignore state laws and regulations if their plans have a “functional equivalent.” With all the different communities in California, this could invite litigation galore. Prop 31 also requires each and every government program to be reviewed based on their performances. While this is a necessary action for California, it may create a huge bureaucracy to handle reviewing every state program. Prop 31 has many things written in it that could be great for California in terms of transparency and responsible government. Unfortunately it also contains many confusing and contradictory requirements that make our already convoluted state constitution even worse. We will leave you with this example: Back in 2010, Prop 11 was a novel idea that had California citizens draw the redistricting lines so that gerrymandering and political power would be stifled. But the citizen’s commission was hijacked by the Democrats in power and the integrity of the initial proposition was compromised. ◼ Please read Prop 31 for yourself HERE. If you have any further questions about Prop 31 or the CFRW position, please email the CFRW Advocate at (Note, we have reconsidered that original position and now recommend a NO Vote on Prop. 31.)
News from Tampa!
Our Republican Women have been very busy at the Republican National Convention! National Federation of Republican Women President Rae Lynne Chornenky addressed the delegates and released a special NFRW poll. Read that ◼ HERE. Our CFRW President Carol Hadley and CFRW Northern Division President Roseann Slonsky-Breault have been blogging their experiences. Read those ◼ HERE. And there have been very many amazing speeches! If you missed any, please view them ◼ HERE.
Now that Romney/Ryan is our official ticket, we must all join together and work hard for November! The election is closer than you think, so find your local VICTORY office and get out the vote! It is what we Republican Women do best!
How Mitt Romney's Convention Speech Played Across The Front Pages Of 10 Swing State Newspapers
◼ For some in the country, it was there first look at the Republican nominee. - Buzzfeed. Click link to see all 10
◼ OPINION: In Acceptance Speech, Romney Shines as An American - Jacob Kornbluh at MittRomneyCentral
◼ OPINION: In Acceptance Speech, Romney Shines as An American - Jacob Kornbluh at MittRomneyCentral
Gallup state numbers predict huge Obama loss
◼ Gallup released their annual state-by-state presidential approval numbers yesterday, and the results should have 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue very worried. - Conn Carroll/Washington Examiner
If President Obama carries only those states where he had a net positive approval rating in 2011 (e.g. Michigan where he is up 48 percent to 44 percent), Obama would lose the 2012 election to the Republican nominee 323 electoral votes to 215.
President Obama will visit Louisiana after all.
◼ Obama campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki told POLITICO earlier Friday that the president had no plans yet to visit the Gulf state and review damage from Hurricane Isaac, even though Mitt Romney announced plans to visit Friday. - Donovan Slack/Politico
But the White House announced a few hours later that he is now planning to go there.
Bottom line: This morning, Mitt Romney led and President Empty Chair was forced to follow.
And it's a beautiful thing.
Romney to Visit Areas Damaged By Hurricane Isaac
◼ In a last-minute change of plans, Mitt Romney will head to visit storm-affected areas in New Orleans today, skipping a previously scheduled joint rally with running mate Paul Ryan in the battleground state of Virginia this afternoon. - ABC (Photo via Drudge)
A Romney aide told ABC News that Romney will “join Gov. Jindal and will meet with first responders, thank them for their work and see areas impacted by the storm in LaFitte, La.”
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Republican National Convention 2012: U.S. Senator Marco Rubio
◼ Full Text of Marco Rubio's GREAT RNC Speech! via Yid With Lid
In 1980, I watched my first Republican convention with my grandfather.
He was born to a farming family in rural Cuba. Childhood polio left him permanently disabled.
Because he couldn't work the farm, his family sent him to school, and he became the only one in the family who could read.
As a boy, I would sit on our porch and listen to his stories about history, politics and baseball while he puffed on one of his three daily Padron cigars.
I don't recall everything we talked about, but the one thing I remember, is the one thing he wanted me to never forget. The dreams he had when he was young became impossible to achieve.
But there was no limit to how far I could go, because I was an American.
Clint Eastwood KILLS IT at the Republican National Convention RNC
◼ Eastwood spars with chair as Obama stand-in, calls Romney 'stellar' businessman - FOX
◼ Eastwood Turns in a Performance to Remember at RNC - Bridget Johnson
◼ Clint Eastwood's Bizarre RNC Speech: Hollywood Reacts - Hollywood Reporter
◼ Clint Eastwood grills invisible Obama, says 'We got to let him go' - Pete Kasperowicz/The Hill
"When somebody does not do the job, we got to let him go," he said near the end of his remarks, to rowdy applause.◼ RNC 2012: Clint Eastwood’s speech to the Republican convention in Tampa (full text) via Washington Post
"We own this country," he added. "Politicians are employees of ours. They're just going to come around and beg for votes every few years, it's the same old deal."
EASTWOOD: Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much. Save a little for Mitt.
(APPLAUSE) I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, what’s a movie tradesman doing out here? You know they are all left wingers out there, left of Lenin. At least that is what people think. That is not really the case. There are a lot of conservative people, a lot of moderate people, Republicans, Democrats, in Hollywood. It is just that the conservative people by the nature of the word itself play closer to the vest. They do not go around hot dogging it.
2012 GOP Convention 8/28 LIVESTREAM
If you have any trouble with the embedded stream above, click on the YouTube in the lower right corner to view directly on YouTube. ◼ And, The Right Scoop has multiple alternate streams here.
◼ Via Hillbuzz It looks like CSPAN has a live stream that seems stable and reliable.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
7:00 p.m. Convention convenes
Call to order
Introduction of Colors US Central Command Joint Forces Color Guard Team
Pledge of Allegiance by Dylan Nonaka
National Anthem sung by SEVEN
Invocation by Ken and Priscilla Hutchins
Remarks by U.S. Rep. Connie Mack (FL)
Reagan Legacy Video
Remarks by Newt and Callista Gingrich
Remarks by Craig Romney
Remarks by Bob White, chairman of Romney for President campaign
Remarks by Grant Bennett
Remarks by Tom Stemberg
Remarks by Jane Edmonds, former Massachusetts Secretary of Workforce
Remarks by Olympians Michael Eruzione, Derek Parra and Kim Rhode
Remarks by presidential nominee Mitt Romney
Benediction by Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan
Speaker Boehner declares convention adjourned
In Lake Tahoe a cry for regulatory relief
◼ California needs to hear the same message about loosening environmental regulations to spur economic growth that Tahoe regulators are beginning to heed.
The blue waters of Lake Tahoe framed the stunning backdrop as the politicians orated. There were some droning Nevadans and three always-interesting Californians: Sen. Dianne Feinstein, U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock and Gov. Jerry Brown.
This was a "save the lake" crowd, heavy on environmental concerns, attending the 16th Annual Lake Tahoe Summit inaugurated in 1997 by President Clinton.
The recent event was basically designed as a pep rally for continued slow growth and environmental regulation.
And you wouldn't guess who drew the most enthusiastic response from these lake lovers: It was that right-wing, regulation-hating McClintock, whose sprawling district includes the California side of the lake.
"Today's theme is private-public partnerships for environmental improvement, but there's not going to be a private sector left unless we get serious about economic improvement," the Republican warned, drawing loud applause from the mostly local crowd of roughly 200.
"Tourists don't go where they're not welcomed, or where facilities are left to decay because simple repairs can't be made, or where prices are inflated to pay for exorbitant [permit] fees...."
"People are fleeing Lake Tahoe," continued the former Southern California state legislator and one-time gubernatorial candidate. "And a lot of them are heading to the Nevada desert.
"With all due respect, no conceivable act of God could turn Lake Tahoe into a less-desirable place for people to live and work and raise a family than the Nevada desert. Only acts of government could do that. And they have."
Again, loud applause and laughter.
The congressman lamented Tahoe's "stagnating economy and a staggering unemployment rate that's hovering around 16%" — roughly twice the national average and much higher than California's overall rate, 10.7%, or Nevada's, 12%.
For Democrats on the dais, McClintock must have been a skunk at the picnic. But for the picnickers, he seemed to be a welcome songbird — and the only pol interrupted by applause.... Read the whole thing...
The blue waters of Lake Tahoe framed the stunning backdrop as the politicians orated. There were some droning Nevadans and three always-interesting Californians: Sen. Dianne Feinstein, U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock and Gov. Jerry Brown.
This was a "save the lake" crowd, heavy on environmental concerns, attending the 16th Annual Lake Tahoe Summit inaugurated in 1997 by President Clinton.
The recent event was basically designed as a pep rally for continued slow growth and environmental regulation.
And you wouldn't guess who drew the most enthusiastic response from these lake lovers: It was that right-wing, regulation-hating McClintock, whose sprawling district includes the California side of the lake.
"Today's theme is private-public partnerships for environmental improvement, but there's not going to be a private sector left unless we get serious about economic improvement," the Republican warned, drawing loud applause from the mostly local crowd of roughly 200.
"Tourists don't go where they're not welcomed, or where facilities are left to decay because simple repairs can't be made, or where prices are inflated to pay for exorbitant [permit] fees...."
"People are fleeing Lake Tahoe," continued the former Southern California state legislator and one-time gubernatorial candidate. "And a lot of them are heading to the Nevada desert.
"With all due respect, no conceivable act of God could turn Lake Tahoe into a less-desirable place for people to live and work and raise a family than the Nevada desert. Only acts of government could do that. And they have."
Again, loud applause and laughter.
The congressman lamented Tahoe's "stagnating economy and a staggering unemployment rate that's hovering around 16%" — roughly twice the national average and much higher than California's overall rate, 10.7%, or Nevada's, 12%.
For Democrats on the dais, McClintock must have been a skunk at the picnic. But for the picnickers, he seemed to be a welcome songbird — and the only pol interrupted by applause.... Read the whole thing...
California Dems' pension plan lightweight, way late
◼ Gov. Jerry Brown and Democratic legislators have been busy patting themselves on the back this week for producing a pension "reform" package in the final days of the session. - SF Chronicle
We're underwhelmed with the substance, and disgusted at the process. Once again, the California Legislature is about to take action on an issue with missing pieces, unanswered key questions and no time for a proper vetting of a measure that was crafted without Republican input.
We're underwhelmed with the substance, and disgusted at the process. Once again, the California Legislature is about to take action on an issue with missing pieces, unanswered key questions and no time for a proper vetting of a measure that was crafted without Republican input.
Fact-checking the factcheckers on Ryan’s speech; Update: “As president, I will lead an effort to retool plants like the GM facility in Janesville”
◼ Seems like fact checkers need to do some fact checking of their own assumptions. - Ed Morrissey/HotAir
As the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported in September of last year — long before Ryan got added to the ticket — the Janesville plant got shut down in 2009, after being notified of their pending closure in December 2008...Production continued into 2009 on trucks — and into April, as (a) local TV report from April 2009 shows...
Ryan had it exactly right, and the fact checkers have made a mockery of their own profession by stepping all over their own biases to refute Ryan.
◼ Obama Camp Melts Down Over Ryan's Speech - Guy Benson/Townhall
If this is all they've got, it's no wonder they're freaking out. Paul Ryan told the truth about Barack Obama, and the president's campaign can't handle it.
◼ Ryan's Fact Challenged Fact Checkers - Shikha Dalmia/ it turns out, the plant wasn’t closed when Obama gave his speech on Feb 13, 2008. It was open. The liberals are challenging Ryan based on an Aug 16 story by David Shepardson, The Detroit News’ auto reporter that said “the plant halted production in December 2008, when President George W. Bush was in office.” But, as best as I can tell, Shepardson got it wrong. The decision to close the plant was made under Bush. However, the plant was not slated to close till the summer of 2009 – nearly a year and a half after Obama spoke and six months after he assumed office....
◼ CNN: Ryan Was Right About Obama’s GM Vow - Sweetness&Light
◼ FACT CHECK: Obama promised and failed to keep Janesville GM plant open - Conn Carroll/Washington Examiner
...The Washington Post, and a host of other liberal media outlets, are calling this passage “misleading” because the Janesville plant “closed before the president was inaugurated.” The Post is dead wrong. Here are the facts:
1. On February 13, 2008 Obama said in Janesville : “I believe that if our government is there to support you, and give you the assistance you need to re-tool and make this transition, that this plant will be here for another hundred years.”
2. In June 2008 GM announced that the Janesville plant would stop production of medium-duty trucks by the end of 2009, and stop production of large SUVs in 2010 or sooner.
3. In October 2008 Obama doubled down on his promise to keep Janesville plant open: “As president, I will lead an effort to retool plants like the GM facility in Janesville so we can build the fuel-efficient cars of tomorrow and create good-paying jobs in Wisconsin and all across America.”
4. In December 2008 GM idled production of GM SUVs at the Janesville plant. Medium-duty truck assembly continued.
5. In April 2009, four months after Obama was inaugurated, GM idled production of medium-duty trucks.
6. In September 2011, more than two years after Obama was inaugurated, GM reiterates that Janesville plant is on “stand by status.” Auto industry observer David Cole, tells the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel it would be premature to say the Janesville plant will never reopen.
6. Today the GM facility in Janesville still has not been retooled “so we can build the fuel-efficient cars of tomorrow and create good-paying jobs,” as Obama promised.
As the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported in September of last year — long before Ryan got added to the ticket — the Janesville plant got shut down in 2009, after being notified of their pending closure in December 2008...Production continued into 2009 on trucks — and into April, as (a) local TV report from April 2009 shows...
Ryan had it exactly right, and the fact checkers have made a mockery of their own profession by stepping all over their own biases to refute Ryan.
◼ Obama Camp Melts Down Over Ryan's Speech - Guy Benson/Townhall
If this is all they've got, it's no wonder they're freaking out. Paul Ryan told the truth about Barack Obama, and the president's campaign can't handle it.
◼ Ryan's Fact Challenged Fact Checkers - Shikha Dalmia/ it turns out, the plant wasn’t closed when Obama gave his speech on Feb 13, 2008. It was open. The liberals are challenging Ryan based on an Aug 16 story by David Shepardson, The Detroit News’ auto reporter that said “the plant halted production in December 2008, when President George W. Bush was in office.” But, as best as I can tell, Shepardson got it wrong. The decision to close the plant was made under Bush. However, the plant was not slated to close till the summer of 2009 – nearly a year and a half after Obama spoke and six months after he assumed office....
◼ CNN: Ryan Was Right About Obama’s GM Vow - Sweetness&Light
◼ FACT CHECK: Obama promised and failed to keep Janesville GM plant open - Conn Carroll/Washington Examiner
...The Washington Post, and a host of other liberal media outlets, are calling this passage “misleading” because the Janesville plant “closed before the president was inaugurated.” The Post is dead wrong. Here are the facts:
1. On February 13, 2008 Obama said in Janesville : “I believe that if our government is there to support you, and give you the assistance you need to re-tool and make this transition, that this plant will be here for another hundred years.”
2. In June 2008 GM announced that the Janesville plant would stop production of medium-duty trucks by the end of 2009, and stop production of large SUVs in 2010 or sooner.
3. In October 2008 Obama doubled down on his promise to keep Janesville plant open: “As president, I will lead an effort to retool plants like the GM facility in Janesville so we can build the fuel-efficient cars of tomorrow and create good-paying jobs in Wisconsin and all across America.”
4. In December 2008 GM idled production of GM SUVs at the Janesville plant. Medium-duty truck assembly continued.
5. In April 2009, four months after Obama was inaugurated, GM idled production of medium-duty trucks.
6. In September 2011, more than two years after Obama was inaugurated, GM reiterates that Janesville plant is on “stand by status.” Auto industry observer David Cole, tells the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel it would be premature to say the Janesville plant will never reopen.
6. Today the GM facility in Janesville still has not been retooled “so we can build the fuel-efficient cars of tomorrow and create good-paying jobs,” as Obama promised.
Romney's "RNC Power Grab": What Really Happened
◼ (T)he Republican National Committee in Tampa adopted some rules changes that shift power from the state parties and the grassroots to the RNC and the GOP presidential nominee. - Dean Clancy/Freedom Works
◼ Carney: Republican leaders trample their grass roots in Tampa - Timothy P. Carney/Washington Examiner @tpcarney
◼ Carney: Republican leaders trample their grass roots in Tampa - Timothy P. Carney/Washington Examiner @tpcarney
A Tale of Two Jerrys
◼ For connected public employees, California remains the land of milk and honey. - Peter Hannaford/American Spectator 8.29.12
Jerry Brown, in his first stint as Governor of California (1975-83), gave public employees the gift that kept on giving: collective bargaining. Now, in his second stint, nearly three decades later, he is facing the consequences of that gift.
Public employee unions as a group, and especially the teachers' unions, have ended up owning the state legislature: virtually all the majority Democrats and even some Republicans. These politicians have come to depend upon contributions from the huge war chest of the California Teachers Association.
From 2000 to 2009, the CTA spent $211 million in contributions and lobbying, two times the next biggest spender, the Service Employees International Union. Add $40 million to that for the two years since, including a hefty contribution to Brown's 2010 campaign.
The Los Angeles Times reports that a year ago, when the state was facing another multibillion dollar deficit, Gov. Brown called a conference with legislative leaders to decide where to cut spending. Significantly, also at the conference table was Joe Nunez, chief lobbyist for the CTA. Threatened cuts to schools were shelved.
Brown then decided on a swing-for-the-fences strategy. He would put on the 2012 ballot a measure to "temporarily" increase incomes taxes on those who earn more than $250,000 a year and increase the sales tax by one-quarter of one percent. The state's income tax and sales tax rates are already among the nation's highest.
Brown's pitch for this measure (Prop. 30 on the ballot) has been that it's "the people's choice." If they vote for it, much of the new revenue will go to schools; if they vote against it, education budgets will be cut and promised new allocations for local law enforcement will not materialize.
Not coincidentally, the CTA has thrown money at promoting a "Yes" vote on the measure. A recent poll released by a University of Southern California unit shows the measure still in positive territory, 54.5 percent to 35.9 percent. That will narrow, but CTA money may put it over.
Californians are already overtaxed and the state is too heavily in debt. In recent years the state has faced annual multibillion dollar deficits, "cured" at the last minute by accounting sleight-of-hand.
Brown's proposal is expected to yield about $6 billion annually. This will do nothing to stem future deficits, for neither he nor the legislature is willing to tackle the causes of much of the problem: overly generous public employee pensions and health plans.
Last year, Brown proposed a series of pension reform measures and said it was up to the legislative Democrats to respond. Not surprisingly, nothing happened. Brown is no Scott Walker and the Democratic legislature consists mostly of lapdogs dependent upon the largess of public employee unions.
Added to this self-perpetuating gridlock is the discovery that the Parks Department -- and perhaps others -- was sitting on $54 million of "user" fees it had collected while at the same time wringing its hands over budget cuts that threatened to close 70 state parks. These "special funds," as they are called, represent nearly one-third of the annual state budget. The Brown Administration conceded that it has only an "honor system" to keep track of these funds. The State Office of Finance is now investigating all of them.
Heads may roll, but more importantly, will Finance's report recommend an air-tight system for accounting for these funds and will the money be put to use to reduce deficits?
Jerry Brown I unleashed a political and policy monster. It looks as if Jerry Brown II has washed his hands of reform and is standing aside, hoping the voters will give him a temporary budget "fix" while emptying their own pockets more than ever.
__________________ About the Author: Peter Hannaford was Director of Public Affairs in the Governor's Office when Ronald Reagan was Governor of California. His latest book is Reagan's Roots: The People and Places That Shaped His Character.
Jerry Brown, in his first stint as Governor of California (1975-83), gave public employees the gift that kept on giving: collective bargaining. Now, in his second stint, nearly three decades later, he is facing the consequences of that gift.
Public employee unions as a group, and especially the teachers' unions, have ended up owning the state legislature: virtually all the majority Democrats and even some Republicans. These politicians have come to depend upon contributions from the huge war chest of the California Teachers Association.
From 2000 to 2009, the CTA spent $211 million in contributions and lobbying, two times the next biggest spender, the Service Employees International Union. Add $40 million to that for the two years since, including a hefty contribution to Brown's 2010 campaign.
The Los Angeles Times reports that a year ago, when the state was facing another multibillion dollar deficit, Gov. Brown called a conference with legislative leaders to decide where to cut spending. Significantly, also at the conference table was Joe Nunez, chief lobbyist for the CTA. Threatened cuts to schools were shelved.
Brown then decided on a swing-for-the-fences strategy. He would put on the 2012 ballot a measure to "temporarily" increase incomes taxes on those who earn more than $250,000 a year and increase the sales tax by one-quarter of one percent. The state's income tax and sales tax rates are already among the nation's highest.
Brown's pitch for this measure (Prop. 30 on the ballot) has been that it's "the people's choice." If they vote for it, much of the new revenue will go to schools; if they vote against it, education budgets will be cut and promised new allocations for local law enforcement will not materialize.
Not coincidentally, the CTA has thrown money at promoting a "Yes" vote on the measure. A recent poll released by a University of Southern California unit shows the measure still in positive territory, 54.5 percent to 35.9 percent. That will narrow, but CTA money may put it over.
Californians are already overtaxed and the state is too heavily in debt. In recent years the state has faced annual multibillion dollar deficits, "cured" at the last minute by accounting sleight-of-hand.
Brown's proposal is expected to yield about $6 billion annually. This will do nothing to stem future deficits, for neither he nor the legislature is willing to tackle the causes of much of the problem: overly generous public employee pensions and health plans.
Last year, Brown proposed a series of pension reform measures and said it was up to the legislative Democrats to respond. Not surprisingly, nothing happened. Brown is no Scott Walker and the Democratic legislature consists mostly of lapdogs dependent upon the largess of public employee unions.
Added to this self-perpetuating gridlock is the discovery that the Parks Department -- and perhaps others -- was sitting on $54 million of "user" fees it had collected while at the same time wringing its hands over budget cuts that threatened to close 70 state parks. These "special funds," as they are called, represent nearly one-third of the annual state budget. The Brown Administration conceded that it has only an "honor system" to keep track of these funds. The State Office of Finance is now investigating all of them.
Heads may roll, but more importantly, will Finance's report recommend an air-tight system for accounting for these funds and will the money be put to use to reduce deficits?
Jerry Brown I unleashed a political and policy monster. It looks as if Jerry Brown II has washed his hands of reform and is standing aside, hoping the voters will give him a temporary budget "fix" while emptying their own pockets more than ever.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
GOP Governors Tell Obama How To Run A Lemonade Stand
◼ A parade of successful GOP chief executives showed how both federalism and capitalism can lead us out of the economic wilderness and that the only climate we should be saving is the business one. - IBD
On a convention opening night with the theme "We Built It," one Republican governor after another reminded voters how it can and has been done in their states. They also stressed that conditions could be even better if they could work with a president who knew from personal experience how to create jobs rather than one who, as New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte observed, "has never even run a lemonade stand."...
On a convention opening night with the theme "We Built It," one Republican governor after another reminded voters how it can and has been done in their states. They also stressed that conditions could be even better if they could work with a president who knew from personal experience how to create jobs rather than one who, as New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte observed, "has never even run a lemonade stand."...
Republican National Convention 2012: Paul Ryan
◼ Ryan Pledges GOP Rebirth - Patrick O'Connor & John D. McKinnon/Wall Street Journal
◼ News analysis: Ryan says 'America needs a turnaround' - Susan Page/USA Today
◼ Ryan: Obama presidency is ‘like a ship trying to sail on yesterday’s wind’ - Daily Caller
◼ Ryan charges at Obama in RNC speech, vows GOP won't 'duck the tough issues' - FOX
◼ Ryan carves up Obama - Russell Berman & Erik Wasson/The Hill
◼ When asked about Paul Ryan’s speech last night, (Sarah Palin) simply said that she was glad that it was about big ideas and that Joe Biden would likely want to call in sick when he has to debate Ryan. - The Right Scoop
Provided by the Romney campaign:
Mr. Chairman, delegates, and fellow citizens: I am honored by the support of this convention for vice president of the United States.
I accept the duty to help lead our nation out of a jobs crisis and back to prosperity – and I know we can do this.
Republican National Convention 2012: New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez
◼ GOP speech puts New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez in national spotlight - Deseret News
◼ "I'll be damned, we're Republicans." - Real Clear Politics
A transcript of remarks made by Gov. Susana Martinez, as prepared for delivery: (Via Real Clear Politics)
Thank you and good evening.
On behalf of the great state of New Mexico, let me express my gratitude for being invited to speak tonight.
Growing up, I never imagined a girl from a border town could one day become a governor.
But this is America
Y, en America todo es posible.
2012 GOP Convention 8/29 LIVESTREAM
If you have any trouble with the embedded stream above, click on the YouTube in the lower right corner to view directly on YouTube. ◼ And, The Right Scoop has multiple alternate streams here.
◼ Via Hillbuzz CSPAN has a live stream that seems stable and reliable.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Introduction of Colors by Amputee Veterans of America Support Team (AVAST)
Pledge of Allegiance by Brigadier General Patrick E. Rea, US Army (Ret.)
National Anthem sung by Ayla Brown
Invocation by Ishwar Singh
Ron Paul Video
Remarks by Senate Republican Leader and Convention Temporary Chairman Mitch McConnell (KY)
Remarks by Senator Rand Paul (KY)
Remarks by Christopher Devlin-Young and Jeanine McDonnell
Remarks by Attorney General Pam Bondi (FL) and Attorney General Sam Olens (GA)
Remarks by Senator John Thune (SD)
Remarks by Senator Rob Portman (OH)
Remarks by Governor Tim Pawlenty (MN)
Bush 41, 43 Film
Remarks by Mike Huckabee
Remarks by Governor Susana Martinez (NM)
Remarks by vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan
Benediction by Archbishop Demetrios
Republican National Convention 2012: Condoleeza Rice
◼ Rice: World is 'chaotic and dangerous' with a weak USA - Rick Hampson/USA Today
◼ Condoleezza Rice Brings RNC Crowd To Its Feet Multiple Times With Stirring Foreign Policy Speech - Noah Rothman/Mediaite
◼ Without teleprompter, Condoleezza Rice brings GOP faithful to their feet - Caroline May/Daily Caller
“When the world looks at us today they see an American government that cannot live within its means,” she said, broadening and tying the economic crisis to America’s foreign policy.◼ Prepared Remarks at Republican Convention = FULL TEXT via Drudge
“They see an American government that continues to borrow money, mortgaging the future of generations to come,” she added. “The world knows that when a nation loses control of its finances, it eventually loses control of its destiny. That is not the America that has inspired people to follow our lead.”
Rice spoke of American exceptionalism asserting that there is no barrier to success, not race, religion or nationality. “That it does not matter where you came from, it matters where you are going,” she said to deafening cheers.
She took on class warfare and entitlement, noting that Americans are not people of jealousy and distress, but a people of opportunity.
“Ours has never been a narrative of grievance and entitlement. We have not believed that I am doing poorly because you are doing well. We have not been jealous of one another and never been envious of each other’s success,” she said to more cheers. “Ours has been a belief in opportunity.”
Good evening. Distinguished delegates, fellow Republicans, fellow Americans.
Republican National Convention 2012: Rand Paul
Rand Paul
◼ Rand Paul turns up the heat in Tampa - Jazz Shaw/HotAir
◼ Rand Paul: 'Whole damn' healthcare law is 'still unconstitutional' - Ramsey Cox/The Hill
◼ Transcript of Sen. Rand Paul's speech at RNC via FOX
The following is a transcript of a speech given by Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul at the Republican National Convention on Aug. 29, 2012.
◼ What are uniformed field representatives of the Department of Justice (DOJ) Community Relations Service (CRS) doing assisting Occupy/anarchist activists outside the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Tampa? - Rebel Pundit/Breitbart
Exclusive video captured by Breitbart News during Occupy/anarchist demonstrations outside the RNC Tuesday shows CRS field representatives, wearing DOJ logo polo shirts and hats, conversing with Occupy protesters.
In one case, a CRS representative and protester are seen to high-five each other.
CRS representatives are also seen relaying specific instructions to the activists about the location of prearranged buses that were apparently taking them to their next scheduled demonstration...
Exclusive video captured by Breitbart News during Occupy/anarchist demonstrations outside the RNC Tuesday shows CRS field representatives, wearing DOJ logo polo shirts and hats, conversing with Occupy protesters.
In one case, a CRS representative and protester are seen to high-five each other.
CRS representatives are also seen relaying specific instructions to the activists about the location of prearranged buses that were apparently taking them to their next scheduled demonstration...
Speculation swirls around GOP convention mystery guest
◼ The buzz started Monday when convention officials released a revised schedule that included a “To Be Announced” speaker – tucked between a performance by singer Taylor Hicks and a speech by Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio. - FOX
Will Clint Eastwood make the Republicans’ day? Or maybe Sarah Palin? Rush Limbaugh, perhaps? The political chatter around the Republican convention has once again turned to a Romney pick – with delegates and reporters alike wondering who the campaign has tapped to be the mystery guest at Thursday night’s finale.
Will Clint Eastwood make the Republicans’ day? Or maybe Sarah Palin? Rush Limbaugh, perhaps? The political chatter around the Republican convention has once again turned to a Romney pick – with delegates and reporters alike wondering who the campaign has tapped to be the mystery guest at Thursday night’s finale.
Romney gets 5 pt bump from first full day at Republican convention
◼ Romney gets bump from first full day at Republican convention - Alexander Bolton/The Hill
Romney had a 43-percent favorable and 44-percent unfavorable rating in nine battleground states heading into the convention, according to an average compiled by Real Clear Politics.
A survey conducted by Wilson Perkins Allen Opinion Research in nine battle ground states Tuesday evening found Romney’s favorable rating among likely voters had jumped to 48 percent. His unfavorable rating dipped to 39....
Romney scored his highest favorable ratings in Virginia, North Carolina and Florida, according to the WPA Opinion Research poll.
◼ After only 1 day of the convention, Romney gets a 5 point bump. - Althouse
Romney had a 43-percent favorable and 44-percent unfavorable rating in nine battleground states heading into the convention, according to an average compiled by Real Clear Politics.
A survey conducted by Wilson Perkins Allen Opinion Research in nine battle ground states Tuesday evening found Romney’s favorable rating among likely voters had jumped to 48 percent. His unfavorable rating dipped to 39....
Romney scored his highest favorable ratings in Virginia, North Carolina and Florida, according to the WPA Opinion Research poll.
◼ After only 1 day of the convention, Romney gets a 5 point bump. - Althouse
◼ Reporter: Romneys 'Happy to Have a Party With Black People Drowning' - Daniel Halper/Weekly Standard
◼ OUT: YAHOO NEWS Chief Says Romneys 'Happy to Have a Party When Black People Drown'... - John Nolte/Breitbart
◼ Actress Ellen Barkin Hopes Storm Kills 'Every Pro-Life, Xenophobic, Gay-Bashing SOB'…
◼ Samuel L. Jackson asks why Republicans 'spared'... - The Hill's Twitter Room
◼ Conservative Actor Jon Voight reacts to Ellen Barkin's 'Foul hatemongering'...
◼ Conservative Actor Jon Voight reacts to Ellen Barkin - Peggy Noonan/Wall St. Journal
◼ OUT: YAHOO NEWS Chief Says Romneys 'Happy to Have a Party When Black People Drown'... - John Nolte/Breitbart
This is who the media is. This is what Romney and all Republicans are up against. In what atmosphere does a so-called reporter feel comfortable firing off this kind of vicious joke?◼ WIKIPEDIA vandals call Mia Love 'dirty, worthless whore,' 'house nigger'...
Well, the answer is easy: In an atmosphere where you're surrounded in a bubble by elite, ignorant, hate-mongering, ideologically-bigoted leftists just like yourself.
◼ Actress Ellen Barkin Hopes Storm Kills 'Every Pro-Life, Xenophobic, Gay-Bashing SOB'…
◼ Samuel L. Jackson asks why Republicans 'spared'... - The Hill's Twitter Room
◼ Conservative Actor Jon Voight reacts to Ellen Barkin's 'Foul hatemongering'...
◼ Conservative Actor Jon Voight reacts to Ellen Barkin - Peggy Noonan/Wall St. Journal
◼ the true theme of the 2012 election, which Ann Romney and Chris Christie expressed equally well in different ways, is about the end of dangerous illusions. “You didn’t build that” is one of them, but there are others, and they’re all killing us. - John Hayward/Human Events @Doc_0
Ann Romney spoke at length about love, marriage, and children, but her message will prove most dangerous to Democrats when it rests in the ears of single women. That’s one of the demographics political strategists say Republicans have the most trouble reaching. That’s because single women have proven particularly vulnerable to the empty promises and illusions peddled by the Left. They were the target audience for Obama’s bizarre “Life of Julia” web video, which presented an imaginary woman whose entire life was lived in the shadow of government dependency. Nothing of consequence “Julia” did – from childhood through her adult career and the raising of her own son, without a single mention of the hypothetical boy’s father – happened without assistance from a Big Government program… all of which, the reader was assured, heartless Republicans couldn’t wait to cut.
But Republicans aren’t going to cut those programs; reality is. It’s telling that Obama had to invent an imaginary woman to tell his little fable. “Julia” was born in 2012, and every promise of Big Government assistance Obama made beyond her teenage years was an utter lie. On the course he has set, there won’t be money for any of those things. Before Julia enters the workforce, the entire federal budget would be consumed by entitlement spending and debt service. None of those entitlements could possibly survive long enough for Julia to take advantage of them in her old age.
Ann Romney addressed this in one of the most widely-quoted passages from her speech:
“I’m not sure if men really understand this, but I don’t think there’s a woman in America who really expects her life to be easy. In our own ways, we all know better!
“And that’s fine. We don’t want easy. But these last few years have been harder than they needed to be. It’s all the little things – that price at the pump you just can’t believe, the grocery bills that just get bigger; all those things that used to be free, like school sports, are now one more bill to pay. It’s all the little things that pile up to become big things. And the big things – the good jobs, the chance at college, that home you want to buy, just get harder. Everything has become harder.
“We’re too smart to know there aren’t easy answers. But we’re not dumb enough to accept that there aren’t better answers.”
The notion that men and women don’t need each other – that a healthy society and economy can thrive without strong family relationships – is another deadly illusion that must be discarded. Uncle Sam cannot afford to fill the role of either Mother or Father any more, and really, he was never a proper substitute for either. The virtues Ann Romney extolled in her husband – competence, modesty, and a commitment to personal charity that he rarely discusses in public, because he’s not doing it to win applause – are vastly preferable to a flashy boyfriend who makes a lot of big promises, then vanishes in a cloud of overdue credit card bills. Our voluntary union in marriage, friendship, partnership, and corporate endeavor is vastly superior to involuntary dependence and servitude, both morally and practically.
Ann Romney spoke at length about love, marriage, and children, but her message will prove most dangerous to Democrats when it rests in the ears of single women. That’s one of the demographics political strategists say Republicans have the most trouble reaching. That’s because single women have proven particularly vulnerable to the empty promises and illusions peddled by the Left. They were the target audience for Obama’s bizarre “Life of Julia” web video, which presented an imaginary woman whose entire life was lived in the shadow of government dependency. Nothing of consequence “Julia” did – from childhood through her adult career and the raising of her own son, without a single mention of the hypothetical boy’s father – happened without assistance from a Big Government program… all of which, the reader was assured, heartless Republicans couldn’t wait to cut.
But Republicans aren’t going to cut those programs; reality is. It’s telling that Obama had to invent an imaginary woman to tell his little fable. “Julia” was born in 2012, and every promise of Big Government assistance Obama made beyond her teenage years was an utter lie. On the course he has set, there won’t be money for any of those things. Before Julia enters the workforce, the entire federal budget would be consumed by entitlement spending and debt service. None of those entitlements could possibly survive long enough for Julia to take advantage of them in her old age.
Ann Romney addressed this in one of the most widely-quoted passages from her speech:
“I’m not sure if men really understand this, but I don’t think there’s a woman in America who really expects her life to be easy. In our own ways, we all know better!
“And that’s fine. We don’t want easy. But these last few years have been harder than they needed to be. It’s all the little things – that price at the pump you just can’t believe, the grocery bills that just get bigger; all those things that used to be free, like school sports, are now one more bill to pay. It’s all the little things that pile up to become big things. And the big things – the good jobs, the chance at college, that home you want to buy, just get harder. Everything has become harder.
“We’re too smart to know there aren’t easy answers. But we’re not dumb enough to accept that there aren’t better answers.”
The notion that men and women don’t need each other – that a healthy society and economy can thrive without strong family relationships – is another deadly illusion that must be discarded. Uncle Sam cannot afford to fill the role of either Mother or Father any more, and really, he was never a proper substitute for either. The virtues Ann Romney extolled in her husband – competence, modesty, and a commitment to personal charity that he rarely discusses in public, because he’s not doing it to win applause – are vastly preferable to a flashy boyfriend who makes a lot of big promises, then vanishes in a cloud of overdue credit card bills. Our voluntary union in marriage, friendship, partnership, and corporate endeavor is vastly superior to involuntary dependence and servitude, both morally and practically.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Ann Romney's Speech at the Convention
◼ Ann Romney offers the human side of Mitt Romney - Caroline May/Daily Caller
◼ Ann Romney at the RNC - Jennifer Rubin/Washington Post
◼ Ann Romney's home run - Brent Budowsky/The Hill
◼ Full Text: Ann Romney's Speech at the Republican National Convention:
Ann Romney today delivered remarks to the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. The following remarks were prepared for delivery:
Republican National Convention 2012: Artur Davis
Artur Davis
◼ Artur Davis Electrifies RNC - Ben Shapiro/Breitbart
Former Rep. Artur Davis (D-AL), the man who gave one of the nomination speeches for President Barack Obama before becoming a Republican and moving to Virginia, spoke tonight at the Republican National Committee, where he electrified the crowd with a spectacular attack on the presidency of Barack Obama. His central appeal was to independents and Democrats, whom he implored to reconsider their support of the failed president.
2012 GOP Convention 8/28 LIVESTREAM
If you have any trouble with the embedded stream above, click on the YouTube in the lower right corner to view directly on YouTube. ◼ And, The Right Scoop has multiple alternate streams here.
◼ Via Hillbuzz It looks like CSPAN has a live stream that seems stable and reliable.
Tuesday Evening, August 28, 2012
Remarks by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
Video and remarks by Mayor Mia Love (Saratoga Springs, UT), U.S. congressional candidate
Remarks by Janine Turner
Remarks by former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum
Remarks by Host, U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Remarks by Governor John Kasich (OH)
Remarks by Governor Mary Fallin (OK)
Remarks by Governor Bob McDonnell (VA), accompanied by Bev Gray
Remarks by Governor Scott Walker (WI)
Remarks by Sher Valenzuela (small business owner, candidate for DE Lt. Governor
Remarks by Senate Republican Candidate Ted Cruz (TX)
Remarks by Artur Davis
Remarks by Governor Nikki Haley (SC)
Remarks by Mrs. Ann Romney
Remarks by Governor Chris Christie (NJ)
Benediction by Sammy Rodriguez
The Governors speak: You better believe we built this, baby
◼ Earlier today at a campaign stop in Iowa, President Obama took a sarcastic swipe at the Republican National Convention’s economic agenda. - Erika Johnsen
“This week in Tampa, my opponents will offer you their agenda. It should be a pretty entertaining show,” he said at a campaign rally at Iowa State University. ”And I’m sure they’ll have some wonderful things to say about me.Uh huh. Well, Mr. President, a whole gamut of Republican governors did indeed take to the stage to refute your erroneous “top-down” baloney this evening, in the knowledge that a huge, meddlesome bureaucracy that thinks it knows best and taxes success is the real definition of “top-down.” And who better poised to talk about the successes of creating economies actually grown from the “middle-out” by rolling back red tape, lowering taxes, encouraging entrepreneurs, and realizing that individuals not government are the real job creators, than Republican governors seeing micro-successes within their own laboratories of democracy.
“But what you won’t hear from them is a path forward that meets the challenges of our time.”
Obama asserted that the message Republicans will unveil in Tampa will be laced with the top-down economic philosophy that failed America in the past decade.
Hurricane Christie rolls in...
◼ Chris Christie disses Jerry Brown as 'an old retread' - LA Times via Drudge
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie ripped California Gov. Jerry Brown on Monday, saying that the state’s voters should have elected Meg Whitman but instead went with a “retread” who is failing to lead.
“California made the bad choice by going with an old retread," Christie told California’s delegation to the Republican National Convention, a crowd that lapped up his message. “Let me tell you this – I cannot believe you people elected Jerry Brown over Meg Whitman. … Jerry Brown. Jerry Brown? I mean, he won the New Jersey presidential primary over Jimmy Carter when I was 14 years old.”
Ann Romney: 'This Man Will Lift Up America!'
◼ “At every turn in his life, this man I met at a high school dance, has helped lift up others." - Daniel Halper/ Weekly Standard
◼ Sneek Peak at Ann Romney's Speech: "My Husband Is An Alien Robot Who Eats The Poor To Fuel His Radioactive Heart!" - Ace of Spades
Media coverage scarcely resembles the actual GOP convention.
◼ The Exact Opposite of Truth - Robert Stacy McCain/American Spectator
TAMPA, Florida -- The Republican Party has spared no expense to accommodate the hundreds of journalists who have come here to write dishonest stories aimed at preventing the GOP from winning this year's election.
If you've been following major media coverage of the Republican National Convention, you know that the party's presidential candidate is Todd Akin, who will campaign this fall on a platform of undiluted hatred and evil, with the able assistance of his running mate, Martin Bormann Jr. The Akin-Bormann ticket was personally selected by RNC Chairman Rush Limbaugh and endorsed by Karl Rove after consultation with a secretive cabal of right-wing Mormon billionaires. The Republican delegates who are assembling this week in Tampa are mere dupes hired by the Koch brothers to provide the superficial appearance of a "political convention" debating a platform and nominating candidates.
Such is the narrative subtext of most of the GOP convention coverage, which is provided by a political press corps that is overwhelmingly composed of people who would never vote for any Republican under any imaginable circumstance....
Hundreds of reporters have come to Tampa with plans to cover something other than the actual Republican convention. Instead, they are here seeking "proof" of their own preconceived partisan prejudices and it is amazing (as I sit here in the lavishly appointed Media Filing Center downtown) to see how the Republican Party has spared no expense in welcoming its most ferocious and dangerous enemies. If you believe what you see in most convention coverage, you will think of Republicans as the Evil Party of Greedy Haters, a frightening conclave of grim and ferocious extremists. Everything the GOP does here in Tampa will be portrayed as insincere, corrupt, scandalous or (best of all) "controversial." When Democrats convene next week in Charlotte, however, everything Obama and his supporters do will be portrayed as warm, wonderful, and honest. The reporters delivering these contrasting depictions of the two parties do not consider themselves as engaged in partisan advocacy. Rather, in the minds of the liberal media, they are simply reporting the objective truth.
TAMPA, Florida -- The Republican Party has spared no expense to accommodate the hundreds of journalists who have come here to write dishonest stories aimed at preventing the GOP from winning this year's election.
If you've been following major media coverage of the Republican National Convention, you know that the party's presidential candidate is Todd Akin, who will campaign this fall on a platform of undiluted hatred and evil, with the able assistance of his running mate, Martin Bormann Jr. The Akin-Bormann ticket was personally selected by RNC Chairman Rush Limbaugh and endorsed by Karl Rove after consultation with a secretive cabal of right-wing Mormon billionaires. The Republican delegates who are assembling this week in Tampa are mere dupes hired by the Koch brothers to provide the superficial appearance of a "political convention" debating a platform and nominating candidates.
Such is the narrative subtext of most of the GOP convention coverage, which is provided by a political press corps that is overwhelmingly composed of people who would never vote for any Republican under any imaginable circumstance....
Hundreds of reporters have come to Tampa with plans to cover something other than the actual Republican convention. Instead, they are here seeking "proof" of their own preconceived partisan prejudices and it is amazing (as I sit here in the lavishly appointed Media Filing Center downtown) to see how the Republican Party has spared no expense in welcoming its most ferocious and dangerous enemies. If you believe what you see in most convention coverage, you will think of Republicans as the Evil Party of Greedy Haters, a frightening conclave of grim and ferocious extremists. Everything the GOP does here in Tampa will be portrayed as insincere, corrupt, scandalous or (best of all) "controversial." When Democrats convene next week in Charlotte, however, everything Obama and his supporters do will be portrayed as warm, wonderful, and honest. The reporters delivering these contrasting depictions of the two parties do not consider themselves as engaged in partisan advocacy. Rather, in the minds of the liberal media, they are simply reporting the objective truth.
◼ Foul-Mouthed Moonbat Gripes About Lack of Tampa Protesters - Moonbattery
◼ Protesters from Code Pink try to arrest Condoleezza Rice - ClickOrlando
◼ 2012 Republican Convention: Protesters Dressed as Vaginas Greet Delegates - Hollywood Reporter
Maybe Dennis Miller should represent the RNC for all future MSNBC interviews
◼ On Twitter earlier Michelle asked rhetorically if Dennis Miller could fill in for Reince Priebus during any subsequent MSNBC interviews. The reason was the way Miller hit back during his appearance on the Tonight Show when Leno started carrying the “war on women” water for the Dems. - Doug Powers/Michelle Malkin
◼ link
We are a nation made great by the extraordinary aspirations of ordinary men and women who summoned the inner drive, discipline and persistent effort to achieve their dreams within a free enterprise system that enabled them to do so.
America's entrepreneurs ask not for guarantees of success, but only for the chance to try; by seeking merely the opportunity to apply our God-given talents in single-minded devotion to our goals, we have earned every right to demand that government does not impede our path.
Across the nation, Republican governors have summoned the courage to return to the principles that allow entrepreneurs to create jobs: limiting spending, reducing debt and restraining unnecessary regulation.
While they have achieved success in restoring economic vitality in their states, their efforts have been frustrated by the Obama administration, whose policies have stifled job creation and hindered economic growth.
Those policies have failed because Barack Obama believes that it is government, not individual Americans, that produces economic growth and creates jobs.
Mitt Romney knows better. The engine of prosperity is fueled by American men and women with dreams and determination to create a better future for themselves and their families. Mitt Romney wants to give them the tools and the freedom they need to do so - and to let them keep more of what they work so hard for.
Tampa Mayor says it's "going smoothly" The Tampa Bay Times reports that "Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn told reporters Monday morning that things were going smoothly so far for his city -- both from the effects of Tropical Storm Isaac and the first protests associated with the Republican National Convention." ◼ (Article here)
U.S. Debt Clock unveiled Noting the unveiling of a national debt clock mounted inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum, CNN Newsroom highlights the fact that the debt "will obviously continue to balloon during the four days in Tampa." That's exactly the point Republicans want to drive home during the convention, and small wonder: the debt is now approaching $16 trillion-with a bullet. Says CNN of the debt clock's placement in the Tampa Bay Times Forum: "That's what you call seizing the narrative and getting the economic debate front and center."
Social Media at the RNC" Social media is an emerging political background," reports Fox News today in a story highlighting Republican efforts to "(level) the digital playing field." Convention Press Secretary Kyle Downey says the importance of social media "gives us four-days to focus our message and to deliver it unfiltered." Adds Fox: "According to experts, Republicans have effectively erased the social media edge" once held by Democrats.
Teenage delegate a star in Tampa Politico follows the youngest delegate who'll be casting a vote to nominate the next president of the United States -- 17-year old Evan Draim, a northern Virginia high school senior. Draim's presence, Politico says, shows that "young doesn't have to mean disengaged or liberal." (Video here)
◼ #GOP2012 About the 2012 Republican National Convention
The 2012 Republican National Convention will be held at the Tampa Bay Times Forum August 27-30, 2012. Nearly 50,000 visitors are expected to come to the Tampa Bay area for the event, including delegates, alternate delegates, media and other guests. For more information about the 2012 Republican National Convention, become part of the virtual convention at ◼, visit our website and check out our official blog, Conventional Wisdom, at ◼
We are a nation made great by the extraordinary aspirations of ordinary men and women who summoned the inner drive, discipline and persistent effort to achieve their dreams within a free enterprise system that enabled them to do so.
America's entrepreneurs ask not for guarantees of success, but only for the chance to try; by seeking merely the opportunity to apply our God-given talents in single-minded devotion to our goals, we have earned every right to demand that government does not impede our path.
Across the nation, Republican governors have summoned the courage to return to the principles that allow entrepreneurs to create jobs: limiting spending, reducing debt and restraining unnecessary regulation.
While they have achieved success in restoring economic vitality in their states, their efforts have been frustrated by the Obama administration, whose policies have stifled job creation and hindered economic growth.
Those policies have failed because Barack Obama believes that it is government, not individual Americans, that produces economic growth and creates jobs.
Mitt Romney knows better. The engine of prosperity is fueled by American men and women with dreams and determination to create a better future for themselves and their families. Mitt Romney wants to give them the tools and the freedom they need to do so - and to let them keep more of what they work so hard for.
Tampa Mayor says it's "going smoothly" The Tampa Bay Times reports that "Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn told reporters Monday morning that things were going smoothly so far for his city -- both from the effects of Tropical Storm Isaac and the first protests associated with the Republican National Convention." ◼ (Article here)
U.S. Debt Clock unveiled Noting the unveiling of a national debt clock mounted inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum, CNN Newsroom highlights the fact that the debt "will obviously continue to balloon during the four days in Tampa." That's exactly the point Republicans want to drive home during the convention, and small wonder: the debt is now approaching $16 trillion-with a bullet. Says CNN of the debt clock's placement in the Tampa Bay Times Forum: "That's what you call seizing the narrative and getting the economic debate front and center."
Social Media at the RNC" Social media is an emerging political background," reports Fox News today in a story highlighting Republican efforts to "(level) the digital playing field." Convention Press Secretary Kyle Downey says the importance of social media "gives us four-days to focus our message and to deliver it unfiltered." Adds Fox: "According to experts, Republicans have effectively erased the social media edge" once held by Democrats.
Teenage delegate a star in Tampa Politico follows the youngest delegate who'll be casting a vote to nominate the next president of the United States -- 17-year old Evan Draim, a northern Virginia high school senior. Draim's presence, Politico says, shows that "young doesn't have to mean disengaged or liberal." (Video here)
◼ #GOP2012 About the 2012 Republican National Convention
The 2012 Republican National Convention will be held at the Tampa Bay Times Forum August 27-30, 2012. Nearly 50,000 visitors are expected to come to the Tampa Bay area for the event, including delegates, alternate delegates, media and other guests. For more information about the 2012 Republican National Convention, become part of the virtual convention at ◼, visit our website and check out our official blog, Conventional Wisdom, at ◼
RNC Is Pushing to Eliminate Grassroots Influence
◼ Yesterday, Michael Duncan reported at Freedom Works on a brewing fight in the rules committee of the RNC. Essentially, the Rules Committee is trying to disenfranchise grassroots groups by allowing the party nominee to dismiss delegates and silence opposition. - Gateway Pundit
◼ Buzz Feed explained this new rule:
◼ GOP Rules Committee Rapidly Moving to Shut Out Grassroots at 2:00 p.m. Today - RedState
◼ Mark Levin weighs in: Damn it, defeat this RINO power grab!
◼ Update from Freedom Works:
◼ Buzz Feed explained this new rule:
The Republican National Convention Rules Committee voted 63-38 to approve a new rule allowing granting the Republican National Committee — and Mitt Romney — sweeping new powers to amend the governing document of the GOP.The ramifications for grassroots activist and state GOPs are vast. This rule change would allow a candidate to select his or her own delegates, essentially allowing the nominee to get to choose those who nominate him instead of the states. This proposed rule change is starting to sound more like an Obama executive order.
The move came at the encouragement of Mitt Romney supporters on the committee, including Romney’s top lawyer Ben Ginsberg, who stressed that it would grant “flexibility” to Romney and the committee to adapt to changing political environments. The rule allows the RNC to amend the party’s rules without a vote by the full Republican National Convention. And it offers the Republican Establishment a new tool to keep at b[a]y Tea Party initiatives that threaten to embarrass or contradict party leadership and stray from a planned message.
◼ GOP Rules Committee Rapidly Moving to Shut Out Grassroots at 2:00 p.m. Today - RedState
At 2:00 p.m. today in Tampa, the Republican National Committee, led by Team Romney, is moving to shut down conservative grassroots activists. I’ve been on the phone with several individuals involved in the fight who tell me that the fight is not over, it is only just starting.◼ Sarah Palin weighs in:
Specifically, the media is reporting that the rules fight is over because Team Romney is abandoning Ben Ginsberg’s effort to allow candidates to control delegates. Under an initial proposal, delegates would, in effect, be chosen by the presumed nominee’s campaign and not based on votes in the states and delegate selection processes in the states.
That issue appears resolved, but several people I’ve spoken to this morning make clear that Team Romney and the RNC establishment are using that compromise as a red herring to distract from two major rules change proposals that would decimate Republican grassroots and prevent upstart political campaigns.
Reports that the floor fight threat is over might be designed to calm the grassroots and get them to ignore what is coming at 2 o’clock....
At 2:00 p.m. today in Tampa, the Republican National Committee, led by Team Romney, is moving to shut down conservative grassroots activists. I’ve been on the phone with several individuals involved in the fight who tell me that the fight is not over, it is only just starting.
Specifically, the media is reporting that the rules fight is over because Team Romney is abandoning Ben Ginsberg’s effort to allow candidates to control delegates. Under an initial proposal, delegates would, in effect, be chosen by the presumed nominee’s campaign and not based on votes in the states and delegate selection processes in the states.
That issue appears resolved, but several people I’ve spoken to this morning make clear that Team Romney and the RNC establishment are using that compromise as a red herring to distract from two major rules change proposals that would decimate Republican grassroots and prevent upstart political campaigns.
Reports that the floor fight threat is over might be designed to calm the grassroots and get them to ignore what is coming at 2 o’clock.
We have to remember that this election is not just about replacing the party in power. It's about who and what we replace it with. Grassroots conservatives know this. Without the energy and wisdom of the grassroots, the GOP would not have had the historic 2010 electoral victories. That's why the controversial rule change being debated at the RNC convention right now is so very disappointing. It's a direct attack on grassroots activists by the GOP establishment, and it must be rejected. Please follow the link to Michelle Malkin's article about this.◼ Floor fight: Grass-roots activists battle attempt to rig GOP convention delegate rules Updated: Party bosses offer olive branch; Palin: “direct attack on the grass-roots;” RNC power grab showdown 2pm; Rush weighs in; purge underway? - Michelle Malkin
◼ Mark Levin weighs in: Damn it, defeat this RINO power grab!
◼ Update from Freedom Works:
Basically, this so-called “compromise” on delegate selection in Rule 15 means nothing as long as Rule 12 allows the RNC to change the rules without oversight. Rule 12 would enable an RNC chairman to enact almost any rules change he or she desired, centralizing control of the party and removing the input of grassroots activists. This is an insider, establishment shell game at its worst.
Please call your state’s Rules Committee delegates here and ask that they oppose the “compromise” on Rule 15, oppose the changes to Rule 12, and support the full Minority Reports on the Rules. (Phone numbers at Malkin's link)
Thank you.
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